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Everything posted by reganranch

  1. reganranch


    Fill up the 5 gallon jugs with neighbors hose( will save you money).
  2. reganranch

    Blood boiling

    Blood is boiling for sure.
  3. reganranch


    So the hanging is canceled then? Shucks!
  4. reganranch


    Hey KennyAz I've ran into the same problem you did last year. I was really considering digging a hole under a tree or in a wash placing a poly carbon water trough in the bottom and putting in 15-25 gallons a time to keep the deer around. Little bit of work but could pay off big time there's feed everywhere, water is not found everywhere though.
  5. reganranch

    .264 Win Mag Powder Choices

    Great choice on the sciroccos!
  6. Bowhuntaz do you think this is his last good year of growth and next year he will be smaller? That buck is huge either way, but it is unfortunate whatever did happen to him.
  7. reganranch

    Chick Filet

    Gay Marriage does matter do you want a homosexual teacher telling your daughter she can marry a princess. You can't be passive to immorality.
  8. reganranch

    Some stuff I saw while up North today.

    Best pic of the bunch.
  9. reganranch

    Got my buck today!!!!!!

    Great looking mount!
  10. reganranch

    Commissioner Husted suspends hunter's license for

    +1 Cant lead by Example if your part of the problem.
  11. reganranch

    Southern NY bucks

    Awesome bucks Eastern whitetails are cool.
  12. reganranch

    Chick Filet

    Hahaha its not like they said "Burn the gays and homosexuals" they just need to shut their mouth and move to the left coast and give the West back to the conservative moral, God fearing people.............. Its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.
  13. That is awesome and a great article too!
  14. reganranch


    It's an International Scout! My dad and uncles had a couple of them back in the Oil Field and they would jump start the big rigs in the snow. These are B.A. pieces of machinery. Free Bump for a great ride.
  15. reganranch

    Bear climbs up tree stand

    That's funny.
  16. reganranch

    Great Find!!

    Great find.
  17. reganranch

    close encounter!

    Yogi played nice today.
  18. reganranch

    another cam gone

    That sucks man is that a pretty common spot?
  19. reganranch

    YOU TELL ME!!!

    This spot is next to a palo verde and some weeds. I don't really understand the big deal you are the rightful owners of the pics seems you can do whatever you wish with them, for the record Steven I enjoy your pics man good luck in a couple days.
  20. I've never heard of that! I was gonna guess somebody was playing a joke and threw a live shotgun round in a campfire, that's the only way i figured that could happen. I'm not accusing you or your friends of being that stupid, but I know myself and my friends were that stupid many years ago! Yeah we were shooting last July at Clay Pidgeons went through quite a few cases between 3 shotguns and somehow one of those shells shot a primer out must of been pretty hot/fast to break the skin. Haha camp fires are for strictly for discussions about guns/hunting/ old girl friends/ fishing or therefore lack of fish we seem to catch a whole lot of nothing.
  21. reganranch

    Dall Sheep 2012 Part I

    Very cool thread can't wait for part 2!
  22. reganranch

    Javelina pics

    Great pictures and success.