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Everything posted by azcouesfanatic

  1. azcouesfanatic

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    I also want to thank my buddies Matt and Nathan for finding the bull an telling me to post it up
  2. azcouesfanatic

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    I have a picture but I will let Trent post it up if he wants to.
  3. azcouesfanatic

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    Well guys this story has a happy ending. I was able to locate the hunter and he has been reunited with his bull thanks to coueswhitetail. Also coueswhitetail has a new member. Congrats on a great bull Trent!!!!
  4. azcouesfanatic

    archery mule deer 5x4 28 inches wide unit 21

    Those are some great bucks. Well done.
  5. azcouesfanatic

    Spot and stock unit 32 antelope

    That's. great buck!!!
  6. azcouesfanatic

    Colorado Antelope

    Well, my wife and our good friend Ilene headed out to Denver, CO to chase antelope with our friends at Southwest Outdoors. This was the first bowhunt of the season for all of use and anticipation was high. There were no shortage of antelope but the weather really did not cooperate for sitting water. This was my first hunt with my 2013 Answer and my new CBE Tek-Hunter. I can think of a better combination for hunting speed goats out west, a fast bow and an adjustable sight that I can stretch out to over 100 yards. The first two days found my wife and and trying to slip into bow range utilizing spot and stalk. This proved to be very difficult. On day two I managed to sneak into my effective range on three different bucks but was unable to even get a shot off because these antelope pegged me every time I went to draw. The morning of day 3 I decided to sit a fence crossing that had been very active. After approximately two hours a great goat began to make his way down the fence to the crossing which I was positioned 55 yards from. The last 100 yards the buck sprinted to the crossing and I was worried he was going to cross without me getting shot so I was unable to hit record on the video camera. The buck came in and turned broadside and 55 yards and I sent my Goldtip 5575 tipped with an Ulmer Edge on its way. The shot was a touch low but one blade caught the heart and that was all it took. Unfortunately my wife and Ilene were unable to connect. This turned out to be a great first hunt of the years and we will likely return next year. Enjoy
  7. azcouesfanatic

    1st Antelope hunt, 1st buck!

    Great buck!!!
  8. azcouesfanatic

    Big Bear Down

    Well my buddy Andrew has been asking me to take him bear hunting for a few years now. This year we finally put a plan together and agreed to start Andrew's quest on Monday, August 12th. I met Andrew in Globe around 1pm and we headed out to. An afternoon storm showed up and it helped drop the temperature. We were on the hill glassing by 4pm and thirty minutes later I spotted a great bear. We put together a plan of attack and we were off. Approximately an hour and a half later Andrew was settling in for the 275 yard shot at a great AZ bear. Andrew made a perfect shot and the bear toubled down the hill and expired. By this time it was 6pm. We got to the bear and it was huge. The bear was lying on its side and the chest was so big the bear looked like he was bloated because his legs were sticking straight out. We took a few photos and began caring for the beast. By the time we had him ready to be packed out it was well after dark. The darkness turned out to be a very difficult factor in our pack out because we could not find the right path through the thickness. After bushwacking for a few hours we were both spent. We decide to sleep out there for a few hours which we did. We consolidated the load and decided we would have to come back for a scond load in the morning. We finally made it out at 215am. We managed to get an 1.5 hours of sleep before we headed back in for the last load. The memory of this hunt will never be forgotten. We had a true adventure and we worked hard to kill a great bear. As I sit here typing this I can feel the burn in my legs and I can't help but smile. This is why I hunt.!!!!! The video was through my iphone attached to my 12 power swarovski's. Sorry for the ackward angle but I could not find a way to rotate it. Enjoy Brian Andrews bear video harvest.MOV
  9. azcouesfanatic

    Dutch Oven and Cast Iron Pan

    I was given these these items a few years back and have never used them. They are brand new and I have no use for them. I would sell them all for $50. If interested let me know. Thanks SOLD
  10. azcouesfanatic

    Dutch Oven and Cast Iron Pan

    I live at I17 and Happy valley so who ever can coordinate getting them first can have them. Send me a PM with you number and I will call you. Thanks
  11. azcouesfanatic

    nice lookin sheep

    Looks like a 6a ram getting a drink out of west clear creek. Very cool.
  12. Here is my bear mount that was done by Colton Bagnoli.
  13. Great bear! Way to get it done.
  14. azcouesfanatic

    6b bear

    Great job! Judging from the pictures you were solo, that takes some serious guts to chase bears solo. Well done.
  15. azcouesfanatic

    My bank card was hit!!!

    I was hit for a tag. Its either a 6A second hunt tag or a 27S/28N second hunt tag. I can't wait to figure out which tag it is. To make things better my dad drew a non-resident rocky tag in Utah.
  16. azcouesfanatic

    Unit 9 Guide

    Wow, what a tremendous tag to have and great problem to have. I think there are some important questions you need to ask that will narrow your list. 1) Who is going to be in Unit 9 during the archery hunt? 2) What is your price range? The cost of the hunt varies approximately $1500-2000 between the list of guides. 3) Who will be your guide? If I was gonna book with some of the names you mentioned I would only hunt with the outfitter no subguides. 4) Do they have any availability? I know for sure that at least one of the outfits you mentioned the outfitter already has a client during the early rifle hunt so he would not be available to guide you. You would have to be guided by one of his other guides, which would not work for me. 5) How many hunters will the outfitter have in camp? 6) Ask to talk with references who were not successful when they hunted with that particular outfit? Success can not be guaranteed but many parts of the hunt can! For example: professional staff, guide works as hard as he can, a guide who is up on time ready to go, good food. I can tell you from experience that if the camp sucks and the guides suck then the hunt will suck but if the camp is great and the guide is great the hunt will be awesome even without success. 6) How big of bull are you looking for? Be realistic? I personally think 370" is a realistic mark anything bigger is a bonus. When you start contacting each of these outfits you should ask them how many hunters did you have in camp during the archery hunt last year, how many did you have during the early rifle hunt last year This will help you compare a larger outfit to a smaller one. Some of the outfits you mentioned take considerably (4-5 times) more hunters then the others. Also if someone is boasting about killing 4 bulls over 400" in the past 5 years ask were those general season hunts or auction or raffle hunts? The only bulls I would want to know about were those killed during the general season. These are some of things I would look into if I had to make a choice. I am not going to recommend one outfit over another because I know several of your recommendations. Although I do know where I would invest my money!!!! Good Luck and I hope to see a picture of a monster.
  17. azcouesfanatic

    Draw Odds Calculator

    Willie, You did not screw up at all. You do not have enough points to get into the bonus point pass draw for any of those units so you will be in the general draw for all of them. If they pull your number they will check your first then second choice if both are full you go back into the draw. Realistically it is highly unlikely to draw any other choice then your first and second unless you are applying for cow hunts. For your son I law it is imperative that he applies alone since non residents are only allotted 10% of the tags for a given hunt. I would also venture to say the only unit he has a chance to draw with no points is 6A because the other units you mentioned are likely to go to non residents in the pass draw. I hope this helps. Brian
  18. azcouesfanatic

    Draw Odds Calculator

    Out2hunt, you will definitely draw the 5a tag without a doubt. Something you might want to be aware of is that you have no chance to draw the muzzy 9 tag because the way the draw works is the bonus point pass draw is conducted first. Since 9 points is not enough to get in the unit 9 muzzy bonus pass draw you will automatically draw 5a before the regular draw is even conducted. This is something to be aware of when you start getting up there in points and you are considering applying for an easier draw unit.
  19. azcouesfanatic

    Lion hunt video

    Great video and a stud lion.
  20. Way to kill the biggest ram in the state for 2012. Great job boys.
  21. azcouesfanatic

    Draw Odds Calculator

    Check 8 points for 3c bull and for 27 bull. Please
  22. azcouesfanatic

    Elk Draw odds question

    I think you should have to sit out 3 years after drawing a premium tag because this would ultimately help lower the max bonus point pool to a much more reasonable number. There have been many great suggestion but AZGFD always holds fast to what they have always done. It would be nice to see a system implemented that lowered the max pool. I definately feel that those with tons of points deserve to draw their tag.
  23. azcouesfanatic

    Elk Draw odds question

    Well the alternative is to be like other states where only the max point holders can draw or have no point system and if your luck stinks then you never draw. I think AZ's system is much better than that. At least you have a chance to draw every year. With that said some are just luckier than others. If you wanna draw a bull tag every couple of years then don't apply for premium tags. There are multiple units for archery bull (7E, 4B, 3B, 6A) as well as rifle bull (4A, 4B) that you can draw at least every five years with a little luck, all of which provide the opportunity for a great hunt. Good Luck
  24. azcouesfanatic

    Just Finished my Elk App

    Anyone willing to share there picks? Mine are 3C and 27!
  25. azcouesfanatic

    Just Finished my Elk App

    It's better just to tell her she drew and when your leaving. LOL