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Everything posted by archerman

  1. archerman

    Oh, to be 21 Again!

    Excellent bucks right there!
  2. archerman

    12 Year old Daughters first deer

    Update...........got the rack back from the taxi for cleaning and it taped out @ 94 7/8" gross and 90" net! What a first buck! My first Coues last year was only 74"! Not only did she show me up on the shooting, but on the size too!
  3. archerman

    First Coues Hunt

    Nicely done. Thta's a nice first Coues!
  4. archerman

    Friends, Family and Good Times

    Nicely done! That's pulling alot of meat from left over tags!
  5. archerman

    Chrystie's Buck

    Nicely done! Getting meat in the freezed is a good thing!
  6. archerman

    Great Coues Hunt

  7. archerman

    Father Son Coues Deer Hunt

    Very cool! I haven't hunted with my Pops in over 20 years. Sure would be cool if he would be able to go again. Congrats and hopefully you'll get a few more hunts with him.
  8. archerman

    First Buck for a Friend

    Awesome buck!
  9. archerman

    GF's First CWT!

    Nicely done!
  10. archerman

    3 buck in two days

    Sweet! Congrats to the young ones and to yourself! Looks like some nice shot placement by all.
  11. archerman

    12 Year old Daughters first deer

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments. I showed her the replies and she giggled the whole time!
  12. archerman

    Don's leftover buck

    Very nice!
  13. archerman

    Opening morning buck

    Holy cow! What a freakin toad! Congrats!
  14. archerman

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 29th, 10:32 am
  15. archerman

    My best buck to date

    Very nice buck!
  16. archerman

    Two Brothers Two Bucks down

    Nice bucks! Congrats.
  17. archerman

    daughters 1ST COUES HUNT

    Nice...........very nice! Congrats to you and great job on the patience.
  18. archerman

    Deer hunt success

    Awesome deer! Great job.
  19. archerman

    Ladies' Luck!

    Nicely done!
  20. Chocalate horns and ivory tips........nothin better. I'd probly pass up a bigger bull of tan horns for the chocolate...........welll.........I think so! Great bull and very cool to get out with your pops.
  21. archerman

    09 achery bull

    Holy Moly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez man...........what a way to start!