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Everything posted by bcoover

  1. bcoover


    Has anyone used an electric call for bears? How did it work? What types of calles did you use? I want to increase my chances but don't want to do anything stupid.
  2. bcoover


    I have seen all of mine in the oaks.
  3. bcoover


    Eight more days.
  4. Ok it was me I stole your camera. But I am not giving it back until you post the pictures.
  5. That is what I was thinking. If you gave it to the law enforcement, I bet they would say ok we will look into it. While your claim goes straight into the trash. The best chance to catching that guy would to post the pic and see if anyone know who it is.
  6. Post the pictures. Sorry about your camera.
  7. bcoover

    eat your hearts out

    I thought they were all the same deer.
  8. bcoover

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    I would say 121 5/8''
  9. bcoover


    I will also be hunting August 10th. I never put too much time into hunting Bears. I just did it to get out of the house and in the field. This year while scouting I found a very nice place. I have about five to seven boars to choose from. They are draining my camera in less than two weeks, with a 30 minute delay between pics. I would post some pics but I don't know how. I figued if I shot one I would show the before and after pictures. We will see but I am pretty excited to see how it plays out.
  10. bcoover


    Good morning everyone.
  11. I just put my cams out for the year. I wanted to know if anyone has seen bucks with antlers. I don't want to get my pictures back and find out that all the deer are antlerless. I guess that leads me to my next questions. When do coues start growing thier antlers?
  12. bcoover

    Who drew what?

    I didn't draw anything.
  13. bcoover


    I have a unit C tag.
  14. bcoover

    antler growth

    I was out this last weekend and spotted several deer with only nubs. I thought that they should of had more but it is nice to know that they are at that stage. I was thinking the bucks I saw were just going to be small. But now I think they will grow to their full size. Thanks for the responses. I was getting a little woried with the bucks I am seeing. Thanks
  15. bcoover

    C/W member says his card got hit

    Where is this informaton. The number of bonus points per person per unit. I didn't know the GF published this. I know they post the draw odds. I would like to see why I haven't been getting drawn and who has more points than I do in my unit.
  16. bcoover

    C/W member says his card got hit

    The Point I am trying to make. You shouldn't have to wait 13 years for an archery bull elk tag.
  17. bcoover

    C/W member says his card got hit

    So far I haven't had any hits on my card. I think it is safe to say I didn't get drawn. I now have 13 bonus points for bull elk. You want to know what my first choise was..... Archery, not rifle. I don't know how I didn't get drawn. I have given up on a rifle elk tag. Maybe next year I might get a drawn.
  18. bcoover

    C/W member says his card got hit

    17 I have 25 between the two.
  19. bcoover

    Rude Awakening

    What is the law about turkey's attacting you while you sleep. Can you shoot them?
  20. bcoover

    C/W member says his card got hit

    I haven't seen any hits on my card yet.
  21. bcoover

    40% less elk/antelope applicants!

    I don't know about 40%. That doesn't sound right. Everyone I know that always puts in, put in the year. Even a few of my friends that never put in..... put in this year. I would belive 10% and even 20% but 40%. Either way I am happy. Sounds good.
  22. I would do it. I know I would miss looking at my deer, but I would still do it.
  23. bcoover

    Drew a supplemental elk tag

    I think a friend of mine had that same tag only in September. It is more than likely it is the same problem elk. Considering he didn't harvest one. I might be able to help, I was with him most of the hunt. P.M. me for more information.
  24. It doesn't surprise me that the results came out that way. the questions on the survey were pointing in that direction. I have been hunting for 13 years in AZ and only been drawn for 1 elk tag and 3 deer tags. I feel most people would just like to go. Most people don't want to wait 13 years for an elk tag. So the GF came up with a solution. Yes they get more money and all those things but I think the key here is Patients. Give it two maybe five years and people will be asking for the quality hunts back. In the mean time take advantage of the higher draw odds, do your homework and nail a nice trophy.