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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Sam

    Eye Doctor for diabetic

    My dad needs to see an ophthalmologist pretty badly. He has diabetes and this complicates things when it comes to eye doctors. Old age and poor health is beginning to takes its toll. Just wondering if anyone has a recommendation. Thanks.
  2. Sam

    Eye Doctor for diabetic

    Thanks, I'll let him know.
  3. Sam

    Friends Matter

    Glad she felt up to hunting. Avoiding gluten will help alot of people feel better. Great deer!
  4. Sam


    Not a 2nd thought needed.
  5. Sam

    My 1st Wyoming antelope

    What a great hunt. Congrats on a getting it done with a pistol and for having a tough as nails kid.
  6. Sam

    Wife’s first hunt

    Congratulations to the whole family!
  7. Sam

    Got my archery bull

    Great looking bull!
  8. Sam

    Not AZ/NM...

    Way to go - that is a huge accomplishment with a longbow. I grew up shooting a recurve, no sights. Yep, 40 yards was about the limit.
  9. Sam

    My First Archery Anything... and My First Bull

    Congrats. And you're right about seeing animals while scouting and then coming up with a plan that works.
  10. Sam

    free female Doberman, 7 mos old, good pup...

    Looks like they both have an amazing life together
  11. Sam

    2nd DIY AK Moose Hunt

    I had an opportunity to do my 2nd DIY moose hunt in Alaska this year. I traveled to a remote village with an old friend and we spent 6 days with our friends who live in this village. It is always important to be reminded of what it is like to live in the bush and realize how challenging life can really be. This is a special place. But, sometimes the wrong kind of people are discovering these areas. We see how trophy hunters and a few guides have caused quite a disruption to the way of life up here. It is not uncommon to see hindquarters sitting in the sun on a pallet at the airport. Chunks of meat dirty and rotting away. Some guys go out to areas for the sole purpose of shooting a 60 plus inch moose. The problem is that these big bulls need to be left to breed another season. Not to mention, the meat on big musky bulls has to be hung for at least a week in order to get rid of all the smell from testosterone running through their bodies. Most people don't have this kind of time. So leaving a hunt with a 40 to 50 inch bull is okay with me. It equals great meat and a respectable rack. But, most importantly, respect from the locals........ Day 1 - Rain all day, no live bulls seen. Day 2 - Sunny all day. 13 bulls seen. 5 cows seen. One bigger bull passed up due the difficult of the pack out. Three of us in the boat and we are all over 50 realizing our limitations we decided to look for something closer to the river. We spotted a bull feeding in the shallows of the side channel. As we got closer I decided it was a nice bull. I raised the 375 Ultra mag and shot him in the lungs, between 2 ribs. Bull ran and we saw the pink blood. He turned to go into the willows, so I shot again and hit him low in the front leg. He turned again and ran into the main channel. He is running like he was not hit. I waited for him to exit the river and shot him in the head. The last thing we wanted was for him to travel into the wilderness. But, at the same time, you do not want a bull dead in the river. Well, instead of him dropping on the shore, he flew backwards into the river. Trying to keep the motor out of the rocks, reaching for the bull and hanging on to antlers and not having a workable reverse all turned into a challenging situation really quickly. Two of us grabbed the bull, while our buddy controlled the boat and found a piece of shore a few hundred yards down river. Tied up the boat and used a come along to get the bull on shore. One guy working the come along and two of us pulling the moose and we could barely move it. We laid out some tarps and got to work. If you have never handled a moose, here is the break down into 10 manageable pieces - neck, brisket, rump, 2 sides of ribs, 2 front quarters, 2 hind quarters, head. Put all the meat in game bags and on a clean tarp in the boat and got back to the village at dark. Day 3 - Snowed all day and night. Started butchering that night. Day 4 - Snowed all day. Butchered and wrapped meat all day Day 5 - Finished butchering, wrapping and grinding meat. Day 6 - Flew back to Anchorage with 400 pounds of deboned meat. Stayed with another friend in Anchorage and filled up his spare freezer with the meat for the night. Day 7 - Flew back to Phoenix with the meat in totes lined with foam board. Each tote held 90 pound of meat. All the meat stayed completely frozen. My friend and I each lugged a soft cooler of 40 pounds of meat onto the plane. He gave me grief the whole time! Basic hunt. Nothing fancy. Just good, down to earth people and incredibly good meat.
  12. Sam

    NM Antelope updated story

    Congrats - great looking goat.
  13. Sam

    Nitto ridge grappler 265-75-16

    Dave - do you have an extra 285/70/17 laying around - I need a new spare.
  14. Sam


    Price lowered to $200.......new one was delivered yesterday. Need this gone.
  15. Sam


    Brown leather sectional. Seats, back and body are 100% pure leather. In good shape except for small wear area shown in picture. Non smoking home. Measures 100”x100”. Asking $200.
  16. Sam

    Free Wedding Crap (Decorations)

    Nice offer! Hope the wedding went well.
  17. Sam


    Price lowered to $400 OBO.
  18. Sam

    Parking Outside

    Looking for shade ideas. It is hard to watch a $40,000 truck sit in the sun all summer. Up until a few years ago, I have always parked my truck in the garage. Due to getting a bigger truck and daughter moving back home after college and other daughter home for the summer, my truck is baking outside. Has anyone had a carport type structure built in their driveway? I know it will look horrible, but, I don't have a place for shade trees due to my driveway going to the property line. It is 4 vehicles wide and I thought of cutting out part of the drive to make room for trees. But, given the drought, I'm not sure if I need more to water and I don't want to end up with a cracked driveway. Any suggestions - No, I am not making wife and daughter park outside, their vehicles are nicer than mine.
  19. Sam

    Parking Outside

    Thanks for the input everyone. No decision made on which route I am going to take, just more to think about.
  20. Our yellow female recently passed. Are the parents English or American/Field labs? Thanks.
  21. Sam

    Remington 870 20 gauge $375

    PM Sent
  22. Sam

    Parking Outside

    Thanks I will look into it. My old CJ 5 and 74 Blazer were way easier to fit in the garage and a fraction of the price.
  23. Sam

    Parking Outside

    56th street and the 101. I did not think about the permit issue. I thought since it was not attached to the house and it it was free standing, a permit would not be required. $2300 isn't too bad. I was hoping for around $1500. I am sure my neighbors will hate me. As will my wife. Anyone ever use a truck cover? Any recommendations?
  24. Sam

    Parking Outside

  25. Sam

    Hunting with glasses

    I am starting to wear my glasses more now as well. Need them for distance and crispness and they are helpful for night driving. I take them off to glass and to shoot through a scope. The worst part of wearing them is how they make rough roads look - every rock and dip looks bigger then what they actually are. Hiking with glasses is also hard to get used to.....actually, getting used to being in my mid 50s is somewhat challenging. Lasik was not an option years ago when I looked into it for a stigmatism. Maybe things have changed.