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Everything posted by detox

  1. detox

    1st archery coues!

    Great Story...Great Buck...Thanks for sharing your hunt! detox
  2. detox

    best pics yet

  3. detox

    Gunna Go Postal!

    I agree. If a little camera flash spooks game then what would lightening do to them? Here is a tip I use in placing my cameras. When placing your trail camera to watch a rub line or scrape you should elevate the camera well above the eyelevel of the animal and have it looking down on the desired area. A flash coming from above will not bother these wary critters as much as if was at eye level. It is believed that the flash coming from above is similar to lightning and does not scare the bucks. This also applies to the IR flash cameras. It seems to work. I have thousands of night pictures of the same few deer over the last year and a half. Now if I can get them to show up in day light during archery season in a completely different story detox
  4. detox

    Cropped Pic

    Thank you. Now, I don't feel like a total loser... Enjoy your day, detox
  5. detox

    Cropped Pic

    Here is a cropped picture of the one in the August Trail Cam contest. Don't forget to vote detox
  6. detox

    Gunna Go Postal!

    "YOU TOUCHA MY STUFF... I BREAKA YOUR FACE" I saw this bumper stick and thought it would be good for a trail cam. detox
  7. detox

    Cropped Pic

    I was told that I appear too desperate... Oh well, I have no shame detox
  8. Un-freakin-believable Best of luck to all that get the chance to take down this monster Enjoy... detox
  9. detox

    Heres some pics from this last week

    Great Pics!!! Thanks for sharing... detox
  10. detox


    Pretty Cool. Thanks for sharing... detox
  11. detox

    PSE Bowhunting Madness M-C bow

    Bump for a Great bow at a Great price... detox
  12. detox

    Couple of velvet bucks

    Great Job. Congrats. detox
  13. detox

    my first deer with a bow

    Congratulations on your first Coues with a bow. Thanks for sharing. detox
  14. detox

    AZ Archery Monsters

    All I can say is: WOW detox
  15. detox

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    Well, I was out opening morning for Archery deer just sitting in my stand and all I could hear were Predator Calls coming from opposite sides of my stand for the first 2 hours of daylight. What do you know, the bear hunters were out in full force. I meet a few of them on the mountain that weekend and what a great group of guys. It all comes with the territory. You can scout all you want but, on opening day anything can happen. At least I still have December. Best of luck, detox
  16. Congrats on an fantastic archery Coues!!! detox
  17. detox

    2010 Archery Coues buck

    Congrats on your first archery buck. I think I have him on one of my trail cameras. detox
  18. detox

    What are you doing in my spot?

    You bet! Good luck to you as well. detox
  19. Hey this is my spot... I hope this guy comes around next week. Good luck to all next week, detox
  20. detox

    What are you doing in my spot?

    No, it's just a rock.
  21. detox

    which bow companys best

    That's a tough one... Let me think about it... detox
  22. If the AZ Game Fish are not going to let me hunt elk this year at least get me my money back. detox