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About gregaz

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  1. gregaz

    Kifaru Hoodlum vs 44 Mag

    Check out the Stryker XL.
  2. Second this, my gun likes the Bergers better but I found the ELD-X perform better on game.
  3. gregaz

    65mm swaro spotter non hd 20-60 power

    Can you post some pics of the glass?
  4. Slightly used pair of Crispi Colorado’s for sale. Worn only a few times. No insoles, and small blood stain on one boot. $175.00. Located in Marana.
  5. gregaz

    H1000 and 143 ELDX

    I will take the eldx if still available.
  6. gregaz


    Pm sent
  7. gregaz

    Free Youth Boots

    My son wore these for his hunt last year which lasted all of one hour. Located in Marana but travel to Casa Grande often.
  8. gregaz

    Input wanted - Hunting with a 10 year old

    Played this game last year. I found the key at least for me was to keep everything fun, from shooting to glassing. As far as shooting goes, I had issues trying to get my son to use a tripod for a rest. I found prone was the only way he was going to make an accurate shot. Kids love reactive targets from steel to balloons. I also brought ear protection on the hunt as he had serious flitch from sound, and it made him more comfortable. I keep his pack light and loaded down with plenty of snacks as kids burn thru them. I did let him bring a cell phone so he could play games while I glassed, ended up keeping him quiet and still for hours. Remember the hunt is for your kid and not you, I found myself pushing my son beyond his limits and making it uncomfortable for him. Most important thing is take your time and have fun in the outdoors with your kid. Oh yea be patient!
  9. gregaz

    2020 archery coues harvest x2 video

    I have heard of this legend! 😀
  10. gregaz

    WTB LH Youth Recurve

    Looking to buy a LH recurve for my 11 year old son. 15-20 lbs. Located in Marana.
  11. Have a KUIU icon pro 7200, live in Tucson but work outta casa grande. Buddy has a kirfaru I could probably grab if you want.
  12. Have had the Ridgeline in 6.5 CM for about two years. Followed the barrel break in to a "T" and the gun is a shooter. I found it like Bergers 140 VLD's. I was shooting .28" with HSM trophy gold with the 140 VLD Hunters. The gun is just over 3/4" with the Hornady Precision Hunters 143 ELDX. For the price and weight, it can't be beat. Sometimes I forget the gun is in my pack. I would go with the side vent brake as previously mentioned. I have been playing around with some loads with good results.
  13. gregaz

    My son's first deer

    My son drew the early 33 Jr hunt. Took him out of school on Friday to go on his first hunting trip. Glassed up a nice 2x at about 0730. I thought to myself that would be a good first deer for my son to shoot. I then noticed this guy lurking in the ocotillos. Trying to be calm I told my son he may want to shoot this deer instead. He has been talking about this hunt everyday since.
  14. gregaz

    Calling in lions.

    I am in the same boat with the frequent lion pics. Would it be better just to try and glass the lion up? If it didn't like your calling could you scare it out of area?