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About ArcheryHunter

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  • Birthday 01/25/1978

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  • Location
    Phoenix Az area
  • Interests
    Reading Gods word and growing closer to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, Archery, Firearms. I have a AR Velocity Bow. I carry a Kimber 1911 45 acp and my favorite rifle is my Dragonov or the "PSL to the more aware".

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  1. ArcheryHunter

    hunting info on 34B

    Good luck man. Thanks for serving. I will e in 35A. I'll be out opening morning! The only Chevy Metro with a big CouesWHitetail sticker on it!
  2. ArcheryHunter

    Inverter Broadhead now in stock!

    I got this pack of broadheads supper fast! I don't remevber if it was one or two days but when it came I was so surprised. They seem really nice. I have to practice withthe more to see how they fly at multiple ranges but so far so good. I will be buying more products from this store with shipping this fast! Thanks Amanda!!!!
  3. Ok I bought one. IMO Luepold needs to take this back to the drawing board. I am certainly taking mine back for a handheld rangefinder. There is two major issues with it. 1st the adjustments are way to hard. I watched the guy at the pro shop sight it in and it took him 90 min. It has a laser for you to checj and see if it got bumped off before your hunt. The problem is that the laser is SO weak that you cant see it unless it is PERFECT conditions. So it was sighted in the pro shop range at 20 yards and it was tightended down good. After shooting it a few times it was off and you can't tell how to adjust it because of the weak laser. You would want to check it before each hunt but cant because of the crapy laser on this 300 dollar rangfinder. Also the cheap rascals didn't even included tape for the activator button. In short If Luepold fixes the weak laser and difficult adjustment this will be great but as of now its a hassel. Oh and Luepold why did you release it so soon before archery season? Not enough time for hunters to be confident with this new toy. Oh I forgot you cant see the digit readout if the sun is behind you. I think Im gonna exchange it for the nikon 550.
  4. ArcheryHunter

    Hunting out of a blind

    Good posts fellas. I have 3 days of hunting coming up this August. I am going to sit in a blind the first day. If i have no luck I may post up somewhere. I was in one last year for one day. After reading this post I see now that we must have stood out pretty bad. We had no brush around us at all. We had a coyote come in to drink at 20 yrds and he busted us because the canvas was shaking with the wind. I was being taken out by a guy that I just met so I din't want to tell him that I had a better idea. He was so nice to take me out. The other issue that hasn't been addressed yet is the temps can feel higher in a blind depending on air flow. I also have built a blind with my son here in MAricopa Az just out of brush. I use it to call Coyotes. I put a pair ofboxers and socks that I have wore in it for a week or two to get then used to my scent. Thats a time when i could not afford scent blocker. Just my 2 cents.
  5. ArcheryHunter

    Mule deer hunter has a choice to make.....

    I wish I could point you in a good direction. I am newish to the state and just found my first coues hole. Everyone I saw was a spike there so if you are going for trophies it wont be good. Since it will be my first buck I am stake hunting . I had 2 day to hunt last year and I got real happy about the 3 days I am having this august. BUT 3 WEEKS I think im gonna throw up . It is hard for me to get the days off I want because we are Union and it goes but senority. Have a great time man!
  6. ArcheryHunter

    bow hunter happening

    It would have been a first for me. I had too much homework though. I will be there next year for sure!
  7. So they didn't have a rep there explaining it? Thats not cool. Here is an instructional video on installing the rangefinder and sighting it in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoxQCxZeWfQ The 2nd part is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMGlVCT6EF8
  8. OOPS I meant this friday July 30th. I am focused on my Aug archery huntt so i have aug on the brain.
  9. I am going to buy one this friday aug 30th . I found Bass Pro Shops to be a great help. They didn't have any in stock so TJ at the archery shop called around to dif stores and got one sent from a store in Luisianna and it will be here in two days! BAss pro shops has always been very helpful to me. TJ always goes the extra mile! I can't find any reviews on the web that include range testing and real world examples because it is so new. IMO Leupold dropped the ball in that dept because this product is so revolutionary and a breakthrough in the norm that they average bowhunter is going to be cautious. Thats the reason I will do a review and even get some video on my August archery hunt. I post IMO opionion soon.
  10. ArcheryHunter

    What do you wear on your feet for a stalk?

    WOW what a great idea. Nice anti tracking method too. Do you cut them to the form of your shoe? How do you secure them? Any pics? Thanks
  11. ArcheryHunter

    Inverter Broadhead test #2 Cinder Block

    I asked Amanda about the quality of the flight and accuracy and she said that she heard they were great. I'll take her word on it. I just ordered one pack for my August archery hunt!
  12. Send me an email to FamilyJoyoftheLord@hotmail.com I would like to know more and what area you are in.
  13. ArcheryHunter

    WTB Compound bow

    cant figure out how to delete this old post?
  14. ArcheryHunter

    2 Korean K1 Gas Masks

    COME ON, Where are all of the conspiracy theorists when you need one. Hey, there could be a need for these babies and you wll need one. LOL FLEXIBLE with the price
  15. ArcheryHunter

    Hoyt Trykon 75th Aniversary Bow

    Hang in there bro. I had a double fusion surgery on my lower back L45 and L5S1 two years ago. I sold a 4x4 and a john boat because I never thought I could get in em again. Today i walk 3-5 miles per day and workout regularly at the gym. You may recover. Keep hope and NEVER quit. I'll pray for ya. I started shooting archery While I was was hurt and set the bow to 50lbs. Im now at 65. Don't get me wrong I dunno your situation. I do know how life changing events are for sure. Im rooting for you.