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Everything posted by reganranch

  1. reganranch


    Right on man I imagine they can't give you to much of a hard time shooting a bow. There's not a glove wearing rule for archery is there?Usery (rifle range) is bad about the range master being a prick tried telling me and my buddies Oakleys are not safety glasses. The idea of safety glasses is just way out there for me. I will never go to Ben Avery either. If my buddies in the valley want to shoot we grab a table,rangefinder chair and the rifle bench and go shoot in Florence Junction. Do you have a kiabab archery tag or are you going OTC?
  2. reganranch


    Usery+ To many rules = rulsery
  3. reganranch

    1st time out with the new trail camera

    Great spot man, cameras are addicting it seems it goes from the first one to three then you have a fleet of trail cameras.
  4. reganranch


    Willy you went to Rulesery man?
  5. Silvertips are great rounds winchester uses them in their second top of the line ammo.
  6. reganranch

    G&F Commissioner

    Great info DCS thanks for sharing I was totally unaware of all those incidents.
  7. reganranch

    My best Bear pics so far!

    Very cool looking bear.
  8. reganranch

    Stolen! Giant 144" Mexico Coues

    Que significa ethics?
  9. Your definetly planning on Archery right and not October?
  10. reganranch

    Arizona Archery Antelope Opening Day Success

    Great pics/write up.
  11. reganranch

    84 year old Sniper still has it

    That's awesome!
  12. reganranch

    Locked and Loaded

    Dodged a bullet there
  13. reganranch

    Bears and bucks

    Great photos!
  14. reganranch

    Bear Down, Opening Day

    Great bear way to make it happen guys super cool!
  15. reganranch

    Stolen! Giant 144" Mexico Coues

    Once a theif always a theif, sorry to hear bout your loss Jim.
  16. reganranch

    4th and final installment before the hunt

    If the heavens and the stars line up there will be that right-up for you and everbody else. (God willing) Right on man God speed.
  17. reganranch

    4th and final installment before the hunt

    Right on man thanks for the input! Good luck in the next two weeks can we expect a story/write up the evening of 24th?
  18. reganranch

    4th and final installment before the hunt

    Great Photos Elk hunter enjoyed them all summer! Which model Moultire and stealthcam do you have? Which one would you say is the more reliable superior cam? I would be posting my 3rd set of pics but my primos failed in the failed and was unable to take any pics guys at Bull Basin told me a couple Primos cams they sold a gentlemen failed as mine did and had to be sent back to primos.
  19. reganranch

    2011 Buck

    Great buck!
  20. reganranch

    Muley sheds Epp-style

    Cool write up!
  21. reganranch

    TKO by a Whitetail

    Probably to old to evict his mancard.
  22. The abolishment of the humane society that are anti hunting/ranching lobbyist would be a step in the right direction.
  23. reganranch

    Neat pic from this week

    +1 make it happen captain! Post pics and story when you seal the deal.
  24. reganranch

    The Giant 7x7!!

    Very awesome bull!
  25. reganranch

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    I would have to say all my friends are pretty good hunters we all hunted before we could drive,with our dads and after we turned 16 we started hunting together, going the range, spotlighting, all that fun jazz you can do when you live in the country and have a truck. We all started to help eachother on everyones seperate hunts in Hs and now that everyone is in college it's easier to just hunt together. Everyone definitely chips in and usually our buddy that fills his or our diesel truck with red diesel (shhhh keep that on the DL) doesnt have to chip in for food.Myself and our other buddy usually get all the food depending on how long the hunt is. The biggest rule in our hunting party is hitting the range or out somewhere in a field in eloy and practice shooting, because on every hunt there is hours of hiking and >1 minute of shooting and that's the difference between meat in the freezer and a filled tag or going home empty. It doesn't matter what anyone shoots as long as they shoot well.