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About jstahl

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/19/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Thatcher , Az
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing

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  1. jstahl

    Kuiu Clothing Sold

    Can you give me a call, I'm interested 480-201-7439. Thanks
  2. jstahl

    Retumbo and rl 16 powder for sale

    Where are you located?
  3. jstahl

    6.5 Creedmoor ammo

    Where you located? Interested in both boxes
  4. jstahl

    6.5 Creedmoor ELD-X Ammo

    I’ll take it if it fall through. 480-201-7439
  5. jstahl

    6.5 Creedmoor ammo

    I will also take all match available.
  6. jstahl

    6.5 Creedmoor ammo

    I will take all 143eldx available. Where you located? 480-201-7439
  7. jstahl

    2 1# Retumbo Bottles for Sale/Trade

    I’ll take them both. Give me a call 480-201-7439
  8. jstahl

    Savage 110 ultralight 6.5cm-SOLD

    I’m interested, give me a call 480-201-7439
  9. jstahl

    Kowa Prominar big eyes/accessories

    My brother in law is very interested can you send me contact info please. 480-201-7439 thanks
  10. jstahl

    Delete kit

    No, I ordered everything and then sold truck. Everything is brand new in boxes still.
  11. jstahl

    Delete kit

  12. jstahl

    Delete kit

    I have a delete kit for 2008-2016 6.7 powerstroke. Mini max tuner, delete pipe, egr delete, s&b cold air intake all brand new in box. $1600
  13. jstahl

    Wts H1000 and Retumbo

    I will take Retumbo. Give me a call 480-201-7439
  14. jstahl

    ISO- Outdoorsmans Long Range Pack

    I have one brand new, it has been on half day hunt. Haven’t even put it on my back other than trying on and adjusting that I’ll sell $500 Decided to go with a different pack
  15. jstahl

    17 HMR ammo

    Okay give me a text 480-201-7439