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Everything posted by reezenhunter

  1. reezenhunter

    Hitting Cards

    What's 50$ charge for?
  2. reezenhunter

    Timber Mesa Queen Creek Closed

    AHQ is awesome
  3. reezenhunter

    Mathews Triax

  4. reezenhunter

    Field Scoring antelope

    how many 18" goats you see?One on my wall. 😀 I think what hes getting at is that if you use that method youll probably go home empty handed in 99.9999999% of antelope units. You had arguably the best antelope hunt in the world. Your buck is incredible and most will go their lifetime without seeing one like that!!I was just bragging. let's see your buck more pictures please
  5. reezenhunter

    Ranger bass boat

    Any ranger boat vets out here? I have an 05 Comanche keyless ignition...I'd like to know some ins and outs in running it..how to? I guess? Anyone with some pointers is appreciate it! Feel free to pm me
  6. reezenhunter

    Lion tips?

    I would set up and call in there 45 minute stands
  7. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

    Yes 24 volt pm me and we will figure out when to meet:) thanks
  8. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

    For sale $400 70lb please reply for any info
  9. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

    Is anyone interested? Planning to get rid of it soon
  10. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

    I live in Chandler the motor is where I keep my boat in PHX Shea and 51
  11. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

  12. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

    We bought it to replace our older minnkota but it does not align up with it holes or does not hook up to our fish finder... It's around 1100 new your more than welcome to look at it
  13. reezenhunter

    Motor guide trolling motor

    I believe so 45 inches
  14. reezenhunter

    Ranger bass boat

    225 Mercury.... Thanks for the input!
  15. reezenhunter


    Ya there are fines they are cracking down big time... Finally.. And no the ranger that catches them does't keep them usually multiple units are called out.... Are you a non member?!
  16. reezenhunter

    Bass boat insurance

    I know there are many things that factor in but what do some of you pay for boat insurance. 2004-2006 ranger 225 Mercury or something similar
  17. reezenhunter

    Muzzle brake

    I know this has been discussed before but I'm looking for someone to put on a muzzle brake and also cut off an inch or 2 of Barrell when installing I am in East valley any help?
  18. reezenhunter

    Muzzle brake

    Thank you!! Any pictures? I want the flush type that goes from a little bigger than the barrel to smooth?
  19. reezenhunter

    How bout them Devils!

    Not today!!!! Go cats!!!
  20. reezenhunter

    Early archery 27

    If your want 410" A3 if you want anything smaller do it your self hunt hard
  21. reezenhunter


    That's cool of you
  22. reezenhunter

    20x56 kiababs

    Why are they going to stop making them
  23. reezenhunter

    Heber back yard buck

    Get back on the rez!!!
  24. reezenhunter

    "Ghost" Desert Scavenger

    I'll do it
  25. reezenhunter

    Coues capes

    Mature bucks?