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Everything posted by reezenhunter

  1. reezenhunter

    Rifle blueing

    I'm trying to keep it original I don't know too much about cerakote does it look the same as a blued rifle??
  2. reezenhunter

    Rifle blueing

    I thought it was getting harder to find someone but wasn't sure why.... What's the deal with the EPA regs
  3. reezenhunter

    Ox-tail Stew

    What is that???
  4. reezenhunter

    15 yo lab needs a new home

    That's sad pup will never be the same
  5. reezenhunter

    Wife's Axis Buck - Mogollon Taxidermy

    Wow looks great.... Not a bad mount either
  6. reezenhunter

    Buyin a bonus point

    Great buck looks like 23 if so I'm pretty close to you
  7. reezenhunter

    Dog Ear Wax

    Ya yeast basically took over my whole dog antibiotics for a long period of times are not good he now has to eat carb free meat diet
  8. reezenhunter

    Dog Ear Wax

    Ya my dog to most dogs with ears the cover the ear hole is self develope them
  9. reezenhunter

    Any hardcore Dallas Cowboys fan

    I thought everyone were cowboy fans again??? Oh that was 2 weeks ago
  10. reezenhunter

    Looking For Quality Cape

    Wild heritage will find you one give them a call
  11. reezenhunter

    wolves in town

  12. reezenhunter

    wolves in town

  13. reezenhunter

    Backup Bow Saves January

    Awesome story great buck..... Should of went with the Mathews
  14. reezenhunter

    wolves in town

    They have been in 23 for a while now .... unfortunately
  15. reezenhunter

    This is merica!

    Great buck
  16. reezenhunter

    This is merica!

    Stoned out
  17. reezenhunter

    wolves in town

    My step mom had a pack of 9 Cross in front of her by a1 lake just casual as can be she got pictures too
  18. reezenhunter

    wolves in town

    Where do you live??
  19. reezenhunter

    1992 Toyota 4Runner 22re

    Anything wrong with it?
  20. reezenhunter

    San Carlos Rez Bucks 118/121

    Those all sound like good things to me
  21. reezenhunter

    Fred Bear Razorheads with bleeders

    Yes I do how much