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Everything posted by azcoues33

  1. azcoues33

    A great Northern AZ buck

    Cool buck. Nice job!
  2. azcoues33

    What would you do?

    Put it out of it's misery and finish the job.
  3. azcoues33

    Come on January!

    I figured why not. That way if or when it get's stolen I'm not out $200 the only regret is I only bought one.
  4. azcoues33

    Come on January!

    This is one of those camera's Bass Pro had for $40. Pretty good pic's.
  5. azcoues33

    Sticker ??????

    I like it to.
  6. azcoues33

    Stolen Bow

    I will keep checking Archery Talk, Craig's list and Ebay and will let you know if I see anything.
  7. azcoues33

    Stolen Bow

    What kind of bino's and rangefinder? Start checking craig's list and ebay.
  8. azcoues33

    Stolen Bow

    I'll keep an eye out for you to. If I catch them I will deliver them to you for Christmas!
  9. azcoues33

    Border Units Reviewed.

    OOPS!!! Thought I was alone!
  10. azcoues33


    Actually the county buy's their own target's now but yes the price hike is ridiculous to people that already have their passes there is alot of dispute's going on about this right now and people are and have the right to be pissed. They are supposed to have a pro rate system for people that have their passes but it's not happening so people showing their pass now are charged an extra $2.00 per person at the gate. So what I do is just ride with someone who has their pass and just pay $2.00 to shoot lol. They need to pull their heads out of their butt and work with the archers not run them off especially when the archer's are the majority of people that come to the park.
  11. azcoues33


    The Vortex bino's are good when you get into the higher end like the vipers, razors and kaibab's. Just like anything else you get what you pay for.
  12. azcoues33

    Border Units Reviewed.

    Well said Simple Hunter!!!!
  13. azcoues33

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    Items like Heat Sensors to detect down game was one that I thought of... got that as a Christmas gift one year. + 1 on the "Game Trackers" I got one I will sell cheap! Brand new in the box!!! Liar! You use that thing all the time!
  14. azcoues33

    Why do you apply...

  15. azcoues33

    Border Units Reviewed.

    This immigration problem is ridiculous!!!! We have to worry about smugglers in the south and pot farms up north in the forest service area's. I would love to do something about this issue but it seem's like they have just as many right's as we do even though they are not citizens and more bleeding heart liberal's sticking up for them. This subject pisses me off and makes me sick!!!! WE ALL MUST DO SOMETHING TO FIX THIS! p.s. I read something that said by the year 2015 the U.S. population will be 37% illegal immigrants!! 37%!! That's almost half! Some law's and government we have. Sorry for the rant
  16. azcoues33

    javelina calls

    +1 They work really well!! I sat one time and called a pig back to me several times everytime we have used it we've had success.
  17. azcoues33

    Who would want to eat a javi?

    Pigs are excellent if cooked and prepared right there are two ways I will eat them 1) Pit BBQ'd or 2) BowNut's Red Chili Recipe mmm mmm good!!
  18. azcoues33

    Bow setup

    You are going to have alot of debate with this post. I prefer and will only use a drop away I use the Limbdriver rest and only Spott-Hogg sights they are pretty pricey but that's my preference. The best thing is for you to do some reading or research or just try some different options. Good luck!
  19. azcoues33

    Review for any Camo

    Not bad. I am a HUGE fan of the Realtree Max 1 camo I think it is one of the best out there (imo). I will get some pics and post them.
  20. azcoues33

    What do you want for Christmas?

    Some 15's
  21. azcoues33

    Finally Shot a Big one!

    That's a good'n! And welcome to CWT
  22. azcoues33

    Javalina Left Over Tag Choices

    33/37B without a doubt especially the 33 side.
  23. azcoues33

    anybody know these guys?

    I'm glad they got caught but I think there should of been some more severe penalties.