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About pirogue

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  1. Maybe those that volunteered a PM to the “Newby-Need info-Never return” users, should reply with results.
  2. pirogue

    Tis the season

    This was dinner one night, a couple weeks ago.
  3. pirogue

    Biggest cat

    Nice cat.
  4. I just looked at the harvest/quota threshold table last week, for the first time. Waited on phone hold for 15 min to see if updated(gave up/hung up). So if I read correctly, 5 of the 17 zones have reached harvest threshold, and the unit with the second highest harvest threshold, only has 4% harvested to date. Anyone else watched the table on a regular basis and think the thresholds are out of whack with the true number of cats available? Is this because the appeal to certain units is more desirable, or some harvests reached when other game was the actual intended target?
  5. pirogue

    Wife's 2024 javelina general hunt

  6. pirogue

    Coop Coyote

    Not if you set a foothold. Did you move the trap away from barn? Yote return?
  7. pirogue

    Deer draw bonus pass

    I have land in the South and we have problem feral hogs. People shoot em. When you wait on G&F to get involved, it’s too late.
  8. pirogue

    Hunters Safety Field Day?

    I was responding for the post referencing out of state needs, not as the way to get an AZ point.
  9. pirogue

    Hunters Safety Field Day?

    One simple solution is take another states H-E course. They’re all administered by the same online system, and therefore recognized anyway. I just took NM course online, which has no field day requirement, for a different state’s requirement.
  10. pirogue

    Deadly Gila Monster Bite?

    Seems like it was that guy’s time to go, if 1st death in 94 years. Never walked up on one.
  11. pirogue

    A few recent outings

    Congrats. That’s some good work
  12. pirogue

    Cool Bobcat

    Nice, congrats
  13. pirogue

    Hunter Safety

    That libtard, treehugger state of CO, requiring hunter ed for anyone born after 1949? Come on, 75 or older to be exempt? 😯
  14. pirogue

    NM Senator - Lord have mercy on us!!

    I guess they think, since they border Colorado, means they got to turn libtard, treehugger just like thier neighbor.
  15. pirogue

    Early rifle bonus points 23S 23N

    So since we get older while waiting on the 23’s, which of the 23’s has milder terrain to better accommodate an older person?