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Everything posted by Lucafu1

  1. Lucafu1

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Happens all the time by scumbag hunters. I've heard it called scoring on the ground. They don't like it so they keep hunting Thats BullSHYT. makes me mad.
  2. Lucafu1

    Found dead bull in 4b

    thats cool youre trying to find the owner. i just hate seeing all the replies of possible elk that have been lost. thats not counting the PMs either. sad.
  3. Lucafu1

    Cited by AZGF

    i thought i remembered reading a thread on here about an AZGF agent killing the wrong squirrel that was endangered or something? what happened to him?
  4. Lucafu1

    Cited by AZGF

  5. if you want it to look factory just take it to a gun smith. they have grind to fit but pads and it will look and feel original. you can always try it yourself too if you want.
  6. Lucafu1

    Mork is gone

    sad. i remember hearing about him visiting iraq in 2003 while i was there. i thought that was pretty cool of him.
  7. http://www.texasbinoman.com/binoculars call Larry Chapman and tell him Luis from Tucson sent you. If he dont have what you want he can probably find it for you. He is a real nice guy.
  8. if youre are going to copy and pass something at least post a link to where you got it from so people dont think its an original thought. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/quran.htm
  9. Lucafu1

    Helicopter rental?

    it would cost more but the info you would get and stuff you would see would be huge. i have a little over 1500 hours crewing helocopters and you can see TONS of stuff.
  10. Lucafu1

    Jesse Ventura...

    LMAO. and i thought everyone here just regurgitates the things that they read on forums/facespace. at least i know someone else takes the few seconds to use google and get some facts.
  11. I hunt with two .338s. A old tikka 695 and a older browning bar. Both synthetic stocks. I use Barnes 225 grain tsx and ttsx and they work great.
  12. Lucafu1

    remington recall

    i got the boxes, im thinking about sending just the trigger in the box. i already replaced them because i dont trust them and I didnt want to take my rifles apart.
  13. Lucafu1

    Gun Question

    oh i understand. it would suck to have something taken away that you worked hard for. it happened to my brother with a car, he lost over 25K, but thats another story. i am interested in the gun, just need a price first
  14. Lucafu1

    Gun Question

    if its not required by law then i dont feel the need to do it. if i meet someone and they seem shady i wont sell/buy. like i said thats just me, i just follow the law.
  15. Lucafu1

    Gun Question

    no, you can legally buyown a hand gun if youre 18 if bought from a private party. The only reason you cant buy from a FFL is because its a federal law that you must be 21 to purchase from them. A quick google search and you can find all the answers you want. back to the original subject, i dont do bill of sale. i dont want anyones info and i dont want them to have mine either. i know a lot of people get paranoid but thats just me. if they want a bill of sale i wont buy/sell .
  16. Lucafu1

    Gun Question

    how much?
  17. Lucafu1

    Muzzle Brake & Gunsmith

    harry lawson gunsmithing
  18. Lucafu1

    Can You Crossbow Hunt ?

    Rifle and muzzle loader seasons you can. Archery only if disabled and get a permit
  19. Lucafu1

    Best Tires

    i see tires that get abused daily and i would rather get BFGs KM2s, GY Kevlars, or Toyo M/Ts. ive seen Kevlars and toyos do very well but are expensive.
  20. Lucafu1

    Unit 33 Bears

    Thanks for the info. ive never seen a bear in AZ so I am sure it is very tough. Im just looking for an excuse to get out more and see new areas besides the 36's
  21. Lucafu1

    Unit 33 Bears

    pretty cool. i want start looking into hunting bears. beautiful animals and probably taste good too
  22. Lucafu1

    Mule deer poached ?

    yes. you can also use a crossbow.