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Everything posted by rogeti

  1. rogeti

    Interesting Brain Game

    Green Hammer!
  2. rogeti

    How good does Javelina taste

    Take care of it in the field. Dont shoot it and wait 3 hours to clean it. And NEVER touch the meat with a hand that has touched the hide!! Pressure cook the meat and it falls off the bone. We make tamales mostly with it. It makes great bbq sandwiches. My friend made some great jerky out of his. If you arent eating it then why kill it?
  3. rogeti

    Recent history of Spring draw results

    AZGF took my money out so going javelina hunting.
  4. it may be a bit low but im sayin 360...ish
  5. rogeti

    Fire in 24B

    Hmmmmmmm? I DIDN'T see you there that day the Wallow fire started. Were you on the 25 road with the 3 Engines watching as the copper column was laying over with 50 mph gusts? Right now im thinking of everyone that was there and that was 9 Men and women including myself and I know every one of them. One of them was the idiot official that decided that is was too dangerous to go into a canyon with no escape routes and safety zones. Im not going to burn myself up for a tree. I dunno where you got your info but you might want to check your facts. Before you go pointing fingers, brush up on your 10 fire fighting standard orders and your 18 watchout situations. Also read the report that was given out by the Forest Supervisor, the timeline provided was given to him by my fellow crew members that were interviewed by law enforcement. Just tired of hearing what happened from everyone else that wasn't there! Timeline I am sorrry if what I said offended you. It was in no way directed at firefighters. I appreciate all the life saving, hard, dangerous work you guys did. But pleas, don't assume I'm talking out of my @$$. I was up in the general area when the fire started. I had a pretty good view at it at one point in time, didn't see anyone fighting it, (by then u guys must have been turned back?) then again I couldnt see the road too well. I was told, and this was directly by a forest ranger driving around in his green truck, that they were electing to let it burn out because the risk of it spreading or seriously burning in the pines was "minimal." This seemed odd, considering the tinder dry woods and already howling wind that was forecasted to increase. Now, obviously he was mistaken, but I had no way to know that! I figured they decided on saying it got out of hand to cover their @$$es. Again, I didnt just read someones vindictive post against the USFS and jump on board with their train of thought. How could you see if anyone was fighting it? It was at the bottom of a canyon and the 25 road was closed to all public. We were parked on the 25 road and no public vehicles went by? then we left and tried to fight the spot fire but never could reach it safely before dark. We took a transport truck with a dozer down an old two track looking for the fire and found it right at dark, but with the 50 mph winds snapping off trees left and right we decided to hit it in the morning. And again we didn't see any people on that road. And by the way the ranger was not out there. The ranger drives a white ford explorer!!!! Did you get a chance to read the timeline or read anything else or are you just still talking because you know what you know and that is gospel!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. rogeti

    Fire in 24B

    Hmmmmmmm? I DIDN'T see you there that day the Wallow fire started. Were you on the 25 road with the 3 Engines watching as the copper column was laying over with 50 mph gusts? Right now im thinking of everyone that was there and that was 9 Men and women including myself and I know every one of them. One of them was the idiot official that decided that is was too dangerous to go into a canyon with no escape routes and safety zones. Im not going to burn myself up for a tree. I dunno where you got your info but you might want to check your facts. Before you go pointing fingers, brush up on your 10 fire fighting standard orders and your 18 watchout situations. Also read the report that was given out by the Forest Supervisor, the timeline provided was given to him by my fellow crew members that were interviewed by law enforcement. Just tired of hearing what happened from everyone else that wasn't there! Timeline
  7. rogeti

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7-22-11 at 9:30 am!!
  8. rogeti

    Wallow Fire Tower

    I took this picture of the Escudilla tower from Hulsey Lake last week. Not all of the mountain nuked out. The northeast corner is still green.
  9. Just give her away and get the best dog in the world and you know exactly who that is!!!!!!!!!!
  10. rogeti


    me and my dad were out there all day and managed one 3 pounder and had to get make it mad to bite. It would bite one jig then spit it out then it would bite another color jig, and then it just started biting hooks it was so mad.
  11. rogeti

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

  12. rogeti

    My 2010 Buck

    Devin Beck with Arizona Wildlife Designs did my buck for me and I think it turned out great!!!!! And it was a fast turnaround too!!!
  13. rogeti

    My 2010 Buck

    If you guys haven't heard about him or want to try a different taxidermist, I recommend you take him your work!!!
  14. rogeti

    Blackpowder handgun? PICS ADDED

    A guy gave me a New Army .44 cal cap and ball revolver for high school graduation and i have yet to fire it. I plan too but just havent had the time. I have all the stuff just haven't done it yet.
  15. I knew this was going to happen and it looks like it has. Too bad they are going to put more restriction on people who have and use guns rightfully and legally. Criminals and maniacs like Loughner don't follow laws. So gun control does nothing, but restrict me!!! http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47338.html
  16. rogeti


    -34 in Luna, NM...... it was extra warm there!!!
  17. rogeti


    What they allow and dont allow is ridiculous. You can buy fountains and sparklers and emit thousands of sparks, but you can buy a fire cracker that just pops and is out???
  18. rogeti

    Cats Embarrassed

    Can anyone say WAY OVER RATED!!!!
  19. My brother had that tag last year and saw a ton of WT and mule deer and he killed a mule deer. This year he has the same tag and he has only seen a like 6 does. He is seeing lots of sign just no deer. he is headed out this morning again maybe this colder weather will have them up and moving around. Last week it was 80 degrees in Tucson.
  20. rogeti

    Wolves moving West

    I dont agree with the wolves. i think they are bad for the deer and elk populations, because not only do the deer and elk have to worry about the wolves, they have US chasing them from August-February. I think if your gonna have the wolves then you gotta cut us out or them. the deer and elk are the ones paying. And as I said i got that from the website AZGFD. Just thought it was interesting!!