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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    2025 HAM hunt

    Awesome - great to have the kids with you! I'm headed down to Patagonia this weekend. I'm sure they will be laying low with this cold and wind moving in.
  2. Sam

    RTIC 30 can cooler- broken zipper FREE

    PM sent - I'll try to fix it.
  3. Sam

    Tanners Junior Elk Hunt

    So exciting for all of those boys! I remember those days. Great video.
  4. I know this is a long shot. I'm looking for a Thompson Center New Englander. Does anyone have one that they would be interested in selling? I have a Seneca, Hawken, Renegade and New Englander. I am most accurate with the New Englander. The other models are great, but I don't really like the double trigger set up. I am looking for another New Englander for a family member. Just seeing if anyone has one taking up space. Thanks!
  5. Sam

    WTB T/C New Englander 50 Cal

    Great to meet you Ed. Thanks so much for the New Englander, we are looking forward to shooting it. Always great to talk with a fellow educator. All the best.
  6. Sam

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    What an incredible hunt! Congratulations to AJ on a great bull. He will remember this forever - the hard work and excitement of successful hunt never comes easy. And even better to have his dad and grandfather on the hunt......Hats off to Chris for helping this dream come true.
  7. Sam

    Idaho Moose-Once in a lifetime hunt

    What a great looking moose. I have taken 2 moose up in Alaska, both DIY. But man that makes my 50 inch moose look small. Tons of great meat. I was lucky to have a friend's house to butcher and freeze the meat before flying home. Made things a little easier.
  8. Sam

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    Two outstanding bucks. What a great hunt.
  9. Sam

    Idaho Moose-Once in a lifetime hunt

    Congratulations to your buddy - what a great hunt to share with him. Agree, moose meat is great. I think it tastes better because of all the work involved with getting one broken down and into the freezer.
  10. My dad liked to collect bows. I have 2 bows and that is plenty. But he had about 20. Seeing if anyone is interested in some Oneida Bows. These are smooth shooting bows and have somewhat of a niche following. Here are the models and some pictures. Open to offers. H250 Black Eagle Black Eagle Black Eagle Black Eagle Eagle Lite Force Magnum Eagle Screaming Eagle Stealth Eagle - sold
  11. Sorry, I have not updated this add. All have sold except the first three that are pictured. The 3 older Black Eagles.
  12. Sam

    How much meat?

    After some arthroscopic surgeries, my knees aren't in great shape. Too much skiing and trail running in my youth. I have read about the benefits of drinking bone broth and taking collagen supplements. Did your doctor suggest taking both? I'm curious if just the collagen tablets by them self would have the same benefits.
  13. Sam

    Spring Tags?

    Leftover tag arrived yesterday.
  14. Congrats on a nice deer and always great to be with family.
  15. Complete set of the Old West Collection from Time Life Books. All 26 books are in great shape. $120. 56th street and Bell
  16. Selling 4 stoves all in good shape. Prices range from $15 to $25. They are marked with blue tape on the stove. The 2 red lanterns are from 1967 and are $50 each. The green lantern is $20. The gray dual fuel is $10 and is missing the globe. The 2 propane lanterns are $15 each. The heater is $20 and has never been used. Located at 56th street and Bell. Will be having a garage sale Saturday morning.
  17. Sam

    2 Extension Ladders - Sold

    Sounds good. Send me a text to let me know when you want to pick them up. Iā€™m actually home today.
  18. Two 16 foot extension ladders. $30 each. Location 56th street and Bell
  19. Hitch and sway bars were used on 19 foot Nomad trailer. Bars are made by Reese and the hitch is made by Quality S. Not sure on the weight capacity. $75 for the set or hitch only for $45. Hitch has a solid shank and riser, not hollow. Greenway and 56th street.
  20. Sam

    Tractor Seat Stool -SOLD

    Three legged stool still available.......$60
  21. Tractor seat stool with milk can - $60 each or both for $100 OBO - SOLD Tractor seat stool with 3 legs. Nice character and welds. - $60 SOLD Milk can - 24 inches - $40 - SOLD Tractor Seat - $25 - SOLD Located at 56st and Bell. I work off of 83rd Ave and Bell and can meet during the week.
  22. Sam

    Tractor Seat Stool -SOLD

    All PMs returned. Milk can sold pending meet up. Everything else still available.
  23. Sam

    2024 solo coues

    What a great day. So many things happen when you least expect. Beautiful buck. Congrats!
  24. Old Town Discovery 158. Classic canoe, but still made today. Weighs 85 pounds and is 15ā€™ 8ā€ long. I can carry this myself. We used this on the trout lakes up north. Mainly used our aluminum fishing boat, so this never saw too much use. No leaks or deep scratches. Some surface scuff marks that can easily be buffed out. Comes with 3 sets of oars, motor mount, wicker seat and fold up anchor. Asking $450. Bell and 56th street.