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Everything posted by bcoover

  1. bcoover

    When do........

    Why were you hunting Elk in the desert?
  2. bcoover

    bogus points for lope

    Someone on here has said that the Game and Fish puts out a book showing the max points system. For example unit 1 bull you need atleast 20 bonus points to get the max points. Or if you have 20 bonus points you will draw the next time around. What is the book called I would like to get a copy.
  3. bcoover

    bogus points for lope

    How does the max bonus point system work?
  4. bcoover

    skull cleaning?

    I had ASU do mine. The science center was doing a study on the beetles. There was no charge. It took two weeks.
  5. I would like to hear the guys who walked passed you and waved story. It seems we only get one side of the story when this happens. I wonder if they were thinking the same thing as you. ''He is in our spot''. I think they should of backed off, but that is just me. There is a lot of land out there and we need to learn to share. This also isn't the first time we have talked about this on this site. All I can say is have more than one spot. when you do your shouting have back up plans. That would stop this from happening. I scout or have 4-5 areas I will hunt. Come hunting season most of the time three are taken. But I am ready for it. I just got done with My October hunt and didn't see one hunter in my unit..... hunting. I saw pleanty driving the roads. And there were hunters hunting 2 of my 5 spots, I just went to the next one.
  6. bcoover

    Bullet Question

    I just shot a buck last Friday with my 30-06. I used 125gr soft point. One shot at 100 yds dropped the deer in its tracks. I would highly recomend it.
  7. bcoover

    Pick your Candidate

    I came up with 1st Sam Brownback 2nd Fred Thompson The best part Hilary didn't even come up!
  8. bcoover


    What do you all use to hunt turkey? What type of ammo?
  9. bcoover

    Bear hunting ethics

    I got a story. The first hunt of the year I was in my blind waiting for a bear to come in. Off in the distance I can hear a dog barking. Not that big of deal right. I just figured someone was hunting with dogs. I come to find out this guy was hunting with dogs and he let his dogs roam free all day long. In the moring hunt the dog got so far ahead of him, he couldn't keep up. All these places I was hiking into I was walking along side this dogs track with no other human tracks with it. I came to the conclusion that this dog scared just about every Bear out of the area. So I headed home because I didn't want to be hunting in vain. I checked my trail photos and there wasn't a single bear picture for two weeks. In the days leading up to the hunt I was getting at least one bear a day. I will be going up again this week hopefully this guy hasn't returned to do more damage. One more thing I drove up Thursday night and caught some guys hunting bears on the day before the hunt. I know this because I asked them what they were doing. They replied ''we are bear hunting'' I would of reported them but since they didn't have any kills it would of just been my word against thiers. All I can say is hunting in AZ is getting more and more frustrating.
  10. bcoover

    Coues calender

    I like the idea. I would buy one.
  11. bcoover

    Time for my elk hunt

    I forgot to ask you. What did that ac unit ''score''.
  12. bcoover

    Bloodhunter, Primos

    I have it works really well.
  13. bcoover

    Bear track

    I would say it is a really good size bear. But one thing to note. Tracks in the mud are bigger than in the dirt. I have been following a two year old bear and his track is pretty good. But during the monsoon I thought it was a mature beer. Just a thought.
  14. I haven't had any trouble with mine. Just make sure to read the directions twice. My first one I thought I would just be able to figure it out once I was out there. Long story short I didn't and hiked back to the truck and then back to my spot. All three of mine work great. Each one is different, I would just grab the cheapest one and go.
  15. bcoover

    Still havent received my tag

    Maybe you didn't get drawn.
  16. I would post them. I do a lot of hiking and wonder if I ever walk past a camera. How do you know this man messed with your camera. Lets just say he walked past it and you forgot to hook up the power. It could happen. I don't think that happened but we wouldn't know unless you post the pictures. For example if you had a picture of me I would be the first to tell you I didn't lay a finger on your camera. I have had pictures of people on my camera's but they never messed with mine. Just a thought.
  17. maybe there is something we could do. take a look http://www.spyhq.com/surveillance.php?prot...racking+Systems I would be willing to donate 10.00 to Amanda to buy one of these. We only need thirty more people. I say lets get one and start cracking down. It seems unit 9 is the worst lets start there.
  18. Here is some facts for you Arizona's population 1987 3,437,103 2005 5,939,292 The game and fish use a 5% of the populations is hunters rule of thumb. estimated hunter population 1987 171,855 2005 296,964 We have doubled the amount of hunters in this great state in the last 20 years. I am sorry to say mother nature doesn't move that fast. We have the same amount of space, water, animals etc. That does mean you can expect just as much of an increase in hikers, treehuggers, etc. Too many people, is a huge problem for the game and fish. Come up with a solution for that. I can't and it doesn't look like the game and fish can either. The only thing I can see them doing is gowing deer on farms and stocking our hills like they stock fish. That is the only way you would be able to please the majority of hunters. So until then lets not get in to these stupid arguments. Where niether person really has any facts. Best of luck to everyone with a tag.
  19. We live in the desert. There is only so much this state can offer to its wildlife. The animal populations are not going to grow nearly as fast as our hunter populations. Think about it if you double the our current deer heard half of them will die an a year or two there just isn't enough water here for that kind of explosion. But the number of hunters increase every year. Take into consideration the last twenty years Arizona has grown and so has the amount of hunters in the field. There is no such thing as a secret spot anymore. Look at how many cameras are being stolen. I haven't had any of mine stolen but mine are aslo two to three miles in. Which doen't make them safe. My point is how in the heck do you find a camera out in the middle of now where. The answer too many people in the field.
  20. I know we blame the azgfd for a lot of the problems with our wildlife. The biggest problem I see, too many hunters. The game and fish don't seem to know how to deal with it. Take Kiabab for example who here likes to hunt the early hunt with 1,000 other hunters. I don't I will never put in for that hunt. The otc deer tags are nice, because you can go each year if you choose. But when I go archery it seems like everyone and their mother is in the same area as me. I would like the archery tags to go to a draw. I enjoy archery and it would be nice to be in a unit with only 100 other huters. But I think the game and fish if put to a draw would keep the tags up around what they are otc. Which I think defeats the purpose. Who here would be infavor of a few archery trophy deer hunts and a seperate season for all the otc deer hunters. How nice would it bee to go to Kiabab September 1st with only 250 hunters. Sounds like a nice hunt to me. Consider Setember 15th all the otc deer hunters can take a wack at Kiabab. I was just using Kiabab as an example we could have an archery deer draw for the top 10 units. But also keep the otc just make them hunt after the draw hunts. just a thought
  21. bcoover

    The sportsmans channel

    What channel can you watch hunting with COX. I have cox and have looked for it but can't find it. Please don't make fun of the word cox.