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Everything posted by dpr64

  1. dpr64

    Browning Bar Safari 270 SOLD

    Still available! Tax man is hitting me hard this April 15th, need to sell a few things even though I don't want to.
  2. SOLD SOLD SOLD Selling a very nice Browning Bar Safari semi-auto 270 without scope. Leupold Vari XIIc 3x9x50 scope is available for another $260... Rifle was my fathers and I inherited it a few years ago but now need to sell it (I have 2 hunting rifles already and will never use this one) Has a scratch on the barrel and a few minor dings in the wood... $790 without scope, add another $260 if you want the Leupold. Located in Oro Valley (NW corner of Tucson) Email: drespecki@gmail.com Call or text 520-548-8333 Willing to ship at cost to your FFL. If in person, must sign a bill of sale and have valid ID and be of legal age.
  3. dpr64

    Browning Bar Safari 270 SOLD

    Package deal of $975 for all of it....Will ship to your ffl at cost if too far away.
  4. dpr64

    Browning Bar Safari 270 SOLD

    Still here! Needs to go Elk or Deer hunting this fall!
  5. dpr64

    Browning Bar Safari 270 SOLD

    Drop in price to $760 for rifle and $245 for the scope....
  6. At least 9 people calling/texting/emailing and offering $550 to $650 but no one going that extra $25!
  7. Very easy to carry and very accurate.
  8. Still here! Firm on the $675 with the scope.
  9. Still for sale! Many inquiries but it is still here...
  10. I can ship it to your FFL if needed. Should cost about $20-$30?
  11. Not the original owner, my late father is. He carried it a lot, shot it little in his old age. I suspect it has under 50 rounds through it.
  12. Perfect for a long day out in the hills! Light and easy handling.
  13. Looks like she is sold...... I am sad!!!
  14. $990 WITH all the ammo and the original box... Located in NW Tucson (Oro Valley) Excellent condition, super flat shooting Weatherby .257 mag that is the Range Certified version #2 (latest one out) with 5.5 boxes of various 257 Weatherby Magnum ammo. 24" barrel. Rifle has 9 rounds through it at the range (yes, 9 rounds to sight it in!) and was out hunting 1 day when I found out that I could not handle the climbing anymore. Has one branch scrape/rub on the top of the barrel and aside from that is in perfect shape, purchased it new in September of 2014. Scope and mounts NOT included, gave those up to my son. The ammo included is as listed and ran $38-$81 per box: 2.5 boxes of 110gn Nosler Accubond 1 box of 100gn Weatherby Spitzer 1 box of 120gn Weatherby partition 1 box of 80gn Weatherby barnes TTSX Asking $990 for the rifle and all the ammo plus shipping to your FFL or buy in person. Must be of legal age, have valid ID, and sign a bill of sale. I paid $1100 for the rifle (plus tax, etc.) and the remaining ammo adds up to about about $400 Email me at drespecki@gmail.com Call 520-548-8333
  15. Remaining ammo alone is worth $400 if you go and buy it right now in the stores.. It is like buying the ammo for $400 and then getting the gun for $600.
  16. Still here! Many offers but they have all fallen short of the $990....
  17. Firm on the price, box/literature/factory target included along with all the ammo. Scope and mounts are not available (gave them to my son) No trades please...
  18. Still here! Someone needs to make a home for it...
  19. Reach out far with this .257 mag.....
  20. dpr64

    Burris Veracity 5-25 FFP

    I have been looking at that exact scope also... I do have the little brother to it (3-15?) and I would say the glass and function is excellent...
  21. dpr64

    Leftover tags

    The 2013 helps, 2014 would be awesome!!!