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Everything posted by AZHOTSHOT

  1. Really I have to thank M77 for following up on this problem. I am still waiting for the results of the Directors meeting to fix this problem. If that means to trade in these second choice tags for my first choice, so be it. I had not realized how arbritrary AZGF personnel can be. Wait until next year?? I don't think so. My group did have bonus points, so we get caught in the system meant to give hunters with multiple bonus points a chance to draw the first 20% of any tags, and then get back into the mix of things when they didn't get drawn. You can bet that someone else with a 2nd, or a 3rd choice got your first choice, and I won't be surprised that all of the 'first choice' tags got depleted with this process. 30 years of hunting, and yet the system needs to be fixed. All this planning, for 3 families to get together was a waste. Memories? none. That's not how AZGF operates. And for all of you who went through this experience, I hope you will step forward to tell your commissioners that our dollars cannot be spent on flawed system that is meant to benefit a few. Can we do better? You bet we can! You can even call the Governors office to suspend this rule based on this very problem. Look it up gents, and tell me what you all think.... Geo