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Everything posted by Lucafu1

  1. Lucafu1


  2. Lucafu1


  3. Lucafu1

    Bull elk tag filled

    Awesome and congrats!
  4. Lucafu1


  5. Lucafu1

    chronograph- best for money?

    Just get the garmin. The time you will save is worth it. Space too. It's so easy now.
  6. Lucafu1


  7. Lucafu1


  8. Lucafu1

    Elk Antler Progress

  9. Lucafu1

    Elk Antler Progress

    Biggest mule deer Ive ever seen was in 5b. I thought it was an elk lmao.
  10. Lucafu1

    AZ 5a Late Bull Hunt Struggles

    My daughter and wife have a 5b late rifle tag. I hope to try and get out there before the hunt. Had my cabin get cancelled at Mormon lake last month. It seems they were taken over by a company and closing for the winter season. It really screwed up my plans.
  11. Lucafu1

    2024 Archery Antelope Hunt

  12. Lucafu1

    Archery Coues Success

    Haha my neighbor gave my daughter a roping dummy (calf head) on a saw horse and my dogs went crazy. But antlers they love.
  13. Lucafu1

    Archery Coues Success

    That is an awesome buck. Maybe his rack made his body look small and threw you off? Very nice. Dont let Dakota get near the rack, trust me!!!!!
  14. Lucafu1

    Remington R15 VTR predator.223

    These rifles are super accurate. I love them.
  15. Lucafu1

    New NL Pure 14x52

    Thanks. I have had the 12 ELs and both generations of 15s. I like the higher magnification better and think the 14s would be nice to have along with my 15s.
  16. Lucafu1

    Mayor of Mesa

    I just recently seen these videos from Minnesota where police were walking down streets yelling at people to get inside and shooting pepper balls during covid. Probably one of the most sickening things I have seen regarding our freedoms and rights.
  17. Lucafu1

    New NL Pure 14x52

    Thanks for the feedback!
  18. Lucafu1

    New NL Pure 14x52

    Yeah I was gonna order but November is what I heard. I am gonna wait. I keep hearing they're great though.
  19. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    That sounds like the FFL you use is doing that because they want to and not because it's a requirement. My neighbor is a FFL so I pick his brain when I see him about my transfers but I would never trust anyone on the internet. You can download the pdf below if you want. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.azleg.gov/Briefs/Senate/ARIZONA'S%20CONCEALED%20CARRY%20LAWS%202022.PDF&ved=2ahUKEwjW6tmXj_WHAxXlGEQIHTC6EjcQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1mTljvc0vIQec5L3cecmV3
  20. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    That is incorrect. No background check is done for a CCW holder. You fill out paperwork and it gets filed.
  21. Lucafu1

    Mayor of Mesa

    Exactly. I dont vote for someone's character, but I do vote for the person who will be preserve the freedoms that I still have and the interest that I care about.
  22. Lucafu1

    Mayor of Mesa

    Or he was trying to be funny 😁
  23. Lucafu1

    Mayor of Mesa

    I can definitely agree and respect that, but I cannot understand how someone can support her (if you align yourself with the right). I get that you hate someone that much but I would think that you just wouldn't vote or write a name in. Endorsing her is crazy to me.
  24. Lucafu1

    Hearing protection for the shot?

    Just because an argument gets "old" doesn't make it invalid. Another reason why i dont like it is because i hate paying for something and not having it in my hands. Thats the exact reason why I haven't purchased the NL 14s yet. I don't want to wait till November. The $200 tax is just icing on the cake. You better believe if they got rid of the stupid process that there currently is that I'll have suppressors falling out of my butt as i walk. In fact by your original thought (sorry, not yours but MogollonMan's), I think I am the one that is furthering the cause to get things changed by NOT doing what they want and kissing the ATF boot. Again, that is how I see things. I think it should be a right. If I have to go to a FFL and fill out a quick form to get it then that's okay, I can compromise. Some people can't or won't and that's okay too.