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Everything posted by dpr64

  1. In person or can ship to your FFL....
  2. Still here, looking for a new home!
  3. What did you have in mind? I am really trying to reduce the number of things I have... Thanks..
  4. Made during the years when Remington put out a quality product...
  5. It is a 700 ADL... Exact same thing as the classic except it does not have the hinged floor plate.
  6. Need to keep it all together, cannot separate... Thanks!
  7. No, this is before the trigger issues and before Remington quality began to suffer a little Thanks..
  8. Being a bit handicapped with bad legs, it looks like my mountain/hill climbing days are coming to an end and I will have to resort to low rolling hills and the flats... Any advice on good coues density in areas not terribly rugged? I am also thinking of changing over to mule deer (never hunted mule deer before) for the reason they live in the flats and those areas are much better suited to my walking ability... Any pointers on muleys in 33, 36b, 36c, or 36a or ?? I know all the unit info on the G&F website, waterhole advice, etc.. was just hoping to get some good personal advice firsthand.... Shoot me over an email or a message if you might be willing to share a crumb or two.... Thanks! Email: dpr88@comcast.net
  9. Want to sell a very nice used (barely) Savage American Classic 14 in the super flat shooting .270 WSM. Has the accutrigger, detachable box magazine, and a set of scope rings. Less than a box of ammo through it. $540 Must be of legal age, have valid ID, and sign a bill of sale. Email me or call Phone: 520-548-8333 Email: dpr88@comcast.net Can ship at cost to an FFL if needed, I am NOT an FFL so make sure they take delivery from a non-FFL. I am in NW Tucson (Oro Valley)
  10. Down to $880, must sell. Reduced to $895 More photos: http://s772.photobucket.com/user/dprhammer/library/British/Winchester Selling a brand new, in the box Winchester model 70 .270 win made about 2 years ago at the new Winchester plant in Columbia SC by FN.. It is the Grade III with the fancier stock. Some more features are the MOA trigger, controlled round feed, and the factory recoil pad. Wood is very nice and it is the featherweight with the schnabel forend. It has only been out of the box for photos I am in Oro Valley (near Tucson AZ) Must be of legal age, have valid ID, and sign a bill of sale or if shipping, must go to your FFL, shipping extra Email or call dpr88@comcast.net 520-548-8333
  11. Nicest model 70 around, get in time for deer/elk hunting this fall!
  12. Yes, it is super nice... wish my legs and bank account could say yes to keeping it but it has to go.....Someone come out and look it over, you will leave with it for sure!
  13. Still for sale... a super nice rifle with the MOA trigger and controlled round feed...
  14. $870 is the bottom of the barrel price..... if it does not sell at that, I will put it in the safe for the grand kids....
  15. Still here, light and easy to carry...perfect for coues or elk.
  16. Still up for sale, maybe a partial trade for something? Handgun, Jeep stuff, etc..
  17. What no trade on his 20gauge? if it is the 1 im thinkin of I know she is purdy Never replied back back to me about it or sent photos... I don't know what happened...
  18. Produced in 2013, hammer forged barrel by FN! (Winchester is owned by Browning/FN as of 2007)... As good as it gets!