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Everything posted by bowhuntaz1

  1. bowhuntaz1

    Pretty good day of bass fishing

    Very nice fish
  2. bowhuntaz1

    Looks like I drew a Elk Tag

    High pines of Yuma ha ha ha ha. Yuma is in 41 and 42 is North of I-10
  3. bowhuntaz1

    gobblers already gobbling

    I have been thinking about this weather and the turkey rut for a while now. I believe it will be over way before hunting season
  4. bowhuntaz1

    online elk tag result guessing

    Man, Just checked mine and nothing yet. Will be checking 2-99999 times per hour now
  5. bowhuntaz1

    A LITTLE good news

    BIG congrats on the new huntress
  6. bowhuntaz1

    For those CC hitters

    I did back on Feb 22 for the application fee...
  7. bowhuntaz1


    azcoues I would try not to use the card anymore till after the draw if you are close to your limit. If its a debit card, make sure you have the funds in there asap. In my opinion they will start hitting the cards sometime this coming week. Check your account and this site. I will be checking my account about 5 times an hour starting monday. Good luck on the draw
  8. bowhuntaz1

    #14 and 15

    This is a copy/past from Jayme West w/MacandGaydos facebook page 15 of the 31 bighorn sheep have died in the Catalina Mountains north of Tucson since being relocated there from Yuma last November. AZ Game & Fish has killed 3 mountain lions for preying on the sheep. Can someone tell me why the big cats are being killed? The state basically delivered food right to their home then killed them for eating it. I don't get it. Mountain lions are going to do what Mountain lions are made to do. Maybe they should be relocated instead of killed. Ok, I'm off my soap box now. Carry on. http://azstarnet.com/news/local/more-bighorns-found-dead-rd-mountain-lion-killed/article_2145b2f8-a491-11e3-98bc-001a4bcf887a.html
  9. bowhuntaz1


    I used my card for 2 different apps and had no issue. I applied for myself in January and my wife in February. Maybe that had something to do with it?
  10. bowhuntaz1

    #14 and 15

    I just shot cold beer out of my nose. ha ha ha ha ha Sad but true...
  11. bowhuntaz1

    Lion and bear rug

    Pics would help
  12. bowhuntaz1

    #14 and 15

    Game and fish want to put 60 more sheep on the dinner table by 2015... http://azstarnet.com/news/local/more-bighorns-die-mountain-lion-killed-in-catalinas/article_9b04ed95-4f80-5960-b4df-a578993c2dcd.html
  13. bowhuntaz1

    #14 and 15

    Looks like they are going to kill, I mean put 30 more sheep in there in the near future.
  14. bowhuntaz1

    online elk tag result guessing

    The results will be out after the 22nd sheep gets eaten...
  15. the question is, if you had a tag and saw him , would you shoot him? Yes I would. I know he is at least 4 years old.
  16. I caught this young bull on cam 2 years in a row now. He has a funky club for a right antler. Hope to see him again this year.
  17. bowhuntaz1

    Rage Broadheads in Central Tucson

    Same thing at the wal mart on greenfield and mckellips in mesa.
  18. bowhuntaz1


    I'm starting to think there is a Jaguar in there that was going hungry, so they brought the drive through to it...
  19. bowhuntaz1


    Wednesday or Thursday and we find out about it next monday I say today or tomorrow is when another one becomes a snack.
  20. bowhuntaz1

    Fur prices

    People don't realize its a market. It's not what you think it's worth; but what people are willing to pay. At the Globe sale I had one cat and got slightly above average for that cat. Same with the foxes. I came out a little ahead, according to my spread sheet. I am happy.