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Everything posted by bowhuntaz1

  1. bowhuntaz1

    My new speargun camera mount!

    You can't wait.... Heck WE can't wait!!!!!!
  2. One heck of a first post... Congrats and welcome to the site.
  3. bowhuntaz1

    A few more pics.

    Very nice
  4. bowhuntaz1

    Looking for a lion

    Anyone know where Me and my buddy can go calling with a good chance of tagging a lion? We are headed out thursday. The spot I was planning has not had any lion sign for a few months now...
  5. bowhuntaz1

    One man Inflatable Pontoon row boat

    Still for sale
  6. I hate to do it but; I'm just not using it enough. She has been on ALL of the Salt River Lakes as well as the River itself. Has some cosmetic wear. Also comes with the adapter to inflate. $150 firm no trades. I'm in Mesa Lindsay/McKellips
  7. Try to get a hold of Ernesto C. He Lives in Yuma, and is a member and a great help if he is not busy. Great hunter and friend...
  8. bowhuntaz1

    Checked one cam

    Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
  9. bowhuntaz1

    Been awhile for me...

    Not much deer action for some reason here. The lion has always been here for the past 4 years. I hope to tag her this year.
  10. bowhuntaz1

    The results are up!

    Dad picked up his first Coues tag!!!! 23 hear we come!!!!
  11. bowhuntaz1

    Been awhile for me...

    No. I have my cams in bear boxes.
  12. bowhuntaz1

    Been awhile for me...

    Just wish I had some bucks on camera. I had only one doe in 3 weeks...
  13. bowhuntaz1

    heading to Tucson and back to Mesa

    Umm... I... I... I would need to know whats in them... ha ha ha Another congrats on your bear kidso
  14. I'm headed to Tucson Friday 7-19 and will be back in Mesa 7-20. If anyone needs anything taken down or brought up, send me a PM. Has to fit in to the back of a Honda Pilot...
  15. bowhuntaz1

    heading to Tucson and back to Mesa

    If it fits, it ships.
  16. bowhuntaz1

    Finally some Rain!!!!!!!

    Just got 9 inches of rain around Lindsay/McKellips. Rain drops were 9 inches apart for about 5 minutes. Looks like I might get a little more...
  17. bowhuntaz1

    Ulmer Edge

    CAn get them at Sprotsmans in Mesa, and I think Chandler Archery.
  18. bowhuntaz1

    Cam Check

    Thanks for the share. Good little spot
  19. bowhuntaz1

    Military canvas tent

    Posting for a friend. Please respond via craigslist http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/spo/3923193654.html
  20. bowhuntaz1

    Military canvas tent

  21. bowhuntaz1

    Found this out there?

    Hate it when those rocks dont pick up after themselves.......
  22. bowhuntaz1

    A couple pics

    Nice tom. Thanks for sharing
  23. bowhuntaz1

    wall tent

    My buddy has this for sale. Contact him for the details http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/spo/3923193654.html
  24. bowhuntaz1

    Feral Hogs in New Mexico

    +1....... We can all split the gas!!!! Now we're talking! I get the front seat. +1 on splitting the gas!!!!