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Everything posted by Sam

  1. I think your set-up sounds great Travis. I'm just reluctant to change. Not that I'm a great hunter, I could use every advantage around. I guess I'm just stuck in my ways. Heck, I don't even have a cell phone. I never realized that 175 grain sabbot would only drop about 3 inches at 200 yards. One of these days, I would love to go on a primitive elk hunt. I just need to work less........especially in the fall. Sam
  2. Sam

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    Good point......I think the gene pool is diminishing in many species, including our own.
  3. Sam

    Arizona Wolves in the News

    This is a tough subject - it has always caused heated debates. This artlicle is a bit bias and one sided. The cattle industry has always had a big influence on management decisions within AZ. Sometimes too much. The ranchers deserve the opportunity to continue with their lively hood; however, a big portion of their grazing lands are leased from the government - state trust land and National forest lands. We can't manage them just for one group. This is just one more conflict that ranchers have to deal with - just like the drought and lower beef prices. It is unfortunate that cows are killed by wolves, but there are funds set aside to reimburse ranchers. However, AZ's deer and elk populations are also affected by the reintroduction of the Mexican Grey Wolf. Just look at the deer population in Unit 27 - this unit has wolves roaming through it and killing deer. Maybe we should we have left things up to Mother Nature and accepted things for what they are - no more wolves in AZ?? After all, mom's know best...........
  4. Sam

    Canyon Bucks

    Great country and two great bucks! I agree, it seems like the deer were a bit lower this year........
  5. What a great hunt. I agree with you that every hunt can turn up a good buck, and both of these are great bucks! That was a heck of a shot with your blackpowder........what caliber? My distance is about 100 yards. But, I'm pretty primitive - no scope, no sabots - just the basics. But then again I grew up shooting instinctively with the bow also......people think I'm crazy???? Sam
  6. Sam

    MY WIFE'S FIRST COUES ........

    Wow - that is such a great story. I shared it with my wife and kids and told them that I expect the same from them next year:).
  7. Sam

    I hope we didn't spoil him

    Spoiled, but not ruined. I agree, there is no better way to keep a kid excited about hunting. It took me quite a few years until I was successful.......
  8. Sam

    elk antler over my fireplace

    Great idea!
  9. Sam

    Courtney's second coues

    Wow! Great job! Congratulations to the young hunter. I wish my daughter had the ambition to backpack in 5 miles and set up a camp. I just showed her the pictures and she may think twice about working a little harder next year. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Congratulations. There were afew cold, nasty days this past weekend. Patience is the key. At least you were successful - me on the other hand, had alot of patience, but no deer in the freezer.
  11. Sam

    Late November Success

    Great write up. It must have been very exciting. You guys sure beat the odds on this hunt. Congrats to everyone!
  12. Sam

    Unit 36 A Nov 27th

    For five days, I hunted the Cerro Colorados hard. I saw some does, but no bucks. My brother in law saw a nice 3 point, but couldn't get a shot - of all places a few hundred yards off the road, close to a tank. He was too worn out to climb up high again, so he sat by a tank. I went back up the mountain. I glassed many hours, hiked high in the wee dark hours of the morning, walked edges of canyons in the high wind trying to jump a bedded buck - nothing. Sat out the rain and hail and a little snow early one morning. I shot one there two years ago, saw a few bucks while scouting this year, but being the 5th hunt, I think there was just too much pressure in 36A this year. Not to mention the 2 mule deer hunts. Very disappointing! I think this late November hunt is a joke. In 20 years of whitetail hunting, I have never had such a discouraging hunt. I'm not complaining, just pointing out that during this 10 year drought, there doesn't seem to be as many deer out there. Luckily, I have a little venison left from a mule deer last year.........Good luck to the December hunters.
  13. Sam


    Thanks for the nice thoughts. Now I have to say buy to my family and head off to look for some whitetails.....bound for 36A.
  14. Sam


    What a great way to get these boys hooked on hunting. Congrats to the kid that got the deer. The bigger buck must have been a dandy.
  15. Sam

    Unit 36 A Nov 27th

    I'll be down there with my brother in law. Green 2007 Jeep, off the Batamore ranch road. I agree, not as many deer as in years past. May move to another area after a day or two. Too many tags and not enough water.
  16. Seems like I always end up with extra garbage after every outing. I have a very hard time with seeing all the trash in our deserts and forests. I think the worst was a camp I came across in 5A a few years ago. A ripped dome tent that was blown under a log, a fly a few yards away - no stakes or poles? Plus beer bottles every where and a fold up toilet seat. I was amazed! Yes, I did clean everything up. I was glad my kids didn't see this. This is why I always have garbage bags in my truck. Sam
  17. Sam

    Ezras Coues

    Great job! Good luck on your elk hunt. I'll tell my daughter that 12 is the lucky number:).
  18. While scouting over the weekend, I came across a fawn which I believe was killed by a lion - based on the scat I found around the kill. It was not torn apart, but it was fed upon pretty much to the bone. Seemed fresh, the intestines were still around. If it was a lion kill, do you think other deer in the canyon will be driven away from the area? Or will deer still be in the area if it is part of their home range.? I used hunt a canyon in unit 27 and always saw alot of deer. Then one year, no deer were to be found. I couldn't figure out what happened, water and food sources were the same - then one morning, I saw a lion in that same canyon and assumed that the deer were driven away. Sam
  19. Sam

    Lion Kill

    These days, I will not pass up on shooting a lion. Over the years, I have let some lions live. But, there are too many things working against our state's deer populations. One less lion will help the cause. It would be a very successful hunt to come home with a buck and a lion. Tags are waiting to be filled.
  20. Sam

    New to site

    Nice job on a tough hunt. Wish my wife hunted.......
  21. Sam

    My 2009 Monster Muley!!!!!

    Exciting and well deserved! Beautiful deer.
  22. Sam

    Another Season Came and Went.

    Great deer! You are right about it being dry. Both of my reliable water sources in 36A are dry. There are still a few deer around, but I think they are traveling 2 plus miles to get water. Searched all last weekend for some hidden water, couldn't find any.
  23. Sam

    Lion Kill

    Interesting. Maybe the lion was hanging out by the tank, which discouraged deer from coming in. What time of year was it?
  24. Sam

    Lion Kill

    I hunt an area in Unit 27, and have had the same problem. At one time there were alot of deer and, one year, hardly anything. It is an area that is notorious for Lions as I always find alot of deer skulls. It didn't help matters when I happened to see a mexican gray wolf, and then found gobbs of wolf tracks in the sandy soil of the creek bottoms of two canyons. So true about the Mexican Gray wolf. I know they have had an impact on the Unit 27 deer population. One of the biggest lions I have ever seen was in that unit. Wish I was able to get a shot off. There alot of big bucks in there, but, I haven't had a 27 tag for a number of years - maybe next year.
  25. Sam

    Lion Kill

    I agree. A lion will do alot of damage to a healthy deer population really quick.