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Everything posted by bcoover

  1. bcoover

    Nice Shed.....

    I would of put it next to a sharpened down pencil.
  2. Isn't the out of state tags going up next year. If they are why not turn around and pay these rangers what they need.
  3. bcoover

    Walk on by..

    I have seen this in the snow. The only difference was the whole time I could see the deer. I don't think they know the difference between dirt and snow. Poor bastard didn't even know what hit him.
  4. I don't care about the dead dogs and cats. If you ask me it is stupid that they would be able to charge them with 30 plus charges. But the funny thing we have all those laws because of stupid people in Peta. Thanks to their own prostesting we too many laws in that area, and now they are going to be charged to the ''full'' extent of the law.
  5. bcoover

    How far do you hike??

    That is a good question. I would say I don't go any further, than 4 miles. I don't think I would want to cary a animal longer than 4 miles.
  6. bcoover


    Does anyone know a good lion guide?
  7. bcoover


    thanks for the help.
  8. bcoover

    speak o' the devil

    I have one word for those bluffs......TNT. I wonder if it would bother her to hear TNT going off all day long for months just to build a road around her property. I would also put the new road right on the edge of her property line. With the new road they wouldn't have to maintain her road, so she could pay that out of her own pocket. What do you guys think.
  9. bcoover

    speak o' the devil

    It seems to me she is one unhappy person. I don't think you would be able to reason with her at all. I understand it is her land, and her road. What is at the end of that road is public land. How much money would it really cost to build a road around her property. I would guess a lot less then taking the problem to court.
  10. bcoover

    Land Access

    I would sugesting finding out who the land belongs to, giving them a real nice call on the phone and just ask if you can travel through their land to get to your hunting spot. You are not asking to hunt on their land right just asking to travel through it. If it was my land I would allow it, letting someone hunt on my land now that is another subject.
  11. bcoover

    DRAW TIME!!!

    I will be putting in for rifle Deer. If I don't get drawn I will go archery. I am also puting in for archery elk, rifle antelope, rifle ram and rifle turkey.
  12. bcoover

    same old unit?

    I am putting in for the same thing as last year. No reason to change.
  13. bcoover

    2005 Fall Regs

    I have hunted 12a for a long time and last year when I was up there on the archery hunt every tank I walked by was full. I have never seen that much water up there. Even when the hunting was good in 12a I didn't see that much water. That was the hunt that proved to me that 12a wasn't in a drout. It is too bad because I loved going to 12a and seeing monster bucks. You still can but it is getting more and more difficult trying to find them.
  14. bcoover

    What's a trophy to you?

    I am always after the big boys. I wouldn't shoot anything under 100'' unless it was the last day of the hunt. I would be very happy with a 110'' buck. I think the only reason I hold out so long is because I do so much scouting. When you put in that much work you don't want to settle with something smaller than expected. I glassed and set up on many bucks last season all of which were around 85'' but didn't take the shot. Just not big enough.
  15. bcoover

    Oct hunt in 23?

    I think the October hunt is a bad move too. The whitetail are not going to be in the rut and it is going to be too hot. It is too bad the tags for the December hunt have been cut in half. That was a good hunt.
  16. bcoover

    AZ Hunt/Fish Fees

    Why don't you cry about it. Just put aside a little money each week and at the end of the year you will have a enough for a tag. If you WONT to you could use your tax return to purchase your tag each year. It isn't the game and fish's job to make sure you have enough money to purchase a tag. I still don't think it is that much money. People just want everything to be easy. I don't here you complaining about OPEC and how run things. How do you like them apples!
  17. bcoover

    AZ Hunt/Fish Fees

    I am all for the increase. I also disagree with you all saying it is a rich mans sport now. We spend far more money on guns and other things we take on our hunts. I spend a hundred dollars every time I go scouting just in gas and food. So what if the tags are more. Maybe is will increase the value of the deer. Who is going to shoot a spike when it cost you all that money. Next thing you know they are always big bucks where ever you go because everyone will only shoot a three point of better. Plus there will be more bucks. I must say it is nice when you go hunting and you see tons of deer even if they are not big enough. Someone also said the AZ hunting is the best, that is because the game and fish does do somthing other than making us mad. I have been disapointed in them these past few months the increase is the first thing to bring a smile to my face.
  18. bcoover

    AZ Hunt/Fish Fees

    When will be know for SURE that the price will go up and how much it is going to be?
  19. bcoover

    early coues hunt in 23

    I would be all for a early hunt in 23. I don't think it would hurt the population very much. Plus the less tags in the late hunt the better. Just too many hunters during that hunt. Just a FYI when the game and fish came out with the late hunt no one wanted to hunt it.
  20. bcoover

    Everyone please look at this!

    Mike It isn't my property. It belongs to a really good friend of my family. They don't hunt and they know we love to, so we can go and hunt when ever we want. I just call it mine becuase I don't like to have to explain it every time. It just so happens that I have the keys in my truck right now. It is only five acres that sucks that only people with 2000 acres get the tags. They do own the whole thing and it has been in their family for I think five generations. The forest service has been trying to buy that land for years.
  21. bcoover

    Everyone please look at this!

    If that passed I would have a bull elk tag every year, instead of some out of state piece shi*t getting drawn and hunting on my ranch in 23.
  22. bcoover

    Rude hunters

    I would of never let that 6X6 go. I would of cut off his tag and threw it on the ground, right in front of his face. Why did you let him keep that bull? Not to change the subject but what about hunters taking bad shots. I have so many stories of hunters shooting and never finding the animal because the shot was so bad. I have never lost an animal. I also don't think I ever will.
  23. bcoover

    Rude hunters

    Jason welcome to my world. This happens just about every time I go into the field. It makes me so mad. Most of us don't have spots that we own, but it is common respect to back off when you come into contact with other hunters. I once had a guy walk right through a meadow I was set up on he scared six does and a spike away and then wave at me. This was a afternoon hunt and I wanted a big buck to see the does and spike and think it was safe to come in. After they ran I got up and went back to my truck. Why even hunt anymore. On the other hand I have walked up on other hunters, took one look at them and turned right back around. The sad thing is I have a private ranch, Which I post no hunting signs about every tweenty feet. It is my land and I will hunt it no one else. Yet I see it even happen then. I have caught five different hunters on my property, and have spotted hundred just leaning over the fience. This is the one subject I just don't understand. I can also go on forever too. Something needs to be done!
  24. bcoover

    December/January Rut

    I was up at my spot yesterday and I would say the deer are right in the heart of the rut. I don't know about the rest of Arizona but I am going to have a great hunt.