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Everything posted by reganranch

  1. reganranch

    Marines place big order for Colt 1911 pistols

    I wish to be buried with my 1911 and Winchester 30-30
  2. reganranch

    WTB Ruger 10/22 rifle

    Perfect Zombie Gun
  3. reganranch

    good quality light weight rain gear

    Ahhhh Casey, you're so cute. Designer? Come on. Try minimalist, lightweight, and functional without frills. Kinda the opposite of designer. Not to mention EXACTLY what the OP asked for. Obviously there are less expensive brands that are still nice, I just gave my opinion on what was best. I figure, buy once cry once, peace of mind, so on, so forth. I was just joshin' you homeboy. Many buddies including myself have fallen to the wise words "of buy once cry once" the crying was dam near unbearable but everyones Cabelas, Southwest Cards are almost paid off.
  4. If you got $800-900 i would... but people stealing them would be very hard to take haha Everytime I see Stealing in the same sentence as Trailcam I get camera anxiety and need to go get mine.
  5. reganranch

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    How else do you determine age of a buck? Bushwhack it and check the teeth?
  6. reganranch

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I've tried there are more ingonarant people now a days then ever. These non hunters (majority being Libs) understand little to nothing about conservation, or that revenue from Big Game Hunting keeps the sheep alive, and managing healthy herds for the most part. They just believe if we leave wildlife alone it will self sustain. This is not the case since Urbanization of Arizona concerning damming up the rivers and streams that used to flow throughout the state. These are the same people who wear stupid winne the pooh shirts gazing at a pump jack( negative connotation towards petroleum). What they don't understand is that those pump jacks put asphalt on the road they drive on, the fuel in their Honda civic, the jet fuel the jets use that fly them to all the hippie concerts, Benzene is the number one basic compound used for many Pharamaceutcals. These people are the Desecration of out Beautiful Country.
  7. reganranch

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Yeah totally agree bowsniper this is something you can't just look the other way on. Playing pattycake with GW's won't work forever. We hunters cannot be passive and if you want what's best for our state and the future of Hunting/Fishing we should all write letters and attend the meeting.
  8. reganranch

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    I think Lance has it figured out. They will enforce it and will ride your tail all the way to the courtroom. I've been stopped in the pre-season, or post season it all seems to blend now. And the G and F stops me and my buddies asks what were doing out in the same 2-3 units. Answer is always the same "just burning diesel fuel man playing in the desert." When the truth is we have 5-7 trailcameras in the back of the Cab. They are just looking for someone to burn the less they know the better.
  9. 3500 FPS sounds a little fishy...... I know as Casey stated the 6.5mags, the 257 weatherby and the 7mm Ultramag will push those speeds, but a remington 7mag pushing those speeds doesn't seem very sound. The Rounds above have been proven to shoot those speeds, very flat and very fast.
  10. reganranch

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    It's a proposed new law, not into effect yet, but the ground work is being set.
  11. reganranch

    Muley - July 5th

    Yeah man definitely shoot him in August with a 338....... Grain arrow:)
  12. reganranch

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    It's been proven through every government law that puts sanctions on its citizens, that the next one is just a little more restrictive and then you wake up one day and all your freedoms are gone.
  13. Haha I wouldn't of posted the reality check picture Tracy what's a couple inches on the skull, and body here and there?
  14. reganranch

    Arizona Bait Ban - AZGF wants "Bait" ban

    Why the Hel would they do that? Sounds like a bunch of Commies running the Azgfd.
  15. reganranch

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    Thats a great looking bull!
  16. reganranch

    AZSFW question

    Here's all the education you need point and shoot with a .257 caliber or larger.
  17. reganranch

    Tecnique - Camera Saturation

    The spread of evil is the symptom of a vaccum. Whenever evil wins it is only by default, by the moral failure of those who evade the fact there can be no compromise on basic principals- Ayn Rand
  18. reganranch

    Recommendations for a good flashlight?

  19. Under Armor heat gear, not sure on the pants/ possibly shorts yet. And probably Nike frees ( I dont see the point in whereing my hunting boots its going to be hotter then blazes)or Reef Sandals haha they have a bottle opener on the bottom of them.
  20. reganranch

    Gov Bull Hits The Dirt

    Right on can't wait to see it.
  21. reganranch

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    If Arizona followed rules like Idaho and other states have concerning deer, moose,elk on harvesting at least so much antlered points on each animal, concerning deer we would see a higher amount of quality deer. Instead of shooting a spike that still has milk on its lips. Sure not as many people will tag out every year, but hunters will get better and the deer will get bigger.
  22. reganranch

    Gov. tag

    Other people who have a Polar Bear,Bengal Tiger, Mexican Grey Wolf and Tasmanian Tiger in their trophy room lol
  23. reganranch

    More good bucks and one ugly bear!

    Indeed he is a wide buck. Great photos man from your Plan A and b spot.
  24. reganranch

    Real good lookin buck! (pic heavy!)

    These are both GREAT bucks!