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Everything posted by azcouesfanatic

  1. azcouesfanatic

    2010 Monster AZ archery coues

    Simply amazing. Brian
  2. azcouesfanatic

    The Karma Buck

    Great buck, It sounds like a great experience and it all came together. I think "Karma Buck" is a great name for this story and I hope Ian writes an article because I bet it would get published. Congrats Brian
  3. azcouesfanatic

    Back to Back 160'' in Jan

    Congrats Kevin, Two great bucks in two years. Brian
  4. azcouesfanatic

    unit 31 late

    Nice buck.
  5. azcouesfanatic

    Big D's Buck

    Hey Everyone, Just when I thought the year could not get much better it did. Thursday night found me and my buddy Jay heading south to help his cousin on his December hunt. When we arrived in camp the anticipation was high and we thought we had a good chance to put the hammer on a great buck. Darren (Big D), Mike, Jay bird, Jay, and I all headed out early the next morning. At first light we immediately spotted a really good buck that was hard to pass up but we did. Nearly an hour later we picked up 7-8 deer feeding. These deer were a long ways off so I got out the big eyes to check out the potential of a couple of the bucks. There appeared to be one buck hanging away from the rest and when I focused my spotting scope I quickly found out why. He was a great buck that had 5 on one side and 3 on the other. Not to mention his giant eye guards. Well we got to watch the buck for ten minutes before he headed for a saddle and topped out. The view of this buck in the skyline was awesome. Not sure if we could find the buck again we headed up to where we last saw him. Two hours later and several miles we were looking into the drainage the buck had dropped into. After only glassing for five minutes Darren picked up the buck. The buck was 600 yards out and he was close to going over another saddle. Darren and Jay grabbed their packs and headed out. I stayed back and kept an eye on the buck. A short time later they were getting set up for the 300 yard shot when the buck busted them. This buck did not waste anytime and he immediately headed out. Darren was able to find the buck and make a great shot anchoring the buck. My uncle had this buck on a trail camera and sent me this picture. This was a great experience with great friends. We all worked together and we were rewarded with a tremendous buck. Hope you enjoy.
  6. azcouesfanatic

    Late November Success

    Well, let me just say this was the best 3 days of coues deer hunting in my life. We had several tags in camp and I had my fiance along with my little brother. Opening morning started the weekend off with a bang. At first light I glassed up a great 3x3 and the stalk was on. You see my fiance Nicole needed a little redemption since last year the big one gave us the slip. We quickly cut the distance on the buck and Nicole made an amazing shot and she had a great buck on the ground. Nicole's buck grosses right around 98". I also got great video of her shot. That same morning my buddies son, Cody manged to put the smack on another great buck which was his first buck ever. I do not have field photos of this buck. It is the buck held up in the skyline with Nicole. This buck is a 3x4 and it grossed 102". Saturday morning found me up on a rock with my little brother and a buddy. It was a cold windy morning and the deer movement was slow. We heard some shooting and I started glassing in that direction and running towards us were four spikes. My brother has been on two coues deer hunts before and he has not had the chance to shoot a buck yet. I asked him if he wanted to shoot a spike and he said yes. We set up for the 300 yard shot and the rest is history. The wind continued to blow all day and it was pushing 30mph. We figured the bucks would try to stay out of the wind so we chose to hunt a place that provided some protection. As Nicole and I were headed up the hill we jumped a great buck at 50 yards. The buck was not really concerned with us so I watched him top out over the hill. We hurried up the hill and ended up bumping him again. The buck ran into a mesquite thicket and stopped. I watched the buck bed down and Jay quickly moved to our position. We waited for the buck to stand but we were losing light fast so I did my best coyote howl. After the third attempt the buck had enough and stood up providing Jay with a shot. The buck was down and he was a stud. The buck had damaged his main beam in velvet causing it to bend back towards his face and he also had a broken G3. Even with the broken point the buck grosses 101". This was Jays first 100 inch buck congrats. Well I did not figure the hunt could get much better but it did. Sunday morning found us glassing for Andrew who had just arrived in camp. After several hours of glassing we had not seen a good buck so we moved to a new glassing point. While we were glassing Jay was in a different location and he spotted a buck right below us. Due to the thick cover and the steep terrain the buck was only 100 yards below us but we could not see him. The buck went into a thicket and bedded down. We devised a plan for another buddy to bump the deer so we could get a shot at him. The buck jumped up and crossed the canyon giving Andrew a 200 yard shot. Andrew made a great shot and we had another great buck down. This buck was a 4x3 that grosses 88". This was a fantastic hunt with lots of good friends and great memories. Hope you enjoy.
  7. azcouesfanatic

    A Couple More!!!

    Wow, great bucks. Seems to be a lot of 4 point bucks this year. Great Job
  8. azcouesfanatic

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    Great buck! 121 3/8 Brian
  9. azcouesfanatic

    Huge Buck

    I was sent this picture on my phone yesterday and I was wondering if anyone had any information on it. The buck is huge and I was told it came from down south.
  10. azcouesfanatic

    Huge Buck

    Thanks for the information. This was the first time I had seen him. Brian
  11. azcouesfanatic

    10 months later!

    Wow, thats a great buck. It is awesome that you saw the buck in January and were able to relocate him 10 months later and kill him. Great job. Brian
  12. azcouesfanatic

    2009 Coues deer

    Thats a great buck and a great story. Good job. Your hard work paid off. Brian
  13. azcouesfanatic


    Wow, that is a great buck with tremendous character. I would not want to be a big coues buck when you are around. Brian
  14. azcouesfanatic

    My 2009 Bull Elk Hunt

    Thats an awesome bull congrats. Brian
  15. azcouesfanatic

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jim Reynolds (aka: Antlerdog) I realize you have been hunting Coues deer for more years than I have been alive and have taken more Boone and Crockett bucks than I have ever probably seen in the wild but why would I lie to you about what was seen down south before this buck was killed? The statement I made about half the bucks being rubbed was not what I meant to say. In this particular spot nearly half the bucks were rubbed. I agree that in other spots that I had been hunting the bucks were not rubbed. I am not sure why in this particular area these bucks rubbed out so early. It could also be the fact that the buck was so large. Sorry to mislead anyone but I am not sure I would tell someone he is FULL OF ****!!!! (FOS) when I do not even know the person. Brian
  16. azcouesfanatic

    2009 Archery Elk hunt (2nd half of RAM's Post)

    Looks like you did great for such a tough year. Congrats Brian
  17. Hey Everyone, I went up on Friday night to help a good friend of mine who had drawn a bull tag. The bulls were really screaming on the three days prior to the start of the hunt but they got quiet after the opener. On Sunday night we set up in an area we had heard a bull that morning. We heard him bugle at 3pm and 330pm but that was it and we were never able to locate him. About 545pm a weekend camper started shooting a bazooka where we were hunting so we headed out. As we were walking out we heard one bugle at the top of a ridge. We hurried to the top of the ridge in hopes of locating the bull. Just about to the top of the ridge and bull no more than 50-60 yards to our left ripped a huge bugle. Bobby got set up and I walked up behind him putting him between me and the bull. A couple cow calls and the bull was tearing up a tree 20 yards from Bobby. A few more cow calls and he stepped out and Bobby put the hammer down on him. It is a great bull and we had an amazing trip. Hope you enjoy Brian
  18. azcouesfanatic

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Thats a great story. Sounds like you really showed a lot of patients and it paid off. Brian
  19. azcouesfanatic

    my first bull

    Great job. Congrats. Brian
  20. azcouesfanatic

    AZ Giant 128 4/8

    Hey Everyone, Well just when I thought my year could not get any better it did. Most of you know I am an absolute coues deer fanatic. I have been hunting these little guys like most of you for the better part of my life. Up until August 29, 2009 my best buck with a gun was right at 102". On Saturday, I got permission from my fiance to go hunting so I jumped at the chance (she really did not have a choice!!!!). I went to a water hole which I had seen some decent bucks on in the past and figured I might have a chance to get a nice buck with my bow because it has been so hot. I got in my double bull at approximately 7am and figured I would sit all day. At 930 I had a doe come in and then at 1030 I was visited by a nice black bear. At 130 I had two small bucks show up but they were nothing I was going to shoot. At 3pm another doe came and drank. As the doe left my view from the blind window this giant showed up. I was ready and he walked to the same spot where all the other deer had watered which was 30 yards. I flipped on the video camera and prepared myself for the shot (YES I GOT IT ALL ON VIDEO). It was everything I could do not to shake the arrow off the rest. Once the buck committed to drinking I drew. At the shot the buck ducked a little and I caught him in the spine dropping him instantly. This is the first animal I have harvested using my new ELITE GT500. If you have not had a chance to shoot an ELITE bow I suggest you check them out. They are lightening fast and have a great feel to them. I was using GOLD TIP arrows with 100 grain Wac Em broadheads. Spot Hogg sight with a limb driver rest along with fuse accessories. I also want to thank the staff at Archery Headquarters for getting me set up especially George and Randy. This buck is everything I could ever imagine. He has 7 points on his right and 4 on his left. Depending on how things are scored his SCI (no detuct/adding everything) score is 128 4/8. His gross pope and young score is 124 2/8 and he should net around 118/38. The buck has 18" of mass per side with over 18 inch beams. OK here is what the preliminary measurements are: Inside SPREAD 15 7/8 Right Side MAIN Beam 18 6/8 G1 5 1/8 G2 7 2/8 G3 6 H1 4 7/8 H2 4 1/8 H3 4 1/8 H4 3 2/8 TOTAL RIGHT = 53 4/8 LEFT SIDE MAIN BEAM 18 5/8 G1 5 1/8 G2 8 2/8 G3 6 3/8 H1 5 H2 4 1/8 H3 4 1/8 H4 3 2/8 TOTAL LEFT = 54 7/83 ABNORMAL POINTS RIGHT SIDE 1, 1 1/8, 2 1/8 TOTAL 4 2/8 SYMMETRY DEDUCTION BETWEEN BOTH SIDES 1 5/8 DEDUCTION PLUS ABNORMAL POINTS = 5 7/8 MAINFRAME TYPICAL GROSS 124 2/8 NET TYPICAL SCORE 118 3/8 THE BUCK IS A 128 4/8 GROSS I hope you enjoy. Youtube link: Brian
  21. azcouesfanatic

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Net scores are bogus, but this buck can be entered as a non-typical. As a non-typical I believe he will easily exceed the 124 0/8. Matt will probably not enter him anyways because he does not care about the score. Regardless it has been a great year for giant bucks. I do believe the rut is later down south and possibly the shedding of antlers but as for velvet I have seen the opposite. Almost half the bucks we are seeing down south right now are completely shed of velvet. I have not seen a buck up north without velvet or heard of one. I could be wrong about shedding down south but this is what my experience has been.
  22. azcouesfanatic

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, the buck was shot in Arizona.
  23. azcouesfanatic

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dodgerboy999 fobbed a mtn lion this past weekend.
  24. azcouesfanatic

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For those of you who do not know here are the current world records for Coues Deer. Nontypical 124 0/8 Typical 130 1/8 So yes. this buck has the potential to be the new WORLD RECORD! If you ever interested in looking at the world records you can go to the pope and young website. http://www.pope-young.org/world-records_main.asp As for velvet larger bucks shed first and bucks down south shed before bucks up north.
  25. azcouesfanatic

    !!!!!!! Fobbed Giant 132 4/8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Matt, Your a stud, could be the new world record non-typical. Once again you have killed a giant. Brian