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Everything posted by donniedent

  1. donniedent

    1972 chevy c/k10 cheyenne 4x4

    Eats Broncos for lunch??? C'mon.... very nice truck and as a whole they are great trucks but I'd put my 78 Bronco up against that thing any day!!!! Oh BTW, that truck in that condition is welll worth the asking price!!!
  2. donniedent


    I'm interested. How much for the whole setup minus the ammo?
  3. donniedent

    2010 Unit 10 December Archery deer hunt.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid. Guys trying to do the right thing and they get the shaft. I'm really not liking G&F over this one.
  4. donniedent

    2010 Unit 10 December Archery deer hunt.

    Just confims what I'll do in the future. Both situations are a joke to me, especially since both animals were recovered during an open season. Just stupid if you ask me. They could care less about hunters anymore, to them, we are a necissary evil!
  5. donniedent

    3rd desert mulie in a row

    I've actually considered doing that a couple times but my pride got in the way. As many hunters as there are out there glassing, I'd be affraid my picture would end up here on a different kind of thread. I'll do it now. You broke the ice on that one. Great job and a big congrats.
  6. donniedent

    1st kill

    yeah, I've had that sight on 3 bows now. love it
  7. donniedent

    1st kill

    Is that sight the 7 deadly pins??? I have the same sight and love it.
  8. donniedent

    1st kill

    Are you really going to start that?? Really? Congrats on the buck man. You are going to hear this kind of garbage because people just can't help themselves. 80 yds. is out there a ways and there aren't a whole lot of people who can do it but the point is that your shot found its home and the deer is dead, plain and simple. You worked hard for it!
  9. donniedent


    In the words of my bro Bruce from NZ... no worries mate. Shoot the important part is you got him! Thats a long drag though brother.
  10. donniedent

    Muley Success

    Cool, great job. PM sent
  11. donniedent

    Muley Success

    Nice bucks, were you guys on a guided hunt?
  12. donniedent


    Looks like something out of a horror movie. Thats the Freddie Cruger buck..lol
  13. donniedent

    9 mule deer poached

    Thats what kills me about poaching. I've known people who did run into hard times and would never dream of poaching and I wouldn't have said anything if they had. Then you get these idiots who run 9 deer over? Or the ones that shoot a buck and take the horns? This may sound bad, but at least the horn poachers have a purpose, no matter how bad it is. There was no purpose in this one, just blantant stupidity. Someone should run them over.
  14. donniedent

    No good BRUSH BEATERS in 35!!!

    I know for a fact you did the right thing but I don't know if it were me. I may have a Marine Corps flashback, shoot the buck then scan down to the one with the gun and let his actions determine my next move. I need to just stay out of there myself as I have been. Once you've been through the training its too easy to snap back to it later... that brainwashing stuff. LOL I told my fiance about this and she said "My dad and brother would've shot the guy with the gun, shot the buck, went over feild dressed the deer, then went down and took the drugs... then went back next year to see if they could have scored another deal" Her family lives in Wyoming, hate illegles and love to smoke pot! LMAO she's funny.
  15. donniedent

    Moving to Az

    It is 30 days for active duty military and students from out of state. You will love Arizona, polar opposite from where you're coming from... no pun intended. Lots an lots of public land. The hunting community here are good people. If you love to bowhunt, you will learn to live for Dec/Jan. Good times chasing deer in the rut. Not alot of places you can do that anymore... especially for Muleys. And hunting Coues Deer is a special expirience all its own. Gets in your blood.... big time. Welcome!
  16. donniedent

    Big Old Desert Muley! 30 4/8"

    lucky little fart. Tell him great job... like he hasn't heard that yet! Thats like a buddy of mine I took golfing years ago. Second time golfing and the butthole shoots a hole in one from 125 yds. out. One great thing came out of it though, he was hooked for life. As I imagine this little guy will be.
  17. donniedent

    Check out this beast

    That left side looks like an elk head on. Awsome deer. Saw the pics on another site. Came from north of the ditch.
  18. donniedent

    The wife found out.

    Smart man. The reason I felt I should post is because I've been through it. In my last marriage, I was allowed to hunt but it was always a tit-for-tat situation. "you got to go hunting so I get to do this". Fact is, it was not healthy. In a marriage, both people need to give 100% to the other 100% of the time and do it without any expectations. I'm glad you worked it out and good luck on your hunt.
  19. donniedent

    The wife found out.

    two parts to the story here. danger and lying. I completely understand her concerns with the border dangers. What I don't understand is her saying you're lying. That ain't lying bro. If she trusted you, like she says, then she trusted you! It doesn't matter where you are. Thats like her saying she trusts you not to cheat, then getting mad because you went to a bar, because it might happen. Trust is trust, no matter what the situation. Its a power card she holds now. We as humans look for an edge in situations to gain control, its a natural thing to do and very human but.... not healthy. Truth is, if she ever had reservations about you having a passion other than her, its gonna start showing now. You need to lovingly stand your ground with the lying thing. You DID NOT LIE, and don't let her convince you that you did. That will be $50.00 please. lol
  20. donniedent

    North Rim of Araivaipa restrictions coming

    That landowner is alot better than the ones that I ran into in Wyoming. They would have just locked the gate and been done with it. Or, would never have allowed access to begin with. That gentleman needs to be thanked and his land showed the utmost respect.
  21. donniedent

    Huntin' Jokes

    Two southern men were sitting in a tree stand bow hunting whitetails. A BIG buck walked out and one of the men drew his bow for the shot. Just about the time he was gonna release he noticed a funeral procession driving down the highway across the feild. He let his bow down, grabbed his hat and put it over his heart as the cars passed. Of course at that point the buck took off. After all was said and done, his buddy said "That was offal respectful of ye, Idda shot that bad boy and let them folks pass." The first man replied "Well shoot, I was married to her for 35 years!" My favorite hunting joke.
  22. donniedent

    An Ethical Hunting Dilemma

    Really though guys. I think its pretty evident what is going on here. We are finally seeing the long term effects of Deer Co. Cain. It starts off as an innocent lick here and there. Then it becaomes a daily event. Next thing you know, morals go out the window and they find themselves doing things they would never dream of doing. We as hunters/dealers need to take some responsability here. Sad deal.
  23. donniedent

    An Ethical Hunting Dilemma

    Whats the matter with having your buddies back... you guys, I tell ya! You mean you wouldn't go downtown, get 2 bj's then come back and give me one?? What kind of friends are you? Rather be pitching than catching!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. donniedent

    An Ethical Hunting Dilemma

    Niether, I don't hunt in California, let alone San Francisco but...... if I did, I'd shoot the butt dart and let the real man finish.
  25. donniedent

    Glendale Hail Storm

    Stopping in to give an update. From what we're hearing at our body shop, there are nearly 500,000 cars in the phoenix area with hail damage. IF YOU HAVE A VEHICLE WITH HAIL DAMAGE, GO TO A REPUTABLE SHOP THAT YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY WORKS WITH. There are going to be alot of Gypsy hail chasers out there offering paid deductables and such and working off of street corners. They're out to take your money. They do shoddy work and won't be here when you find things wrong with your vehicle. If you need assistance in selecting the right repair facility or in making sure you're not getting taken, send me a PM. I don't care where your car get fixed or who does it, I just want to see that you're treated right.