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Everything posted by rogeti

  1. rogeti

    Wolves moving West

    Arizona’s Game and Fish Commission supports Congressional efforts to delist gray wolves Dec. 4, 2010 PHOENIX — After a lengthy meeting, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission (Commission) today voted 4-1 to support Congressional actions to delist the gray wolf from protection under the Endangered Species Act. The Commission sees this as an opportunity to break through the gridlock in the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction program and welcomes the opportunity to manage this important species. The Commission desires to work with every stakeholder, and all who are willing to come to the table to negotiate and seek solutions to issues. Local governments, sportsmen, livestock operators, and environmentalists have all reiterated support for Mexican gray wolf conservation in Arizona, as does the Commission. To learn about the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s role in the Mexican gray wolf reintroduction, visit www.azgfd.gov/wolf. I got this from the AZGFD email
  2. rogeti

    Duck Recipes --- who has a good one?

    duck is good in stir fry. I killed a green wing teal today and i plan on making some philly duck steak sandwiches. I got the recipe off of ducks unlimited website. Ducks Unlimited recipes
  3. They were burning behind TV Knoll and it got away from them and went to US 60. They caught it and had it under control. the flame lengths were huge. and you can still see the glow of the fire burning towards Round Valley.
  4. rogeti

    spring draw results are out.

    Got 27 Turkey and 27 javelina for me, my dad and sister
  5. rogeti

    2010 Last Day

    He was pretty symmetrical on both sides, so the the first was 4, then , 3.75, then 3
  6. I think I am on a lucky streak for my coues hunting. After heading back to camp last year and shooting my buck right at last shooting light, it happened again. I had parked my truck where there had been a city of tents and trailers all weekend. I left at 6 yesterday morning to head to a new area, because I just stopped seeing deer in the area i was hunting. After taking the wrong road i ended up at a pond, so i headed up the ridge and made it above the pond when 3 small bucks and a doe came down the opposing ridge. they were at about 125 yards. I watched them for 30 min as they sparred and chased each other around. I was very tempted to take a shot at the biggest of the 3 bucks, and he was only a small 3 X 2. They finally left and i stayed went up the ridge and saw another spike. I was feeling good about this new place. i stayed til 5 and saw only 4 does.(My headlights are out on my 4 wheeler) So i left outta there in hopes to catch a buck crossing or just anything. After i got on the main road i took off and a pretty fast pace. I figured i wouldnt see anything( and a new episode of The Office was coming on at 8) and i was atleast an hour from town. So was haulin down the road and i missed the first turnoff to my little camp spot where my truck was parked. i went about 25 yards and i looked to my right and there stands a deer and its a buck( A good buck) so i look straight and then it hits me that was a deer i could shoot. So i finally got the 4 wheeler stopped and i tried to get my gun out of the scabbard. I pulled and pulled then finally it gave loose. I got off the road and there the buck stands at maybe 30-40 yards broadside. i pull up and look and i make sure he is not a mule deer. i shoot my .22-250 and the deer rears back like a horse and takes off and makes a loop so i shoot again and miss. it is almost dark and im thinking dang i need to get my flash light. but everything happened so fast i just took off towards the way deer was running. i made it to the treeline and there he lays in the weeds. I made a great shot right through the lungs. Literally this deer was less than 100 yards from my truck. if i were to shoot from my truck it would have been 100 yards. we scored him last night and was at 90 1/2. I hike my butt off and this is how it ends up 2 years in a row!!!!
  7. rogeti

    Unit 27 Opening Day

    Here is my unit 27 turkey. I got him opening evening. I found this guy while looking around a old ranch house. He was waitin for the sun and i almost stepped on him. He made some pretty good fajitas!
  8. rogeti

    PROP 109

    I believe it didnt pass because people saw that the words that the legislature would be in control over the G&F. I saw on monday in the White Mountain Independent a article about it and it tolod what it was about. I dont blame non hunters or hunters. I blame the people behind the bill not advertising about it and explaining what it was all about.
  9. rogeti

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Ruger 25-06 + 120 gr bullet =Lots of dead elk
  10. rogeti

    FFL shipping info

    I just bought a shotgun on Tuesday and i went on cheaperthandirt and on the right hand side it has an option to find a FFL near you. Just put in your zip code and it gives a list of all the FFL dealers around there. hope this helps.
  11. rogeti

    Unit 27 Opening Day

    Ya its Blacktail rattlesnake and was very green. I skinned him out and have glycerin on him. My dad told be he was one of the biggest blacktails he had ever seen. And the turkey is a tom and had a 6 inch beard and 1/2 spurs. And the pup is my sisters new lab Remi.
  12. rogeti

    Chocolate Lab Puppies

    I have the best black lab. You should meet here some time! I might have some chocolat pups someday.
  13. rogeti

    elk chronicles

    TOTALLY AGREE!!!! whoever taught these guys you have to give the animals days to die need shot. go find the animal and end it. First it starts with making good shots and not far ones. I dont archery hunt and its because i see to many animals not killed. Im tired of hearing i shot the animal in the leg or in the gut. then they say it will be ok and will not die!!
  14. rogeti

    Archery Kaibab Bucks anyone?

    My sisters boyfriend is the one that killed the 180 buck.
  15. rogeti

    Guess the Score Contest!

    116 4/8
  16. rogeti


    Here is my 2005 2B muzzleloader Antelope
  17. rogeti

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Oct 34 A whitetail and Unit 27 Turkey to scout for my elk hunt!!!
  18. rogeti

    What makes these?

    i was thinking coues whitetail!!
  19. rogeti

    Bull elk in 6A

    We have had pretty good luck with Powerbelts. the make them in 348 grain and 405 grain.
  20. rogeti

    Dual bighorn sheep ram poaching

    These guys will be called hunters when they catch them. the story on azcentral.com are calling them hunters. They are not hunters!!!!
  21. rogeti

    My SC Fish (Pics)!!!!

    My Dad, brother and me went to SC in search of some crappie today and I caught one right off and then it was dead til noon til i gotta bite of a life time!! I hooked him on my moms zebco 33 classic reel and her uncle buck crappie rod. well after 30 min of following him around and slowly and i mean slowly bringing him up i got him. My foot is there for size and I wear a 10 1/2. He weighed 48 pounds and was 43 inches long and 33 inches around. His head was 10 inches wide. This was the biggest fish i have ever seen and or caught!!! We got a total of 31 lb of meat off this big guy. The fillets on the sides were 3 inches thick and the belly meat was 2 inches thick!
  22. I saw this while reading about the no more CCW. Its passed in the senate and now the house. • Senate Bill 1014 Summary: Would allow a community college faculty member to carry a concealed firearm on campus. Status: Passed the Senate as an unrelated bill. Strike everything amendment with the new wording was added and passed the House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee. Awaits a vote of the House Committee of the Whole. Source: Legislation Online Arizona I dunno if it will work but that would be sweet!!!
  23. rogeti

    Theoretical Situation

    ill have to go with the Ruger .25-06.Going on like 6 elk with one and 2 deer with it.
  24. rogeti

    tag transfer

    he has to under 18 and a dependent of you. just go to a office and do it. My dad gave me his tag a few years ago.
  25. rogeti

    My SC Fish (Pics)!!!!

    Thanks everyone i caught him on a minnow. He must have been hungry his stomach was empty.