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Everything posted by donniedent

  1. donniedent

    Draw results

    Best I can figure GJMauro won. His guess was 11:47
  2. donniedent

    Draw results

    Because that was the time it was announced here.
  3. donniedent

    Draw results

    Officially for the purpose of the contest.. 11:36.
  4. donniedent

    Draw results

    That's cool of you! Thanks. Just trying to change to tone in here and have some fun. Better than arguing ya know?
  5. donniedent

    Draw results

    Let's make this interesting. I do paintless dent the removal for a living. Whoever guesses closest to the correct date and time, I will repair 2 dents on your vehicle for free. Repairs will happen at my shop and the dents must not exceed the size of a silver dollar and... must be repairable ie the metal can't be stretched. Go!!!
  6. donniedent

    Draw results

    Yep, still not drawn for elk or antelope
  7. donniedent

    Draw results

    Right and they get more app fees if guys don't have to have the money up front because all the people without the money on hand will still apply. It would also hurt the youth hunters. How many dad's would forego putting there 3 kids in if they had to drop all that coin in tag fees up front? A pretty high percentage I'm betting.
  8. donniedent

    Draw results

    Talk about beating a dead horse. Game and fish makes a ton of money on app fees. They ARE NOT GOING TO CHANG IT TO MONEY UP FRONT AND LOSE THE REVENUE. Forget the philosophical debate. Nothing anyone says will make a dang bit of difference so why argue about it? Waste of energy. I'm HAPPY that the department has the extra revenue, they need it. I will sacrifice the one extra week of not knowing exactly where I'm hunting so that have that revenue. For the early archery deer guys, I agree, they need to allow more time. But as far as the money up front bs goes, it's not hurting you personally so let it freaking go. Lobby for an earlier draw for sure but leave the financial planning advice alone. It's stupid.
  9. donniedent

    Draw results

    Lol... This is hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited too buy this is funny. Same thing every year. Everyone up in arms, wringing their hands about how broken the system is... until they post the results and the crowd will go silent. Then it will start again with the elk/antelope draw. Hunters are like spoiled rotten kids.
  10. donniedent

    Draw results

    Yeah flatlander, you need to shoosh
  11. donniedent

    Draw results

    Well it has to do with paying for services rendered. I don't know how they get around it with checks. I do know that they cannot put the money in an account long enough to make money on the interest.
  12. donniedent

    Draw results

    Well the fact is, by law game and fish cannot charge your card or cash your check unless you drew. So it matters not whether it's a card or a check, paper or internet. Game and fish cannot even change that because it's a state law.
  13. donniedent

    Draw results

    Wow... I can't believe you just announced that!!! Not illegal but IMO definitely abusing the system.
  14. donniedent

    Draw results

    Like was said before, the department makes mistakes too. I think A LOT more guys apply without the funds handy for the elk draw. It's right after xmas, there are guys out there like me that are not only putting themselves in but 2-3 kids too plus a spouse. That's a lot to come up with right after the holidays for some people. Do they have any less right to hunt? Because times are tight? I think there are a few here that had better thank their lucky stars they can afford to drop the coin when they want instead of downing those that can't. It's set up the way it is and I'm positive there are a lot of good people out there that are thankful it's set up that way. It makes it take what?... an extra 7-10 days?? Quit complaining!
  15. donniedent

    Draw results

    I called game and fish and they gave me the number for some addiction hotline.
  16. donniedent

    Draw results

    It's doesn't bother me but for me this is part of the hunt excitement. Kinda like waking up on xmas morning at 3 am as a kid.
  17. donniedent

    Draw results

    Elk results are still up on the phone system. Nice having to relive that crap
  18. donniedent

    Draw results

    Lol... huh? I haven't had my coffee yet so forgive me.. but I don't get it.Meaning I didn't draw. I'm saying the draw will be out today so I will also get to see what leftovers are available. OK gotcha. I didn't have my coffee at that point so I'm not responsible for my lack of intelligence.
  19. donniedent

    Draw results

    Lol... huh? I haven't had my coffee yet so forgive me.. but I don't get it.
  20. donniedent

    Draw results

    I understand people's frustration but at the same time, it has always been this way. And there have always been complaints.
  21. donniedent

    Draw results

    I'm just happy to know me and the boy drew tags. Only put 2 choices so it's either muleys or coues deer.
  22. donniedent

    They are starting to hit CC

    I'm reading thru all these posts and feeling the anticipation that many guys are. This is a yearly thing and for me it's part of the hunt, one I actually enjoy. It's the hunt before the hunt. Good to see so many hunters still so passionate.
  23. donniedent

    They are starting to hit CC

    So let's name call. Gonna go hang with my 8 year old now, she knows better than. To call names
  24. donniedent

    They are starting to hit CC

    This is where grown men start running their mouths and I log off. Calling someone and idiot you don't know or have even met??? Weak
  25. donniedent

    FS - Zeiss, Vortex, Hawk and Mueller scopes

    Is the diamondback still available? Same deal as my PM