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Everything posted by BeardownAZ

  1. BeardownAZ

    Which Knife Sharpener?

    Bought the Harbor Freight 1x30 belt sander. Bought some sharpening belts and leather strop for it. Been messing with it on and off. It definitely gets the knives hair popping sharp but there is a bit of practice to it and more of a learning curve to it then the Work Sharp. With some more time and different belts I think the knives could get even sharper then what Ive gotten them. Not that they are really needed any more sharp. Of course you could spend $900 or more on a Wicked Edge too .
  2. BeardownAZ

    How bout them Devils!

    They totally blew a very winnable game.
  3. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Today Governor Rick Scott signed a bill making the legal age in Florida to buy a long gun to the age of 21, amongst other things in the bill. His emotions clouded his judgment to reasonably lead people in a trying time. He has tied the hands of anyone under the age of 21 from legally defending themselves with a firearm. This is one more law that will be the nail in the coffin of the 2nd amendment by a man that was supposed to be a great proponent of our rights according to the NRA. Instead, he tucked tail like a coward and sided with those who are willing to give up freedom and liberty for false security. History will not judge people like him well. If Rick Scott can so easily change, so can any other governor. This should have everyone's attention.
  4. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Ill put this in a language some on this site seem to only understand. Hunting. Does it makes sense to outlaw hunting altogether because of crooks who poach or raise the minimum age cause the poacher was 19? Do really think that would stop a dam thing? To those who think this topic is just a matter of opinion need to seriously reevaluate some things in life. We are talking about something people have died to keep. And something people would die to have. Think about whats at stake right now in this country.
  5. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    If you aren’t competent enough to own a firearm at 18 then you aren’t competent enough to vote, get married, serve in the military and other things. If we as a society have de evolved to the point that our young people aren’t mature enough to handle these responsibilities, then we have to look at the whole picture and not just firearms because a few bad apples lost there minds. But this isn’t about any of that. This will end up being nothing more then a start to a erosion of our rights and more power and control to the government. Some of the responses on here are very discouraging. Some are very encouraging.
  6. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    So like 8 year olds should be able to buy guns? I was camping 1/2 mile from the house and carrying a shot gun at 8. First .22 at 5 (I still have it) hunting birds alone at 10. So is it age that determines gun ownership or is it proper up bringing? But did you buy it? NO. Some adult figured you were competent enough to do so right? When me and my wife leave the house I leave a loaded 380 or 9 with my son with instructions for a worse case scenario. I determined I trust him in this situation. When I'm home it's back in my control. Do I think he should be able to go out and buy one now? Heck no. But at 18 I'm fine with it with some sort of screening. I think you guys are misunderstanding coach's point. It's not about the age as much as making sure the person is competent. And who determines the competency? A two bit politician or some agency with a political axe to grind??
  7. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    Don't lump us all into the same category. I am 100% against the law. It could start a trend among other states.If an 18 year old can vote, as well as fight and die for this country, they deserve the right to purchase firearms. These sellout politicians always enact "feel good" laws to appease the sheep. I'm not saying literally everyone on this site is a Fudd, I was referring to the ones who think like Coach and are ok with government dictating to them what they can and can't do.
  8. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    This is just the beginning. If anything, this is going to embolden them like never before.
  9. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    I shouldn't be so surprised of all the Fudds on here willing to sellout. How are me and Trphyhntr the only ones seeing all this as bullcrap?!?! Quit capitulating and stand with some backbone and realize our rights are on the line.
  10. BeardownAZ

    Florida and Governor Rick Scott

    How quickly this country is sliding is sickening
  11. BeardownAZ

    Which Knife Sharpener?

    Belt sanders have after market guides for the exact purpose of sharpening blades to the right angles. Seriously you should look into it. I was literally getting ready to order a Work sharp and stumbled on to the videos and topic of knife sharpening. Not saying the Work Sharp is not a good item, I think its probably a great item, but with a little practice, it seems the belt sander is at minimum equal and more due to multi purpose aspect. Just my $.02
  12. BeardownAZ

    Which Knife Sharpener?

    Yes it is a smaller belt sander basically. Wonder though if the actual belt sander is better then the worksharp? Seems knife makers use a belt sander and you can actually get into a belt sander that is cheaper then a Worksharp that has multiple uses. I'm gonna give the Harbor Freight belt sander a try. With a 20 percent off coupon its under $50 and has good reviews.
  13. BeardownAZ

    Results up!

    I'm hearing a lot of issues with people saying its showing no draw and no bonus points including hunter ed. That's really screwed up if that's true and they don't fix it.
  14. BeardownAZ

    Which Knife Sharpener?

    Watching some videos on Youtube, it seems that the belt sander is the way to go if you don't need portable.
  15. Who the heck has access to live satellite feeds?? Elon Musk?? Cell cameras use cellular towers not satellite, I'm I correct?? And this is why we don't want more government in our lives.
  16. BeardownAZ

    Police: Son knocked dad out in fight over dinnertime texting

    I would of been beat within a inch of my life before I could of even thought about throwing a punch. I would divorce that shitbird of a wife of his for picking that punk up too.
  17. BeardownAZ

    Pig tags

    They seemed to be near water and in the thick nasty stuff. Not much movement outside of that. It was really, really warm this year pretty much all winter long and didn't get any kind of cool down till just last week or so and that was short lived. I saw maybe one camp and maybe one other hunter out the entire time I went out and that was between the HAM and General hunt. Ask the warden or ranchers in your area if they think the numbers are down or if they think it was weather related. Hard to tell for sure just during a hunt but someone who is out year around would know.
  18. BeardownAZ

    AK pig

    Didn't get out to finally hunt till today at 1130. Didn't see anything but lots of sign. Headed to different area around 430 and called this guy and one other near a waterer in the flats. My son saw him coming in and once I turned, he caught our movement and headed away from us. He slowed down and I hit him at about 75 yards away. Alot of fun seeing them come to a call.
  19. BeardownAZ

    AK pig

  20. BeardownAZ

    AK pig

    Yes it's a javelina with my Arsenal SLR 107 laying across it. I've had trouble getting pics to download on this site lately not sure if its my phone or what.
  21. BeardownAZ

    Short Hunt

    well that's not any fun,lol
  22. BeardownAZ

    20B Javelina

    Not sure about the unit, but my limited experience tells me that ideal conditions are cold, but sunny and no wind. They seem to not like wind. Our HAM hunt was very hot and dry and that seemed to keep them bedded or holed up in the really thick nasty washes and going to water late evening and mostly active at night. I bet even with the recent rains they are still close(mile or 2) to water sources. But if its cold and sunny, they should be out in the sun feeding and warming up. I am hoping to get out tomorrow and see if this colder weather helped. Good luck!
  23. BeardownAZ

    Unit 33 Out of State

    I second going back to places you've seen them before. I killed one last year in a area I used to see them all the way back in 1998 and I hadn't hunted in that area since.
  24. BeardownAZ

    Show me your success! Im unable to chase right now. :(

    They are underestimated for sure. On a separate note, anyone else realize how dang hot it is right now? Every pig we’ve seen today has been near water.