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Everything posted by bowhuntaz1

  1. bowhuntaz1

    HECK YEAH!!!

    Sorry it took so long. I had to resize them to 70% of the orignal size.
  2. bowhuntaz1

    HECK YEAH!!!

    Check your email. I sent you mine. I will post them for you
  3. bowhuntaz1

    CC Hits

    I used my CC at Wal-Mart this morning and a "Pending" charge was posted with in 5 minutes. I see my wife also used my (our) CC today. My vote is Tuesday
  4. bowhuntaz1

    Bowfishing tournament?

    I', interested, just need someone with a boat that would let me tag along
  5. bowhuntaz1

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    3-29-12 around 9:32am...
  6. bowhuntaz1

    CC Hits

    I really dislike this wait and all the wonderful people who stir the pot. I have been checking my account online 6-25 times an hour. Got sick of it and called the bank, and NOTHING..... come on G&F get it over with already...
  7. bowhuntaz1

    What are you gunna get this year?

    Going to shoot for all four this year )))------>
  8. bowhuntaz1

    Alaskan Brown Bear

  9. bowhuntaz1


    SNAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice ha ha ha ha
  10. bowhuntaz1

    Happy Bday Mrs125coues, bowhuntaz1 and dustyb0!

    Thanks guys and gals.
  11. Well long story short. I went to pull my traps last night as it was the last day of trapping season. Got another skunk, which I let go. As I'm standing over the trapped skunk, I hear my bobcat trap up on the hill and something is bouncing around inside. I start my run up hill and see my first bobcat. It’s not a big one; but it’s a male with a good white belly and good spots on his back.
  12. bowhuntaz1

    Weird deaths!

    In the late 90's I went on a ride along with the G&F in Yuma. We were mesuaring the water level in some sheep water holes. One was just a large pot hole with steep sides. We pulled a drowned Ewe out of it. On another ride along we pulled up to a catchemnt and there was a fresh muley doe that was killed by a lion and drgged under the awning. The blood was still coming from the punctures on its neck.
  13. bowhuntaz1

    First bobcat on the last day

    I filled out my bobcat harvest card and skined it. It has its ears nose whiskers and both eyelids in tact. Its my best skin job I think I have ever done.
  14. bowhuntaz1

    First bobcat on the last day

    Home made dangaler with a glow in the dark googley eye on a wire in the back. Bobcat gland lure from Bob Small in the back. A dash of bob cat urine in the entrance. Feathers from an old pillow in the back. As far as dispatching the cat, I use a animal control snare/catch pole.
  15. bowhuntaz1

    First bobcat on the last day

    I'm counting my blessings that I have not been sprayed. My small cage traps have an easy release back door. I use my snake grabber to SLOWLY pull the trap out of its hidding spot and just lift the door and then back away SLOWLY....
  16. Well I was not glassing, I was just walking around the desert. I was about a 1/4 mile as the crow flies, and just under 1/2 mile from the road. There were no trails around. I look down and found this crack pipe. The pipe was accidently destroyed malioucsly under a big rock.
  17. My mom and dad are looking for a place in Washington for Salmon and halibut. They dont really want to go to Alaska. They will forgo the halibut if needed. Looking for cabins with food and other stuff to do not to far away. If anyone has suggestions I will pass them on. Thanks. James T.
  18. bowhuntaz1

    when do they start dropping?

    I go around 5000-6000 feet in my area and start picking up around end of March begining of April. I just walk around looking for water holes,seeps and the like and find the sheds. Good luck and post pictures
  19. bowhuntaz1

    Fur going to sale tomorrow.

    I was at the sale today and left around lot 150. Bobcats were going for around $375 and up. I saw one go for $1000. Yotes were around $20 for good ones and a lot of 18 went for $89 a piece. only one buyer was taking foxes and was paying $10.
  20. bowhuntaz1

    Coyote Pelts

    The Trappers convention and fur sale is THIS weekend at the Gila County Fairgrounds. I will be there.
  21. bowhuntaz1

    Got My Antelope Back

    Looks good to me. There is some void at it's chest, to much space down there. Would love to see your entire wall. Is that a Lion at the bottom???
  22. bowhuntaz1

    couple lion pics

    They look young execpt for the last one. Maybe momma
  23. bowhuntaz1

    Live feed of a Bald Eagle nest

    Thought I would share as it was shared with me. Enjoy. www.suttoncenter.org
  24. bowhuntaz1


    I have seen MANY a water hole with wild waterdogs