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  1. How did you do on your mulie hunt in 32 my youngest son had a tag in that unit and we have had no luck might go out this afternoon we hunted the same area you mentioned 1 1/2 days and only saw mulie does and a nice two point whitetail buck 80 yards away.
  2. I was wondering how members of this forum did on there december rifle hunts. I had a tag in unit 32, I passed on three small bucks spikes and two points, and got shut out no sign of the rut even on a very cold december 30th hunt with signifigant snow on the ground. The does I saw on the 30th were all by themselves. I know onlycoues didn't score either in unit 30A. How about the rest of you include which unit you hunted in and if the rut had started oh yea if you taged out.
  3. Mon

    Rut is On

    WE hiked the big ridge south of your camp and glassed from there late in the morning and saw some great looking area but nothing moving. We spoke with a hunter who came in from Montana had been there five days and had only seen one doe in the area where we were hunting. He had gone back to bruno trank and not seen anything in the area except a herd of mulies. On saturday we saw seven does along the side of the road on the rucker canyon road behind a fence and a posted sign they didn't seem to concerened about us.
  4. Mon

    Rut is On

    4X4 ORD were you camping off forest road 74 with a white canopy and a blue tent a quad in camp and your ford truck/camper shell ? did you have any luck? We were hunting off the 4362 road about a 1/2 mile-1 mile off the 74 road and didn't see any thing but one doe, alot of water sources and some very dry and brittle brush.
  5. I was wondering how the first week end of the December hunt went for every one. My son has a tag for 30A and I have a tag for 32. This week end I choose to help him with his hunt, we got into the area a little late on friday and we only saw one doe all day long. I think we wer hunting off forest road 4362 no sure because no road numbers on the roads. On saturday got into the area with plenty of time to spare and saw nothing all day long. Sunday woke up sick and didn't go out until late afternoon in my area, 32. I saw a doe with two very youg bucks one was a spike about five inches long and the second was a button buck. This coming weekend I will be out in my are trying to get my buck.
  6. 4X4 ORD, thanks good luck to you in December, I will be helping out my oldest son hunt 30A we will be in a white silverado or a white ford work truck, hopefully my son wil get his buck early as I have a tag in december for area 32 much easier area to hunt as far as acess to good areas.
  7. Is the map available anywhere in Tucson for those of us who live in the south? I was on Tex Canyon Rd on friday saw some postings on land on the 30A side of the road near a trail that the forest service had blocked of to motorized traffic that is why it's so confusing also saw a forest road with a numbered sign tried to find it on the forest map to try to pinpoint where we were in relation to the private land and we could not find it on the map. I just hope when we hunt in december that we will be able to figure out where the posted private land is and where the public land is. Does anyone know any of the ranchers in the area are they willing to grant access to their land? I'm talking about the land that is not fenced off or locked up but posted. That info would be real helpful.
  8. 4X4 ORD your right it seems that the whole unit has NO Tresspassing signs up. The other day we saw a No Tresspassing sign on a Forest gate which should mean its on public land. It is kind of scary because you don't know what is posted and what is not posted I have seen some areas down there that seem open to public hunting only to go a few hundred yards down the road and see a "sign' along a side road. There is a lot of good looking areas down there but questionable access. Was thinking about hunting the Swisselms(spelling). anybody ever hunted them?
  9. Mon

    Fewer Deer in 30A

    My son has a december tag for 30A, we went out today to try to find a area to hunt we were in the Rucker canyon Rd area saw a lot of good looking area but no deer. It is a little confusing about where the private land starts and ends we saw a few no tresspassing signs on some side roads but not in other places any suggestions on where to check out in this unit would be helpful we use to hunt the Skeleton Canyon area but no way in now really limits our choices.
  10. Mon

    carp help for unit 32 az

    [size=7 Where are you coming in from Unit 32 is pretty big and depending how far you are willing to travel will determine where you should go
  11. Mon


    I got a dec WT tag for 32, My oldest son got a dec tag forWT in 30a and my youngest son got a mulie tag for early 32
  12. My favorite hunting partners are my sons. I have three boys that I have taught the art of hunting to. To me this is one of the most enjoyable parts of hunting, teaching them the little tricks I've picked up over the years and then seeing them evolve as hunters. Last year a got drawn for a bull elk hunt and my oldest son decided he was going with me, to help out the old man! He took off work and went off with me I had a friend that lived in our hunting area but he could'nt help until the third day of the hunt. We didn't have any luck for the first tthree days finnaly on the fourth day my son could hunt the morning with me but would have to return home in the afternoon to go to work the next day. I relly wanted to take a bull while he was still with me to share the experiance. As luck would have it I killed a nice 6X6 bull early in the morning and my son was more excited than I was, I would'nt have traded that moment with him for all the money in the world.
  13. Mon

    what's up with 30a

    This information about the locked area is distressing we were planning on hunting in that area in dec. Is there another way into skeleton canyon? Benbrown please keep us posted on any devlopments in reguards to this issue.
  14. Mon

    elk bugling yet?

    Desertbull, thanks for the info i'm shure it will be alot of help
  15. Mon

    elk bugling yet?

    I have a tag for the Oct 1 elk hunt in unit #27 I haven' t hunted this area in a long time (14)years can any one point me to an area wher I would have a good chance for a good bull. I know that this area has a good pouplation of elk but I have never gotten drawn for this early hunt. any advice would be helpful Thanks