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Everything posted by reganranch

  1. reganranch

    Tecnique - Camera Saturation

    That's good Becker thieves suck man! You wouldve had to tell that thieving no good worthless cowboy I can come back with my friend Samuel Colt.
  2. reganranch

    Hurry up and Wait

    One and done! I agree to that!
  3. reganranch

    bears are still roamin

    Great pictures James.
  4. reganranch

    Here we go again!

    Stanley it was a side comment not the main point just a salad to the main concern. Take it with a grain of salt. I am also waiting for results because there is a wait for huskemaws and I need to get it ordered but if I don't have a tag no need to order one. The point is that there should be no second chances one and done either you got the tag or try again next year (with a check). There are also people losing time for their archery kaibab hunts, making guide arrangements, buying plane tickets, coordinating with vacation time from work. The sooner the better.
  5. reganranch

    Hunting Season Closing IN!!!!

    Hey Becker you guys have a lot of great looking mounts! Where is your shop in T-town?
  6. reganranch

    Here we go again!

    The credit card system sucks that's the only reason why we don't have the results already. If it was still money order/checks we all wouldn't be playing pattycake all day long, and would be out in the field. Sportsmans and Cabelas are waiting for the result rush also to sell the places out. we won't mention the other place (not gander mountain) in Mesa, bunch of no good rope suckers working there.
  7. reganranch

    My CC Just Posted Charges

    Very neat man. What did you put in for?
  8. reganranch

    Trail Cam Video&Pics

    Its actually unit 50B. Its part reservation, part state land and part private property. haha
  9. reganranch

    22 tag holder

    Did you read the whole thread? Yes the whole long enticing read, are you referring to the big magazine hooplah? The guy has only posted two times it seems like he wanted the info and skipped Cw town. If i missed something it is very quite possible this thread has a lot of rabbit holes. Feel free to enlighten me Hughes. What is your avatar all about every time i see it it makes me laugh. I read it twice just to make sure I wasn't being a complete jacka$$ (I'm good at that). It just seems like we're rehashing a thread that doesn't need it. I don't know the circumstances but It seems like for the most part, He's a good guy and has reason for not coming back and posting. I don't know him from Adam so I really don't know. However I dont get the feeling he is blowing us off, if he is... well to he11 with him lol. As far as the avatar pic, its from a show called the "Trailerpark Boys" a few years ago. One of the most degenerate shows I've ever witnessed, but it made me laugh! Dude you have the best avatar! I always get JLW's and Bonecollectors confused they used too both coues deer trailcams pics that were very similar. I would say one of the most degenerative mind turning into mush shows today would probably be Workaholics on Comedy Central. If you havnt seen it watch one and you will totally agree on the brain starting to mush.
  10. reganranch

    my first run in with cwt.com

    I wouldnt know anything about putting any kind of attractant out thats not my bag, as Austin Powers would say , not saying its wrong just saying Batteries and Sd cards are enough money much less adding attractants out there. + it gets heavy packing in all those cams out in the summer time the lighter the better. I'm an aquifer, game trail, natural pool, guy I find the water and thats where the game will be.
  11. reganranch

    elk video

    +1 very clean close kill took that bull elk very respectfully. Hats off to your buddy.
  12. reganranch

    Trail Cam Video&Pics

    yup final cut pro, I cant wait for lion to open up and try lay the smack down on one!!! Mac's the only way to go man! Yeah i was thinking this high quality video had to be edited with final cut pro and not some windows software.
  13. reganranch

    22 tag holder

    Did you read the whole thread? Yes the whole long enticing read, are you referring to the big magazine hooplah? The guy has only posted two times it seems like he wanted the info and skipped Cw town. If i missed something it is very quite possible this thread has a lot of rabbit holes. Feel free to enlighten me Hughes. What is your avatar all about every time i see it it makes me laugh.
  14. reganranch

    Off Road Shop Recommendations

    Hey Jimmy there are a few places I would call and get quotes from. 4 wheel parts would be one store for sure there is one off of 7th street off I-17 and one in Mesa off the 60. Two other places are Off Road Unlimited, and Flying High which is off McDowell, between 19th avenue and 37th or somewhere like that.
  15. reganranch

    New here, but I like what I see!

    It's 50 miles north-west(ish) up 1-10 from Tucson and 50 miles south of Phoenix about halfway between the two. Do you work on Location for BOS systems? Thats what my brother had mentioned about what everything cost up there. He lived in Artesia for 6 months and worked on a rig in the valley, and said that the cost of Diesel was more expensive in Artesia then in Hobbs or Roswell, and there's a refinery in Artesia. The Pennsylvania oil field is awesome man thats where it all got started, and Rockefeller made his money.
  16. reganranch

    Trail Cam Video&Pics

    Great video Adam. What do you throw it together with Final cut pro? I was just thinking wheres the lion footage then at 4:20 they pop up. Good stuff man.
  17. reganranch

    holographic sight for AR-15

    Yeah man Eotech is the way to go if the Creditcard will not allow the path of Trijicon to be taken.
  18. reganranch

    Dead post.

    Which is why I now have to study everything before I use the trees! On a side subject, is someone left you a note, would you share your photos with them? I have had two notes left in the past and e-mailed photos, but none of the notes I left have ever produced anything. I would leave a note that said this is the tree.... quit pissing on me and hanging these darn cameras on me.
  19. reganranch

    my first run in with cwt.com

    Care to elaborate on this.
  20. reganranch

    New here, but I like what I see!

    Yes usually every fourth of July the whole family gets together in Hobbs. My dad and mom just bought property in Seminole, and a house. They are wanting to sell/rent out their diesel shop in Eloy, Arizona. My dad wants to go back to the Oil Field and set up a shop out there, so he can retire in a couple years. There is such good money to be made in any part of the Oil Field industry. Bos solutions they are contracted for the drilling fluid right?
  21. reganranch

    Hiking socks- what do you use

    Under Armor Socks and Boots are top notch! Any boots that give me blisters after a month of wearing scouting/checking cams gets thrown in the trash or returned. Your feet are your livelihood out there and if you can't walk your lion food.
  22. reganranch

    Mnt Lion Footage

    Awesome footage man thanks for posting.
  23. reganranch

    New here, but I like what I see!

    Right on man! Do you work for Haliburton or one of those big outfits in the region, or are you visiting family there in Hobbs? I've seen some huge deer outside of town in the Salt Flats heading back towards Carlsbad.
  24. reganranch

    New here, but I like what I see!

    It was this truck hornhunter before he was T-boned by a Medium Duty service truck on that road that leads to the cattle baron. After that the truck didnt look quite this nice.
  25. reganranch

    New here, but I like what I see!

    His name is James Regan. He works with Combs Trucking that outfit that does the rig moves after his seven day hitch from CapStar Drilling. I think he said he's in the middle of switching rigs outside of Hobbs towards Andrews. You might of seen his truck around it was a lifted F350 Green and Black Diesel Truck. He was around town quite a bit before he sold it.