I shoot RAGE two blade. flys like a feild tip and has a 2+ inch cut. I like it alot. I have put down 3 deer, and 2 coyotes with it. The thing I dont like about them is sometimes when I pull an arrow out of my quiver the blade opens up, and I have to close them loosing prescious seconds and showing the deer where I am with my movment. Its because of this I have been shoping. I found a new fixed blade mechinel called BLOOD RUNNER. It also flies like a feild piont. It has a 1 inch cut when it flies and when it hits the blades slide back giving it a 1 1/2 inch cut. There cheaper too. I like them better. I have to wait till next year to see what kind of damage they do on the tasty forrest critters. Google blood runner.
I hope my ramblings help somewhat...