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Everything posted by reganranch

  1. reganranch

    Big foot up on the rim, tv show

    I heard the Bigfoot up there was having a real tough time with global warming and he figured if he's dealing with beach weather might as well have the beach too so he headed down to Rio chase the local tail.
  2. reganranch

    Jaguar-Macho B

    Yep why bother with any of them, the few we have left are a blessing, and now were one less.
  3. reganranch

    Last Chance Buck

    Awesome story/ write up! It's rewarding to see last day effort success.
  4. reganranch

    Bucks, bears,clean pigs,and 1/2 a bull

    Great pictures Jeff. Thanks for sharing.
  5. reganranch

    MONSTER Sonoran Buck! *photos*

    Toad of a muley, congrats to the hunter.
  6. reganranch


    He can move his love affair with his black jesus out of the USA, and we can start to move in the direction this country was founded on.
  7. Eye Candy http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f53/straight-shooter-supply-338-lapua-mark-v-96512/index4.html
  8. reganranch

    Great opening day of trapping season

    Yeah, you guys know what your doing.
  9. Last Tasmanian Tiger on Tasmania.
  10. 338 Lapua: You ask why? Because you are an Amercan and you can, also go big or go home. Lets compare the three calibers listed in the form of fine automobiles. The 300 WM a GT mustang, a great car, used by many more so then the next two cars but plenty of power to get the job done. The 7 mag, a great caliber one of the most underrated calibers with limitless potential with reloads, many times under appreciated because of the 30 Cal super cartridges. The 7 mag would definelty be an AUDI R8,pretty dam fast, and retains speed at the longer distances. The 338 Lapua Mag would be a 69 Camaro SS, very BA, a significant amount more to maintain then the other two calibers, heavier to carry, and it's pretty much going to bring down the hand of God on anything you shoot at.
  11. reganranch

    6a ram spotting

    Who pays for Green Sweet Crude? When there's perfectly good Red Diesel to burn?
  12. reganranch

    Desert Muley 29" 3x3 for my Boy!!

    Awesome deer! Congrats to your son!
  13. reganranch

    how big is this buck?

    That's a GREAT buck!!
  14. reganranch

    Another buck in the books.

    Great buck! Thats funny bigorange, at least the kid is hanging with a winning team, I'm thinking about becoming an Oregon fan too( and I have a Zonazoo pass haha), its the only team in the Pac worth a darn(stanford loss was a fluke).
  15. reganranch

    Jr Hunt...

    Great looking buck congrats to your son!
  16. reganranch

    Gun Ban List

    “All military type firearms are to be handed in immediately...The SS, SA and Stahlhelm give every responsible opportunity of campaigning with them. Therefore anyone who does not belong to one of the above-named organizations and who unjustifiably nevertheless keeps his weapon...must be regarded as an enemy of the national government.” — SA Oberfuhrer of Bad Tolz, March, 1933.
  17. reganranch

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    What's the round count through your new 7 mag Stan?
  18. reganranch

    Back porch buck

    Thats pretty sick!
  19. reganranch

    Finally got a lion picture

    Awesome pics thx for sharing
  20. reganranch

    Just a Thought!!!

    Hahaha I commend your bravery in asking this question. I thought about dressing up in a monkey suit, opposite side of the salt river where everybody catfishes before Roosevelt, but this would probably be my demise getting shot by some redneck, by me participating in a big foot conspieracy/ joke.
  21. reganranch

    Unit 22 Bull Elk

    Good looking bull on a tough hunt!
  22. reganranch


    Great picture Doug! Good luck on your Elk Hunt.
  23. reganranch

    couse caliber

    45-70 Goverment throw that fat pig out there and make something happen, all kidding aside my next rifle caliber choice may be a 270WSM, or 7WSM for the grey ghost, and backpack hunting.
  24. reganranch

    366 yard shot on a bobcat

    Awesome Shot Tines!
  25. +1 wheres the Buck Shot? I wouldve not stopped till we had the "bird down".