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Everything posted by Lucafu1

  1. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    Yes, I gave examples of not having to get "permission" to do something. That could mean all your purchases are made by private party or you go through one thorough background check at first and a simple renewal every 5 years to skip a step in a future process. IMO it is not the same as applying for a stamp. A tax is just another kick in the nuts IMO. Some people like that sort of stuff and that's okay with me.
  2. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    You do understand that AZ is a constitutional carry state right? I will just save time by asking you to confirm your original argument: Is the purchase of a firearm the same as purchasing a suppressor?
  3. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    Ahh you need things broken down barney style. I get it. I will remember that next time. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's flawed. Besides the tax there are more steps you must take before you get approved and actually receive each NFA item. It is not the same, but I can understand how you might think they are.
  4. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    Not sure what's hard to understand. You don't need to buy from an FFL if you don't want to. I don't believe in paying a tax or asking for permission to cross state lines in the case of owning an SBR. BTW if you have a CCW and buy a gun from an FFL there is no NICS check. Fill out the form and be on your way. What are you confused about?
  5. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    9mm fmj ammo
  6. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    Please explain how this punishes me and people I hunt with AND how by NOT doing something that is controlled/regulated makes liberals happy that their control or regulation is working? Please make that make sense?
  7. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    You spelled "every gun you purchase from a FFL" wrong.
  8. Lucafu1

    New Rules starting 8-10-24

    Exactly. People like to read too hard into things. I guess you could make the argument that hearing aids are listening technology? I am the exact opposite, it needs to be clear and undeniable. If it isnt then they can pound sand
  9. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    I will buy a suppressor when I dont need to ask big brother for permission. Until then.............
  10. Lucafu1


  11. Lucafu1


  12. Lucafu1


  13. Lucafu1


  14. Lucafu1

    Who's tracking you?

    They all do it now I'm sure. My ford's do it, it comes in handy actually to track my vehicles. GM has been doing it with on-star forever, they just didn't give you access to it.
  15. Lucafu1

    Who's tracking you?

    Not factory but dealer installed (aftermarket). Should be very easy to remove because it takes time to install them in a way where theyre not noticeable and most wont got that deep. When I was still in the industry I managed the installation of about 450 of them. They were not easily disabled due to the in-depth install. Also they would cause a draw if they failed (usually from a failed back up battery).
  16. Lucafu1


  17. Lucafu1


  18. Lucafu1


    These are super nice binos.
  19. Lucafu1

    Found one! Ruger American or Tikka T3X in .308

    I don't know about that. I bought 2 Rugers just to have something to loan out and throw around. They are stupid accurate. I'm sure the tikkas are nicer (I have an old M695) but for the money the ruger is hard to beat IMO (accuracy wise).
  20. Lucafu1

    Trump shot at rally today

    He is missed.
  21. Yeah but I've also been on a drought too 😂😭
  22. Ive been wanting to send Chris Harlow some work but I havent had anything worthy since he did my ram. Hopefully my daughter will get a nice bull this year and I can take it over.
  23. Lucafu1


  24. Lucafu1


  25. Lucafu1

