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About girlygirlhunter

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  • Birthday 06/09/1982

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  1. girlygirlhunter

    Happy Birthday Girlygirlhunter

    TJ thank you so much for starting a happy birthday thread for me! I love hunting with you and can't wait for next years womens hunt also thank you to everyone else who wished me a happy birthday!!!! My day was amazing and Tracy treated me right, I'm pretty spoiled! I also received some beautiful flowers from our good friends Colleen and Justin Leitner. Sorry don't know screen names! I am a lucky girl and have some pretty awesome friends around me so thank you everyone!!!!!
  2. girlygirlhunter

    Girlygirlhunter's Birthday

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! It was the big 30 and yes it was a great and memorable day! Tracy (Gr8Whitejr) made it very special! Into my 30's I go I don't feel any different :D :D :D !
  3. girlygirlhunter

    cwt X-MAS get-together

    TJ & Peg, Thanks again for a wonderful get together at your house! The lights were Amazing! Also a big thanks to Amanda for the site, which is how these get togethers are possible! Met a lot of great people I didn't know and it was great seeing the people I already knew! Always fun times with the CouesWhitetail people! Here are a few pics from my camera... TJ, Peg and Lexi Lexi Yummy Pie Kiddos Colleen & Angie Tracy & Angie Justin & Colleen Sorry If I didn't get some of you in the pics!
  4. girlygirlhunter

    cwt X-MAS get-together

    We are going to try to come TJ! Yay!!! Anything special we can bring????
  5. girlygirlhunter

    Jackson Pulls A Double On His 1st Hunt!

    I want to send a big Thank You to Tracy! He has such patience when it comes to helping other people and especially kids! Jackson was so excited about the hunt! Wish I could have stayed longer and seen my baby boy take his first pig or deer but I knew he was in the best hands ever! These boys did an awesome job and I can't wait for next year! (I have already requested Jackson's pig hunt off , no missing out again )
  6. girlygirlhunter

    Trophy Tags out of Leftover Tags

    Awesome Buck and story! Congrats to you!
  7. girlygirlhunter

    Randey's Story as Promised!

    Great story Regan! Randey is a tough cookie and I am very proud of her! Her telling me the story in person and seeing her expressions was so awesome! She is a trooper hiking all around with you, (i've heard about your crazy hikes) hahaha, but she did it and I am very proud of her! Wish I could have been there! Can't wait for next year!!! Girls Rock!
  8. girlygirlhunter

    My Last Chance Coues

    Baby you deserved that deer and you put alot of time and effort into getting it! You even took time away from your hunt for me, Thank you! Congrats sweety and I already can't wait til next year! Hopefully Jackson can have D's same luckyness out in the field!
  9. girlygirlhunter

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    Thank you guys! I wouldn't have been able to do it though without the knowledge Tracy (Gr8whitejr) has given me over the last couple of years! He was always very patient in teaching me and taking me out with him! Thank you sweetie!
  10. girlygirlhunter

    Nicole's First Archery Deer

    Thats awesome!
  11. girlygirlhunter

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    Thanks guys! Alot of emotion ran through me but I was extremely happy! Can't wait to do it again!!!!!
  12. girlygirlhunter

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    Of course! I would love to get more women out there with me!!!! You should bring her down to the womens javalina hunt next February! I'm sure Amanda will post some info on it as it gets closer! Hey that a good place to start!
  13. girlygirlhunter

    Angie does it AGAIN!!!

    Actually it's it my second! But thank you! Im hooked for life!
  14. girlygirlhunter

    anybody get this in their email yet?

    Bahahahahaaha! I think its my deers twin!
  15. girlygirlhunter

    my fiancèe's first coues deer with here bow

    Congrats to her! Any pic??? Glad to see another lady hunter out there