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About donniedent

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/06/1973

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  1. Since any further comments from me won't be fruitful or add anything positive to the conversation, I'm going to bow out. I wish all of you the best of luck on your upcoming hunts and the deer draw. Any of you are welcome to come see what the brotherhood is about. Lots of knuckleheads but alot of good folks too. Have a good one.
  2. Yep... only person I've ever banned. He wasn't banned for asking me for pictures, he was banned because he's a contentious little jerk. As a matter of fact he was banned from a couple groups that day because of his mouth. My 100" coues (easiest trophy I ever killed), 75" goat, freak bull and several muleys all have been posted and I'm happy and proud to show them off. Get your story striaght before you run your suck.
  3. I'm a little slow so let me see if I get this right. You came on here yelling at people, myself included for talking bad about somebody they didn't know. Somebody pointed out that you have done in your past called you the pot or the kettle. So now that somebody made a point against you you're taking your ball and going home? Because that's how I see it. I didn't take my ball and go home, I had work to do so I logged out. I still don't know or remember what I did to offend that gentleman but I owned and apologized. As a matter of fact, I personally accepted his request to join the Broadhead Brotherhood yesterday.
  4. Well guys, its been real. Got hunts and hunters to start focusing on. Have a great day.
  5. You know what man, if I said something about you without knowing you, you have my sincere apologies. I'm not perfect and I have certainly made an butt out of myself at times in the past. I try and conduct myself differently but.. I may ahve wronged you at some point. My apologies if I did.
  6. I have personally only banned 1 person in 2 years... out of 9200 people. Every other person that has been banned that I know of deserved it. You're more than welcome to come check the group out, I will accept your request myself. Again, if a guy wants to talk trash about someone personally that is fine, but at least have the sack to go to the person and deal with them in person, or at least over personal message. Do anything else is gutless.
  7. Doublelung... show me some proof or at least enlighten me to when I talked trash about you personally...
  8. You know, its one thing to be thinned skinned and I can't stand that myself. Its another to talk crap about someone you don't even know. Cowardly actually. He isn't here defendkng himself... I am here defending a friend. Say what you want about the broadhead brotherhood, there are a bunch of know it alls there, I know because I have to deal with their dumb arses. Its another to go after a guy personally. Its chickenshit. You sure didn't mind jumping in and talking trash about me when you didn't know me (aka Bowtech Posse)...Why is it that you are always in the middle of a pissing contest? Hmmm Pot meet kettle When did I talk smack about you???
  9. Well obviously he was addressing the individuals who were in fact familiar with his group and were in fact speaking ill of him personally. Come on, you can't expect that we was refering to EVERYONE on that post, you're more intelligent than that. If you can't understand why a guy would be upset and then judge 9200 people by his being upset.. your view is a tad narrow. Its pretty plain if you can read, what I am here about, a few punk kids running their mouths about people they don't know. It's not my group, I am a memeber and admin on the group. I have been a member here since 2004 and I'm going to have some fun around here again now too.Donnie the thread was a rant about e-scouters and individuals putting blindly into the draw and getting lucky ... The group was brought out as an example and because it was there that the OP got wound up and decided to rant. There were just as many posts about e scouters in general as there were about the group and I do not recall a post singling out Mr. Brigham or Jbee or whoever he is ... until after he came onboard. There were some comments on experiences other individuals had with that group ... but the theme was E-scouters Not Broadhead Brohood ... You're mistaken. I read the whole thing and there were comments about him personally on the very first page. Kevin refered to the Broadhead Brotherhood in the very beginning but it was in good fun. It wasnt until after his comment that it got stupid. I read it myself so you're wrong. The post was then deleted because Amanda has class and doesnt condone that kind of stupidity and then it started up again on this post. I've never heard ANYTHING bad about coueswhitetail over there or any of its memebers and MANY of our members are members here as well. And you know what.. even now if we saw bad things said about this site OR anyone here personally that weren't there to defend themselves it wouldn be deleted immediately. I know because I do it. So go ahead.. talk trash about people if thats who you want to be. Just know that there are others on the other side of this coin that are man enough not to do it in return... where you aren't there to defend yourself.
  10. Well obviously he was addressing the individuals who were in fact familiar with his group and were in fact speaking ill of him personally. Come on, you can't expect that we was refering to EVERYONE on that post, you're more intelligent than that. If you can't understand why a guy would be upset and then judge 9200 people by his being upset.. your view is a tad narrow. Its pretty plain if you can read, what I am here about, a few punk kids running their mouths about people they don't know. It's not my group, I am a memeber and admin on the group. I have been a member here since 2004 and I'm going to have some fun around here again now too.
  11. You know, its one thing to be thinned skinned and I can't stand that myself. Its another to talk crap about someone you don't even know. Cowardly actually. He isn't here defendkng himself... I am here defending a friend. Say what you want about the broadhead brotherhood, there are a bunch of know it alls there, I know because I have to deal with their dumb arses. Its another to go after a guy personally. Its chickenshit.
  12. Heres the truth. There are some SOLID guys around here I have alot of respect for. And... there are solid guys over there as well. If any of you actually met John Bingham, he's about as noce a guy as you'll ever meet. He just ran a fun shoot for cancer awareness last weekend that raised 10's of thousands of dollars. Not for gain or fame.. because he cares. And so do the members there. We're all hunters and share the same passion. Why would we want to bash someone without knowing them? If you want to do it based on personal experience great... but deal with the guy face to face first.
  13. And the truth is... NOBODY gets booted off that group unless there DARN good reason. We would have deleted his comment at the most... the very most.
  14. You're mistaken sir. I read every comment on that post from yesterday and the guys around here ABSOLUTELY started talking trash first. And... NEVER expecting him to see it. I call total BS
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Told you so.. Told you so what???