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el diablo

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Everything posted by el diablo

  1. el diablo

    Kaibab HD 15x56 Binos for sale $800

    Email Vortex and they will send u new caps for free.
  2. el diablo


    I'll give u $.50!! Take it or leave it!!!
  3. el diablo

    Unit 29 Leftover Tag

    Haven't been there since the fire but we used to camp past portal and just past the research center. Plenty of areas to walk into from from there. Also seen some nice bucks in there and some nice ones come outta there.
  4. That is a ice rifle. Good luck
  5. el diablo

    Wall Tent SOLD

    PM sent
  6. el diablo

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    How about I sell u a Ruger LCR 38+P with what little ammo I have and holster for $375? Maybe 50 rounds through it.
  7. el diablo


    Check the classifieds. Someone had a nice eberlestock on her a couple days ago for $150
  8. el diablo

    Range Finding Sight

    I don't know much about that stuff but I thought you couldn't use a range finder anyway. If that's the case anyone interested in the books wouldn't have one anyway therefore no use for this sight with one built in. Or is it radios I'm thinking of.
  9. el diablo

    Bass fishing for a beginner...

    For drop shot I prefer a littler bigger hook than most and use a 1/0 owner DS hook. I feel they hold on a little better for the bigger fish. 8lb pline flouro and even 10 lb at times because I will pitch into brush a lot. Also prefer a medium action spinning rod. Like everyone else said its all preference and trial n error. You'll figure out what u like after breaking off a few and loosing a few. Also I used to only trout and catfish until I started bass fishin. Once u get into it you won't want to go back to the others. One thing I had to learn real quick was bass have hard mouths unlike trout. When u get bit don't be scared to set the hook. My step dad always told me to make the dam thin go cross eyed. Oh and hook sets are free. If you even think it's a bite or just feels heavy set it. You'll eventually learn the different bites.
  10. el diablo

    Glock 43

    Same here! Sure looks more comfortable to carry than my G 30Yeah my 27 gets to be a bit cumbersome. Although I just bought an alien gear IWB holster and it really is much better. I'll bet with the 43 and that holster you wouldn't even know it was there.
  11. el diablo

    Glock 43

    Dam I want one of these. Good luck.
  12. el diablo


    Sure, I'll give you $20 if you'll deliver to north phx.
  13. el diablo

    Really? Really???

    He didn't say you were an offended moron he said don't be one. Just cuz ur wife says ur bein an azzhole doesn't mean u are. Ur just actin like one. I think I'm with the majority on this one. He got it done. Who gives a shoot if it offends some idiot. Everyone's too dam worried bout everyone's dam feelings these days of pussified America.
  14. el diablo

    Archery Bull

    Heck of bull even if not 340. Congrats.
  15. el diablo

    Shameless Outfitter

    We have his address. Let's all sent him a short letter shaming him
  16. el diablo

    how to cool down meat after kill

    I thought it was Spanish for a fighting chicken or something.......
  17. el diablo

    how to cool down meat after kill

    I prefer a shower but depends on what she wants.
  18. Didn't take long at all. Congrats!
  19. el diablo

    AZ Antelope

    Um after 20 yrs I don't think there's much reason to hold back. What is it gonna take 22 next round. Nice antelope and congrats
  20. el diablo

    Spott Hogg Cameron Hanes Edition

    He11 I wanted it and already have one.
  21. +4!!! Especially a rattler and a lot of horses comin thru the area.
  22. el diablo

    36B North/Northeast Parts

    I'm a bit confused but maybe I'm missing something. You're asking for info on a public forum but want to keep it private so every e-scouter cannot see it. Is that e-scouting?
  23. el diablo

    Anyone see something like this before?

    Yes, in an STD video I had to watch.
  24. el diablo

    Blue Heeler Pup

    One of my dogs is the exact same mix and is about the smartest dog I've ever had. Very protective too.
  25. el diablo

    Blue Heeler Pup

    At 12 weeks I doubt it but those are some smart dogs and sure it'll learn fast. If didn't already have4 dogs I'd take er.