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Everything posted by reezenhunter

  1. reezenhunter

    Uncharacteristic Bull Behaviors

    It's all normal.... Everything will be ok
  2. reezenhunter

    Help aging buck

    He does have a Roman nose going for him I don't think 2-3 year olds have that???
  3. reezenhunter

    Superbowl prediction...part deux

    Pat's chiefs open up the season this Thursday
  4. reezenhunter

    cooler air and rain, any bugles yet?

    I heard allot of bulges on wmat last night
  5. reezenhunter

    Auction/Raffle Tags

    I'm surprised more of you don't know the answer.... You can glass and pattern velvet bulls all day
  6. reezenhunter

    Small Mouth Fishing on the Black River

    I have a beer tag there! On wmat side?
  7. reezenhunter

    I would like to say where am I but

    A dumb as they are acting now come sept they will be on the rez
  8. reezenhunter

    Frog Identification

    Bass bait
  9. My buddy trapped one in 3b
  10. reezenhunter

    Antler Buyer

    I heard some buyer got kicked off wmat for buying dead heads Illegally​ be careful
  11. reezenhunter

    Aren't they beautiful

    I'd pass
  12. reezenhunter

    Great deals on trail cameras

    But all refurbished I've been debating though
  13. reezenhunter

    Bday outdoor video

  14. reezenhunter

    Bday outdoor video

    Thanks everyone!!
  15. reezenhunter

    435" typical bull

    Prove it....even with San Carlos roids that would be crazy to imagine that's almost 30 inches bigger than the world record typical.... Although id love to see that bull if true
  16. reezenhunter

    435" typical bull

    Jk more like 1200-1500
  17. reezenhunter

    435" typical bull

  18. reezenhunter

    Bday outdoor video

    My sister put this together for my bday hope you like
  19. reezenhunter

    435" typical bull

    Isaiah I believe he said you scored it that single 7 point
  20. reezenhunter

    435" typical bull

    Wow that's awesome I was obsessed with my cousins antler you scored but that set right there is unreal!!!
  21. reezenhunter

    Nephew picked up a few

    Right on he will be proud one he gets them earning them like that
  22. reezenhunter

    Nephew picked up a few

    Only half way?? Seems like he should have enough now 13-15 a lb
  23. reezenhunter

    Winchester Model 94 30-30 SOLD

    Ya that thing is a beauty if I didn't have a kid on the way id be taking it antler hunting with me this weekend