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Everything posted by azcouesfanatic

  1. azcouesfanatic

    Antler restrictions??

    +1 I totally agree with you on all accounts. Utah has implemented antler restrictions and the trophy quality has shown significant improvement. In fact, Elk Hunter Magazine recently ranked a limited draw Utah bull tag as the No. 1 quality bull elk hunt in the west over Arizona. The problem with Colorado is they simply offer way too many tags with so many of them being OTC. You aren't going to make many friends on this forum by bringing up this topic though. Whenever it gets brought up everyone becomes a meat hunter and doesn't care about antlers anymore. I am a trophy hunter through and through and to me some delicious lean meat is a nice "bonus." Maybe that makes my motives wrong in some peoples eyes but at least I am honest with myself. I really don't see how people are willing to spend $1000+ on optics, $1000+ on long rang rifles, $$$$$ on tags, licenses, camping gear, 4x4 trucks, gas, meat processing, ammo, etc., etc. and then say all that really matters is the meat. You are looking at hundreds of dollars/pound for game meat when all is said and done. Last I checked T-bones were only about $10/lb at the grocery store. If it really is all about the meat then just put in for a cow tag every year and let us that care about antlers propose things like antler restrictions. The odds and success rates are a lot better for cow tags. With the way G&F keeps increasing tags it is going to get harder and harder to find trophy animals. Everybody wants to kill a monster but no one is willing to sacrafice the chance of killing a spike or raghorn for a few years to increase the age class of the animals.
  2. azcouesfanatic

    Nm now has OTC Ibex

    $1630 bucks is steep for a female or immature billy!!!!!!
  3. azcouesfanatic

    Anyone harvest a Rocky in AZ

    Heck of a ram. Thanks for posting.
  4. azcouesfanatic

    Ben's late December buck

    That's a tremendous buck.
  5. azcouesfanatic

    New Years Eve Buck

    Incredible dedication. After that many days it really becomes a mental game.
  6. azcouesfanatic

    December 2012 AZ Coues Hunt.

    What an adventure with some great bucks. Well done!
  7. azcouesfanatic

    *** First Deer With a Bow***

    What a tremendous first buck.
  8. azcouesfanatic

    Another Short Season for Garrett

    That's a great buck. Way to stay with it.
  9. azcouesfanatic

    My 2013 "Fighter" Buck

    10 Coues deer with a bow is pretty amazing. Great Job.
  10. azcouesfanatic

    Happy New Year,My Birthday Buck

    Nice buck Nate. It's gonna be a long wait til 2014. Congrats.
  11. azcouesfanatic

    San Carlos Tag Filled!

    What an awesome buck. I see why he is your favorite.
  12. azcouesfanatic


    Elite will take care of your for sure if you have any issues send me a PM.
  13. azcouesfanatic

    2012 Big coues buck

    That's a stud.
  14. azcouesfanatic

    Dec Tag Filled

    Great job on a great buck. Way to stick with it even in nasty weather.
  15. azcouesfanatic

    2012 Coues

    That is a tremendous buck, well done.
  16. azcouesfanatic

    My Dads AZ Sheep Unit 31/32 Dec 3rd 2012

    That's an awesome ram. Job well done.
  17. azcouesfanatic

    2013 elk recomendations

    Thats funny you say your buck was 180". Since I got the picture during deer season and it said 165". From what I was told you are well aware you buck scores 165" so just another example of your bull****!!!!!!! Its a great buck but why do you need to lie, just to boost your ego???
  18. azcouesfanatic

    2013 elk recomendations

    BC777, its pathetic that you are going to attack a person you don't even know. I don't know Packer and I have never met the guy but I can tell you he had no obligation to come on this thread and provide some insight as to why things happen the way they do. So just because you don't like what he says your going to attack his character what a joke. I currently hunt 3C regularly and yes the numbers of big bulls are down but you complaining about 25 juniors tag is laughable. Last I checked they cut the juniors tags by 125 and they cut the general tags by 150. If you are telling me that 3C can not handle 200 general deer tags and 25 youth deer tags then obviously you are not very educated on wildlife management. I had the deer tag in 2011 and we managed to kill two great deer without any issues and obviously you found a great deer this year so your argument about the youth deer hunt is extremely flawed.
  19. azcouesfanatic

    Anyone harvest a Rocky in AZ

    That's a stud
  20. azcouesfanatic

    Three New Mexico rams *photos*

    Do you have any scores on the pictured rams? I like to guess and see how close I am.
  21. azcouesfanatic

    Three New Mexico rams *photos*

    Those are some great rams. New Mexico is producing giants this year. A 13 year old kid killed a 192" desert and the auction hunter killed a 186" desert with a bow. I wish I had a tag this year.
  22. azcouesfanatic

    Not until the Fat Lady Sings

    I really enjoy your write-ups and photos.
  23. azcouesfanatic

    46B tag #1

    Sweet. What an awesome picture and a great ram!!!
  24. azcouesfanatic

    Dad's Late Rifle Bull

    Great bull. The smile says it all.