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el diablo

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About el diablo

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 03/06/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    N/W Valley

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  1. el diablo

    Bear Attack

    Bunch of Californians as neighbors tried honking their horns to save him until another AZ neighbor came out with his 30-30 a little too late
  2. el diablo

    Apache Lake Resort Reviews? Anyone?

    Sh1t I didn’t know they opened back up. Gonna have head up there
  3. el diablo

    Worst Waste of Money

    Always laughed at those fing things
  4. el diablo

    Meanwhile out at Bartlett...

    One way to get outta the payments
  5. el diablo

    Double standard?

    I just watched a video a couple days ago of a guy doing that to a pit that was attacking a guy and no one could get him off. Dude rammed his thumb in his azz 2-3 times real wuick and dog let go.
  6. el diablo

    West Valley Archery Shop

    This right here
  7. el diablo

    Glock 17 GEN 5 BNIB

  8. el diablo

    Glock 17 GEN 5 BNIB

    Photos added and correction, there’s 3 mags.
  9. el diablo

    Glock 17 GEN 5 BNIB

    Will do when I get home. Like I said it new. Never shot, carried, holstered or mags even loaded.
  10. el diablo

    Glock 17 GEN 5 BNIB

    As the title says. BNIB with three 17 round mags. Ended up with two and no need for this one. I’m near 303 and Happy Valley road area. $525
  11. el diablo

    WTB - Laying hens

    No surprise considering the cost of eggs.
  12. el diablo

    Need some firewood

    Looks to be mostly mesquite and some juniper? If so I’d be interested and would buy some off of you
  13. el diablo

    Sheep with a Pistol

    Bad a$$.! Congrats