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About WildHeritageTaxidermy

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/19/1964

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    Young, Az

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  1. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Help Needed Dec. 8 Unit 23 Cow Hunt!!!

    Tom, Since we talked yesterday, I have an offer for land to park trailers on, and several offers to help cook and take the veterans out for hunts, including one guide. We still need lodging, a travel trailer or two would be nice.
  2. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    FOUND Male Drahthaar in Phoenix, AZ

    FOUND Male Drahthaar in Phoenix, AZ Found on 6/15 near 7th/Dunlap (Sunnyslope area), wearing a nice leather collar w/ no ID and dragging a nice leather leash. He has a green numeric tattoo in is right ear that is difficult to read; may contain the numbers 5496 in that order. Has been scanned twice, at two different locations, and no microchip was found. He is healthy, fit, well mannered, socialized, and knows several commands. Someone has to be missing this guy. He is currently with the lady who found him (he is not with me), but the Arizona GSP Rescue (I am the director) will be happy to give him a place to stay if he needs it and as long as he needs it until his owner can be located. Proof of ownership will be required, no exceptions. If this is your dog or you recognize/have information on him please call/text me at 520-334-7171 or email me at azgspr@gmail.com -or- email Zac White at chukar72@yahoo.com
  3. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Cleaning out the freezer

    We are always looking as well. Msg or text 928-238-0094
  4. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Female Bobcat ready for taxidermy FOR SALE

    Here you go guys......... A.R.S.§ 17-371(E) states, "heads, horns, antlers, hides, feet, or skin of wildlife lawfully taken, or the treated and mounted specimens thereof, may be possessed, sold and transported at any time..." Wildlife hit by a motor vehicle is not considered to be lawfully taken, with the except of big game meat as prescribed under A.R.S.§ 17-319. This restriction is necessary to protect Arizona’s wildlife resources and any change related to it would create a loophole for an individual to possess the parts of wildlife without the necessary evidence of legality (license, tag, seasons, etc). Please keep in mind that in nature, little is ever wasted and there are a host of animals that survive by recycling other animals that have died in the wild or on the roadway.
  5. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    FS 243 Youth Model Rifle

    Young, AZ
  6. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    FS 243 Youth Model Rifle

    (!!SOLD Pending Pick Up!!) For Sale or Trade: H&R Single Shot, Youth Model .243 3-9x32 Bushnell Sportsman scope $350 OBO or Trade for a Rangefinder or ? Our kids have outgrown this rifle after harvesting 2 Cow Elk (1 @ 80yrds & 1 @ 150yrds) and 1 Mule Deer @ 100yrds. All one shot kills. If interested or have questions comment, message or text 928-238-0094.
  7. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    1990 Toyota 4x4

    Auto or manual?
  8. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Good Luck to all the Meat Hunters Starting Friday

    Done 6:16 this morning!
  9. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    who uses a GPS collar with their dogs? I love mine!

    We use our Alpha 100 and TT10 collars every day. Definitely helps keep track of where your dogs are and what they are up to. The range is pretty good and you can add up to 20 dogs to it.
  10. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    ISO Mule Deer cape

    Looking for a replacement cape for this mule deer buck, if you have one from a buck close to this size please send me a PM, call or text with pictures and price. 928-238-0094.
  11. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Donating elk meat

    We are always looking for our Hounds, any old or freezer burned meat we will take before you throw it out.
  12. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    ISO Unwanted old or freezer burned meat.

    The dogs don't like it and I don't like to feed canine to canine.
  13. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    ISO Unwanted old or freezer burned meat.

    That was the plan!!!
  14. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    ISO Unwanted old or freezer burned meat.

    It's that time of year again where the dog meat freezer is getting low. We feed our lion hounds a raw diet and hate to see anyone throwing out old, unwanted, freezer burned or slightly off meat from a freezer going out. We are looking for deer, elk, antelope, javelina, bear, lion, turkey, rabbit, chicken, beef, pork, fish.....really meat from any animal (except coyote) as long as it is unseasoned and not cooked. Send me a PM, call, text or email us and see if we can work out a pickup. Thanks, Heather & Dale 928-238-0094 wildheritagetaxidermy@yahoo.com
  15. WildHeritageTaxidermy

    Taxidermist in ABQ?

    Check out Ted Wenner in Roswell, Nm. https://www.facebook.com/wennerwildlifestudio/photos/pcb.1171253836271167/1171250732938144/?type=3