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About Jessedr

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  • Birthday 06/29/1949

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  • Location
    N.W. Arizona

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  1. Jessedr

    First time on the Kaibab

    I live in northen Az. and I always carry a MT.L. Tag when hunting. you never know when one will pop up. So just in case it's there.
  2. Jessedr


    I carry a rain poncho and I set it up as a lean-to or over head cover. The poles are light and don't take much to set up. I carry this on My pack frame and, the frame is modified with a camp seat. this way my frame becomes a back rest and if need be a shooting rest also.. The poncho I got from cabela's and it's a good one.
  3. Jessedr

    Unit 6A

    I lived in Camp Verde and have hunted 6A. I have hunted cedar flats but most of the deer I seen there were Muley's but did see five head of whitetail there. I seen more couse down by the river going the old road to Strawberry. Their in the area just harder to fined then the muley's..
  4. Jessedr

    It has been bugging me…

    CW4192- Right on. Semper Fi. and good hunting....
  5. Jessedr

    I hope we didn't spoil him

    Congrats on the nice buck. MAY YOUR NEXT HUNT"S BE AS GOOD.
  6. Jessedr

    Finally Shot a Big one!

    Congrats on your buck. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NEXT HUNTS.
  7. Jessedr

    Lori's Luck.....

    For the deer congrats. As for the little guy, I guess that's what makes the great white hunter.
  8. Jessedr

    hunting Coues in 30A

    I got 30B 6-12 Nov. So just send the deer in 30A on over. HEE HEE. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HUNT.
  9. Jessedr

    first buck ever

    NICE BUCK. GREAT JOB. Did you have him take a chunk out of the heart?
  10. Jessedr

    Cody's First Buck

    Nice BUCK Cody. By the way does he have a brother in the 30B area? HEE HEE.
  11. Tell your SON great BUCK.
  12. Jessedr

    Held at gunpoint

    I removed my reply as "it got the response" I was looking for. "I also have a CCW. and was in LAW ENFORCEMENT". Stay Safe and GOOD LUCK ON YOUR HUNTS. SEMPER FI., GUNG HO.
  13. Jessedr

    It's Shooting Light

    Good luck to you all. I'll get my chance next month.