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Everything posted by CruiseforCoues

  1. CruiseforCoues

    Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

    Just wondering what anyone recommends for gear, Calls etc. This is my first ever Elk tag, I have plenty of experienced help but don't want to rely solely on anyone for help. Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated!
  2. CruiseforCoues

    Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

    Ya one thing for sure is being in shape but I stay in shape but I know its not enough for such a demanding hunt. As far as beer drinking, not much of a drinker anymore and luckily I shoot regularly. Good thing about living in little towns no city slickers calling cops when they see you shooting from your street to the back yard lol
  3. CruiseforCoues

    Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

    Lol... darn that's all my wife has been talking about is buying a hoochie mama!
  4. CruiseforCoues

    Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

    Gotcha and to think I was just going to buy a point this year!3 points and first time putting in for unit 1
  5. CruiseforCoues

    Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

    yeah I have a decent pack and another frame pack as well just curious what type of calls anybody recommends, cover scent camo I shoot Matthews with Gold Tip arrowss g5 strikers just curious if anyone thinks that's good enough
  6. CruiseforCoues

    Has Anyone Deer Hunted Mount Lemmon Before?

    Just came from there this evening did road hunting because I had my wife and our 2yr old with me, but I didnt go up very far. I go up from the north side because i live in Oracle but thats what I plan on doing this weekend because I to see them all the time. No deer tonight but i did shoot me a fox with my bow first one ever Good luck and hope to see your pics soon
  7. CruiseforCoues

    123" Velvet Buck

    WOW just WOW!!!! Beautiful
  8. CruiseforCoues


    Awesome job some times we are the ones that should be paid for our service!! LOL
  9. CruiseforCoues

    Camera Theft

    Well I thought today would be a good day to go check one of my Cameras and share some pics with everyone, boy was I wrong! I got to the top of the Hill that I glass from to see if there were any deer around the general area of where my camera is as I usually do and just as the sun gave me enough light to be able to see, right away there I could see my Camera with the front cover wide open!!! I knew right away that my memory card was gone. I get to my camera and just as I thought card gone. There was an attempt to cut straps but I guess they figured it was quicker to take my card. And I was Really looking forward to what I might have had on my camera. So good luck to who ever took my Camera because I know what Deer have been in there and I know after you see the pics youwill be back and I will be there as well so while your wondering where the deer are coming from?You should be more worried about where I'm coming from!!!! Here's a pic of a couple of the Bucks I took a few weeks ago thru my Bino's
  10. CruiseforCoues

    Camera Theft

    Just the card,but they did try to cut the straps but had no luck because i wrapped it in wire mesh. Yes those Bucks are two of the littler 6 I've been watching
  11. CruiseforCoues

    Still can't get results

    I've been trying since 1pm to get thru on the phone or online, it keeps letting me get to as far as entering my info and then it boots me off line and phone is still busy!!!! Is there not a better way to handle the results like maybe send everyone an email say yes or no...
  12. CruiseforCoues

    Bowtech insanity!!!!!

    2nd that! I agree on Switchback, I havent shot mine since last January.. I pulled it out of the case today and shot during my lunch hr at work and Still dead on out to 60 yds with no problems at all but to each their own and it is prob the best feeling bow I have owned to date
  13. CruiseforCoues

    Fourth Buck of the Season!

    Cool pics and Great Bucks, not sure if it was on purpose but I like the Shed on the Rock in the Picture of the part of the Ranch...
  14. CruiseforCoues

    Unit 37 Coues

    They are still hanging out around that area, I've seen a few whitetail doe to this day hanging out by Black Mountain even as far to 96 ranch rd
  15. CruiseforCoues

    wide buck

    Apache7mm I don't care if the other guy post his pics of his buck, you just made my year with your photos..... Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!
  16. CruiseforCoues


    I like to use the heat seat from Walmart... Its a camo memory foam cushion you can clip on to your belt loop and walk with it hanging on your butt and its there when you sit down to glass and it only cost $3 its the round one they also have a flat one
  17. CruiseforCoues

    Dads First Deer

    Hey Joe tell your Dad I said Congrats on his Buck,glad to see you guys couls spend it together.... Richard M Rubal (AKA CruiseforCoues)
  18. CruiseforCoues

    24b 2nd Hunt

    Let me start by saying congrats to all that have tagged out this year so far, a lot of nice bucks coming in. Well my hunt started off like everyone elses I'm sure! With the wind blowing so hard that your tent is laying down smacking the you know what out of you . So Friday morning I wake up to probably the worst wind I have incountered on a hunt ever, it just made me think of going back to bed, na I'm no sissy Anyway I pick my partner up who had the day off and offered to come out and lend an extra set of eyes (thanks Angel) so we get to a spot where I had seen a couple of bucks while scouting but like every where else that day we saw nothing but does, and everyone we talked to was saying the same thing they saw nothing but doe. Saturday Morning a little bit of the same, Wind blowing so hard you just think how crappy a day it's going to be. So I decide to head back to where I was Friday morning but this time it's just me but like every other time i go out alone good things happen. So I sit there and glass these canyons hoping that just maybe 1 buck will get tired of being held up in the bottom somewhere and come out, but after about an hour nothing moves. So I decide to head back to a canyon that a buddy of mine and I had found a couple of bucks, after about an hour of glassing I decide to pack it up and head else where but on my way back to the Rhino I stop and decide to look at a mountain that had burned in the fire and was totaly out of the wind so I figured hey why not it can't hurt to glass real quick. So I set up my tripod and Swarovski 15x56 and wouldn't you know 3 bucks feeding in the burn about a 3/4 of a mile away. I see a spike and two 2points and decide why not if I can get close enough for a shot my windy days could be over. So I head up the hill to a spot that would give me my only chance with out being spotted I range the bigger buck @ 419 yds so I set up my gun in the prone position because I'm shooting up hill about 30 degree angle I squeeze off and hit low but the bucks just stand there as a big puff of dirt and ash from all the burn fills the air. So I rack another bullet get back on the Buck who is still just standing there and squeeze the trigger again only to see the same result, but this time the two smaller bucks decide to take off running now its panic mode for me and the deer, and if I don't get another shot off quick he would top over the ridge with the two smaller bucks and I dang sure wouldn't be going after . So as this Buck starts to run I try and lead him and pull the trigger once again as he's running he suddenly stumbles forward and starts to shake his head, so i'm thinking I just smaked him and he's going down! Well as I wait about 30 seconds he starts to walk up to the top of the ridge now I know he's gone for sure but now my gun is empty and I realize my sling has no bullets in it and my back pack is about 30 ft behind me so I quickly crawl back to my pack get my bullets, the whole time the buck stops feet from going over the ridge, I get 3 more shels in now I can't see him very well because the sun is glaring in my scope and all I can see is his back so I put my cross hairs on his back because now he's around 460yds again I pull the trigger this time he jumps straight up only because I hit the rock below himnow I know he's gone but instead he runs straight back down the hill about 30 yds and stops broad side, so as I look through my scope I see him kinda of swaying but he doesn't look hit. Now I know this shoot has to count because he won't hang around for another shot! I put my crosshairs right on his back pull the trigger SMACK he bucks up starts running down the hill (No Run Up) I jump on my Binoculars to watch where he goes and with in 40 yds I watch him nose dive and fold up!!!!!!! I'm pumped, excited, and relieved but now I have to go up and get him. When I finally get to him, as always I thank the good Lord for giving me the strength and ability to be able to hunt such a wonderful animal so after dressing him out I have to drag him down because I left my back pack and rifle back where I shot from, didn't want the extra weight when I went to get him. So after about an hour and half of dragging up and down and going back up for my stuff I get him in the back of the Rhino and head back to a camp that I've never been more happy nto take down. I hope to hear from the rest of you who had success in 24b and everywhere else and good luck to all the rest who still have hunts left!
  19. CruiseforCoues

    Who's hunting AZ Unit 24a

    I'm origanlly from Hayden but live in Apache Junction now, my Brother and Nephew drew tags in 24a Thanksgiving weekend I hope there is more activity then because i have 5 partners that just had the first hunt and none of them tagged out not because they were trophy hunting, only because they were not seeing any. I myself tagged out in 24b this weekend so hopefully i will be able to help them out.
  20. CruiseforCoues

    24b 2nd hunt

    Hey I see I wasn't the only one having a hard time finding something with Horns! I was fortunate enough to tag out Saturday morning. I shot a 2 point around 9:30 I glassed them up around 8:30 feeding in the burn area by Montana Mnt. I will post some pictures tonight, good luck hope you tag out.
  21. CruiseforCoues

    JR Hunt

    Anyone have any pictures to share yet? I have some friends that their son's have been succesful so as soon as i get permission i will share them with everyone! Ok here's a couple of nice first time bucks I'm still waiting for permission on one more but congrats to these guys from what I understand they made some nice shots!
  22. Hey out there I was hoping you guys could help me out! My nephew recently bought my brother a Weatherby 300 for Christmas and now he needs a Scope, he's kinda finacially limited to what he can buy and I have seen this Nikon BDC at different locations and was wondering if anyone owns or has used one any info would be great. P.S. the reason I am intersted in this scope is becaus of the Bullet Drop Comp on it but if someone knows of another scope for around $200 - $300 please let me know. Thank you and best wishes to all.
  23. CruiseforCoues

    Nikon Prostaff BDC Scope

    Hey STOMP442 thanks for the input ill look into that, i really do like the eye relief as well as clarity for such a low price.. What is or where is Midway?
  24. CruiseforCoues

    Fire in 24B

    Hey everyone I just wanted to share some photos of the fire that is burning just North West of Superior in unit 24b and my Opinion on the Forst Service just allowing it to burn its self out! From what I understand the fire started possibly Sunday from lightning at which that time was a small fire, well Tuesday I was sent to Superior to work for the day as I was driving east not only could you see smoke from that fire but you could see the fire that is currently burning in the Pinal Mountains as well (controlled burn that is now out of control ) As i came down Gonzales Pass I could see what looked to be a small cloud of smoke so I thought hey this is no big deal a couple of passes from a plane or drops from a helicopter and they got it, I was wrong a friend of mine had already called forest service and they said it was being monitored because no structures were in harms way. I understand that its expensive to fight a fire and that tax payers foot the bill but when it comes to country that is as beautiful as that,there should be no second guessing, they would rather let Hundreds or possibly thousands of acres burn and get out of control rather than say hey we need to get this out before it gets away from us. I was back in Superior today and when i put my Swaroski's on my window mount to see the damage i thought to my self what a shame all that wonderful Hunting land destroyed! The pictures I took were from Tuesday and today they dont show all the damage but give you an Idea of what could have been kept from spreading and destroying more than it did. Yes I do have a tag for this Unit incase your wondering, so if you have one for this unit as well you might want to get out when the fire is gone and maybe check out to see if this fire is going to help you or hurt you. From what i good glass from the Airport in Superior most of the fire burned along the west side of the switchbacks in a NW direction and some SE of it as well. Good luck to all who have tags this year and if I sound a little childish I apologize but i just think something should have been done! The first three pictures are from tuesday Approx times were from 9:00 am til 4pm and the last three were from today around 11:30 am All these were taken thru my Swarovski 15x56 at about 4 miles away so sorry if they are hard to see
  25. CruiseforCoues

    Nikon Prostaff BDC Scope

    Hey thanks for the input, i was actually looking for a new scope for my 300 win. Mag what exactlly is the Dead Hold Bdc sounds like we might buy 2 of them thanks to your input