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Everything posted by reezenhunter

  1. reezenhunter

    The monster strikes

    Lol I like your name
  2. reezenhunter

    Night hunting for lions!

    How do you set up when calling at night? I don't get it lol
  3. reezenhunter

    Shot a Nice 1 for the Wall

    Awesome! What were they coming into? Scrapes or just a deer trail?
  4. reezenhunter

    play offs

    Ravens all day!!!
  5. reezenhunter

    Is the rut here?

    From what I know and seen its already winding down for muleys in 24a that first cold front got them going early and the buck I killed in 23 north was looking for does before I shot him all swollen up just depends it only takes 1 doe to be close for a stupid monster behind her
  6. reezenhunter

    Bow Brand Names

    Mathews all the way, my girl tiffany lakosky knows what's up
  7. reezenhunter

    Rut Reports

    Todays the first day I've seen does without big bucks with them on my rez hunt
  8. reezenhunter

    95 dodge for sale

    Haha forgot my number 928 242 7003
  9. reezenhunter

    95 dodge for sale

    My step dad has a 95 two door dodge for sale its a single cab he's asking 2500, u can send me a text for more details or pics thanks.
  10. reezenhunter


    Wildcats all day
  11. reezenhunter

    Shawn's 1st Buck..early hunt ....101'

    That buck is sick!!
  12. reezenhunter


    April 1st?
  13. reezenhunter

    badlands monster fanny pack for sale

    My # is 9282427003
  14. Badlands monster fannypack for sale 80$
  15. reezenhunter

    badlands monster fanny pack for sale

    Yes I do
  16. reezenhunter

    badlands monster fanny pack for sale

    Its been on a couple hunts excellent condition no problems with it or anything can send you pics around 2 if you'd like?
  17. reezenhunter

    243 for sale

    Can text me for pics of any other info
  18. reezenhunter

    243 for sale

    Savage 243 for sale will post pics soon comes with simmons scope great setup
  19. reezenhunter

    243 for sale

    Located in chandler model 110 can be reached at 9282427003
  20. reezenhunter

    243 for sale

    300 its right hand
  21. reezenhunter

    Mule Deer

    Nice buck, pm sent
  22. reezenhunter

    Early Archery Bull 2010

    No he was fine when I saw him that must be what happened and ya I got a six point around that size on the seventh day just couldn't get the big one
  23. reezenhunter

    Early Archery Bull 2010

    It was the second day and he had about five or six cows he is unique I knew it was him for sure good job
  24. reezenhunter

    Early Archery Bull 2010

    Is he from unit 27? I passedup a bull that looks just like him in 27
  25. reezenhunter

    mathews bows for sale

    Mathews drenalin for sale draw lenght 28 draw weight 70, seven pin fuse sights, and wisker bisquet arrow rest comes with drenalin bow case $650. Mathews mustang youth/womens bow draw length 26 draw weight 50 $300 call me at 242-7003 my name is joe thanks!