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Everything posted by Lucafu1

  1. Lucafu1

    Let's hear it vehicle options for momma ?

    ford f150 supercrew w/ 5.0 v8
  2. Lucafu1

    PointGuard, good idea or money making scam?

    would you take a "high five" and a sack of rusty door knobs?
  3. Lucafu1

    36A Nov 4th-10th

    you can pretty much go anywhere in the unit and find deer. its hard to find the big ones (for me atleast). i know where a big 4 pointer hangs out (if he is still alive). Ive been close to him out of season but when i go hunting i can never find him. i usually hunt 36A every year with the family but ill be in 32 this year looking for coues but mainly for sheep.
  4. Lucafu1

    Savage Model 11 7mm-08 w/ Accutrigger

    Replied. Thank you.
  5. Lucafu1

    P&Y pending world record

    Very cool picture!
  6. Lucafu1

    Leftover deer tags

    Same here!
  7. Lucafu1

    Do apps need to go in mail today

    i also put in for 32. never been in that unit but ill be there anyways trying to get some scouting in for december so i might as well try and get a deer tag
  8. i shoot 64gr whatever. works good out of every 1to9 twist rifle ive had. shot a javalina at 445 yds last hunt. .223 is my favorite caliber.
  9. Lucafu1

    37A or 31/32

    I still cant believe i got drawn. Cant wait to find out what unit.
  10. Lucafu1

    Two sheep tags double the fun!

    thats cool. i too was drawn and so was my wife's boss. it funny cause we both put in for the same unit. weird.
  11. Lucafu1

    37A or 31/32

    thank you. wow those horns look cool.
  12. Lucafu1

    37A or 31/32

    thank you!