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Everything posted by bowhuntaz1

  1. bowhuntaz1

    23 youth hunt

    Nice deer Nate!!! Good job!!!
  2. bowhuntaz1

    A Kind of Close Call

    In a previous post he states he puts water in the bucket http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...mp;#entry218830
  3. bowhuntaz1

    so who on here has facebook?

  4. bowhuntaz1

    Courtney's 2010 buck

  5. bowhuntaz1

    Guess the Lion weight!

  6. bowhuntaz1

    2010 High Country Archery Deer

    That doe is HUGE!!!!
  7. bowhuntaz1

    Bare picture

    ha ha ha
  8. bowhuntaz1

    Outside Joann's Fabrics

    Around 6:20 tonight. Red F250 at Southern and Gilbert. Look like you had your kids with you and the wife was in the fabric store. Would have stopped and said hi but the 2 month old was not happy...
  9. bowhuntaz1

    My wifes 3rd shotgun yote

    Nice yote. My dad still has a cresent moon over his eye from the first time he pulled the trigger on a 30-06 from back in 1988
  10. bowhuntaz1


    My mom and dad always boiled it like chicken then made potpies out of them along with squirrel.
  11. bowhuntaz1

    Turkey mount

    Can I drop mine off with you after I get it on Monday? ha ha ha
  12. bowhuntaz1

    Squirrel Hunting

    +1 I am hunting for turkey this weekend in 23, then I will be getting some squirrels. Same here... I cant leave till sunday afternoow but will be out till Wednesday night. Blue Chevy pick-up with the CWT.COM in the back window. Hope to see ya in the field!!!
  13. bowhuntaz1

    Squirrel Hunting

    After I get my turkey I will get some!!!
  14. bowhuntaz1

    Willhunt4coues just shot one this morning!

    Is it POSSIBLE for Clay to look any shorter??? ha ha ha I do like the name WILLHUNT4WHATEVER. Good job Clay and thanks for the pic this morning!
  15. a buddy of mine from Yuma has a unit 22 tag for October. He is thinking about Mt. Ord. Any suggestions? Just looking to get him on a deer.
  16. bowhuntaz1

    6x7 bull taken

  17. I'm sorry to say it but THAT WAS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Need (really want to get a new toy) to get rid of some stuff. I bought this Little row boat in March-ish of 2006 from Cabelas. It has some rubbing on the sides of the pontoons from my little truck I used to have. $150 OBO. The tree stand is a Baby Gorila. I bought is new in 2002 from Spragues in Yuma. It has been used for only 2 days this past August. Tree stand only, no ladder.( I want to keep that) $50 firm. I can drop off if you live close to Mesa or meet you half way. I can also drop off in the Globe area; but not till around the first of October.
  19. bowhuntaz1

    Covert II Video

    That was nice thanks for posting. Good choice in music for the video
  20. bowhuntaz1

    Someone lose their Trophy Rock?

    Looking foward to the pic of the flyer
  21. Great bear and write up.
  22. bowhuntaz1

    The Blurr

    first pic looks like a doe to me. the 2nd pic looks to be a coyote. Whats with the skull on the stick ???
  23. bowhuntaz1

    Dad got his Buffalo back

    The hide was in his camper, so I did not see it yet. This is the 3 year old bull he took in Colorado this past October.
  24. bowhuntaz1


    Sorry I never have hunted that unit